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The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 80-B, Issue 4 | Pages 737 - 742
1 Jul 1998
Suseki K Takahashi Y Takahashi K Chiba T Yamagata M Moriya H

It has been thought that lumbar intervertebral discs were innervated segmentally. We have previously shown that the L5-L6 intervertebral disc in the rat is innervated bilaterally from the L1 and L2 dorsal root ganglia through the paravertebral sympathetic trunks, but the pathways between the disc and the paravertebral sympathetic trunks were unknown. We have now studied the spines of 17 rats to elucidate the exact pathways. We examined serial sections of the lumbar spine using immunohistochemistry for calcitonin gene-related peptide, a sensory nerve marker. We showed that these nerve fibres from the intervertebral disc ran through the sinuvertebral nerve into the rami communicantes, not into the corresponding segmental spinal nerve. In the rat, sensory information from the lumbar intervertebral discs is conducted through rami communicantes. If this innervation pattern applies to man, simple decompression of the corresponding nerve root will not relieