Eighty-two of 85 patients who had sustained a fracture of the waist of the scaphoid in 1985 were reviewed more than one year after injury. The incidence of nonunion, defined as a clear gap at the
1. Intramedullary nailing in two-level tibial fractures provides the following advantages: it allows walking with full weight-bearing in an average time ofthree to four months; it decreases the rate of non-union ; it decreases the rate of malunion ; it should decrease the rate of infection in closed fractures when compared with other types of internal fixation, due to the technique of blind nailing without exposure of the
1. A method is described of demonstrating in vivo the utilisation of radioactive sulphur. 35. and of radioactive phosphorus. 32. during bone growth and repair. 2. The relationship between labelled chondroitin sulphuric acid and labelled phosphate complexes has been studied, the importance and significance of vascularity and the localisation of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase being noted. 3. It was found that bone growth by external accretion, both epiphysial and periosteal, was accompanied by an increased utilisation of radioactive chondroitin sulphuric acid and calcium phosphate complexes. 4. During repair in a
In 1980, we developed a specially designed brace for treating supracondylar fractures of the humerus in children, along with an easy and safe technique of reduction by skeletal traction. This method, which takes into consideration only the medial tilting and anterior angulation of the distal fragment, achieves complete reduction, ignoring any lateral, posterior and minor rotational displacements of the fragment. Skeletal traction is applied through a screw inserted into the olecranon and the angulation at the
We conducted a retrospective analysis of 94 children with fractures of the distal third of the radius, with or without ulnar fractures, treated by primary closed reduction and plaster. The overall failure rate of 29% was due mainly to irreducibility, inability to maintain reduction and eventual limitation of forearm rotation. Age, sex and severity of angulation were not significant, but the direction of angulation and the degree of translation at either the radial or the ulnar
1. Seven cases of infection following medullary nailing of the femur have been studied. 2. Points in the diagnosis of nail track infection are emphasised, especially periosteal reaction. 3. It is felt that a sinograph is an essential part of the investigation and can be useful to assess progress. 4. The principles of treatment of established nail track infection are: adequate drainage of the
We reviewed 67 consecutive patients with fractures of the coracoid process, classifying them by the relationship between the
We reviewed 28 children with unilateral middle-third fractures of the femoral shaft who had an angular deformity after union of 10 degrees to 26 degrees. At an average follow-up of 45 months (20 to 66), we measured remodelling of the proximal physis, the distal physis and the femoral shaft. The average correction was 85% of the initial deformity. We found that 74% of correction occurred at the physes and only 26% at the
We treated 110 fractures of the middle third of the clavicle in 108 patients aged between 14 and 66 years, by fixation with 2 mm Kirschner wires. The wire was introduced, using an air drill and a telescoping guide, from the medial into the lateral fragment. The medial end of the wire which perforated the anterior cortex of the medial fragment was bent backwards to prevent migration into the lung or mediastinum. In cases of nonunion and acute fracture in which a bone gap was present, bone graft was laid around the
Twenty-six children conservatively treated for fracture of the femoral shaft have been reviewed with regard to differences in limb length seven to ten years after the injury. In nine patients the clinical measurements were checked against radiographic measurements of both femora and tibiae. The following conclusions were reached. Nearly two-thirds of the patients had overgrowth of the femur of 10 millimetres or more. Shortening of 15 to 20 millimetres at the
Distal radial fractures are common in children. Recent outcome studies have cast doubt on the success of treatment by closed reduction and application of plaster. The most important risk factor for poor outcome is translation of the fracture. If a distal radial fracture is displaced by more than half the diameter of the bone at the
This study was designed to compare the rigidity of the more commonly used techniques of internal fixation of fractures of the olecranon. Cadaveric elbow joints were mounted in a jig and controlled osteotomies performed to simulate transverse, oblique or comminuted fractures. Five techniques of internal fixation were tested by measuring movement at the
The off-loading characteristics of the cast-braces of 30 patients with fractures of the shaft of the femur have been investigated, during axial loading, using strain-gauge transducers. These were applied at the level of the fracture, where the cast was circumferentially split, and to the hinges of the brace at the knee. They measured the load transferred between the two portions of the thigh cast, and between the thigh cast as a whole and the below-knee cast; by subtraction from the total load on the limb, the skeletal force at the fracture level and at the knee could be calculated. In all patients there was an increase in the fracture load as union progressed which was thought to be due to physiological feedback mechanism from the
We studied the effect of 'dynamisation' on tibial fractures in six patients treated by the Dynamic Axial Fixator. In the early stages, peak cyclic movement at two to four weeks averaged 0.75 mm (0.19 to 1.02) on the medial side of the bone and 0.86 mm (0.21 to 1.25) on the lateral side. The amount of movement correlated with the applied load and the fracture stiffness. After unlocking the fixator column at six weeks, progressive closure of the gap averaged 1.3 mm (0.1 to 3.5). Cyclic movement is produced by early weight-bearing with the fixator column locked. Progressive closure occurs after unlocking the column, and is often associated with a reduction in cyclic movements. The effects of dynamisation on movement at the
The quantification of local bone blood flow in man has not previously been possible, despite its importance in the study of normal and pathological bone. We report the use of positron emission tomography, using 15O-labelled water, to measure bone blood flow in patients with closed unilateral fractures of the tibia. We compared fractured and unfractured limbs; alterations in blood flow paralleled those found in animal models. There was increased tibial blood flow at the
We reviewed and radiographed 30 skeletally-mature patients after isolated closed femoral shaft fractures in childhood which had been treated conservatively. When the fracture had occurred between the ages of 7 and 13 years, the limb overgrew about 1 cm regardless of sex, upper limb dominance, age,
Surgical treatment of hip fracture is challenging; the bone is porotic and fixation failure can be catastrophic. Novel implants are available which may yield superior clinical outcomes. This study compared the clinical effectiveness of the novel X-Bolt Hip System (XHS) with the sliding hip screw (SHS) for the treatment of fragility hip fractures. We conducted a multicentre, superiority, randomized controlled trial. Patients aged 60 years and older with a trochanteric hip fracture were recruited in ten acute UK NHS hospitals. Participants were randomly allocated to fixation of their fracture with XHS or SHS. A total of 1,128 participants were randomized with 564 participants allocated to each group. Participants and outcome assessors were blind to treatment allocation. The primary outcome was the EuroQol five-dimension five-level health status (EQ-5D-5L) utility at four months. The minimum clinically important difference in utility was pre-specified at 0.075. Secondary outcomes were EQ-5D-5L utility at 12 months, mortality, residential status, mobility, revision surgery, and radiological measures.Aims
We assessed factors which may affect union in 32 patients with nonunion of a fracture of the diaphysis of the femur and 67 comparable patients whose fracture had united. These included gender, age, smoking habit, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) the type of fracture (AO classification), soft-tissue injury (open or closed), the type of nail, the mode of locking, reaming v non-reaming, infection, failure of the implant, distraction at the
We treated 39 patients with fractures of the humeral shaft by closed retrograde locked intramedullary nailing, using Russell-Taylor humeral nails. The mean healing time of all fractures was 13.7 weeks. After consolidation, shoulder function was excellent in 92.3% and elbow function excellent in 87.2%. Functional end-results were excellent in 84.6% of patients, moderate in 10.3% and bad in 5.1%. One patient had a postoperative radial nerve palsy, which recovered within three months. There was additional comminution at the
Thirty-five patients (28 children and seven adults) were reviewed six months to 22 years after sustaining the common childhood fracture of the intercondylar eminence of the tibia. The aim was to assess both short-term and long-term results and prognosis by clinical and radiological examination and to discover whether conservative treatment was adequate for those severe fractures where a fragment of the tibial crest had been totally displaced. All the less severe fractures and 14 of the 17 severe fractures were treated conservatively. Early improvement occurred in more patients when the knee was immobilised in extension rather than in flexion, but long-term results were similar. Seven patients had slight discomfort, two of whom had had operative treatment. Radiographs of all patients showed a projection at the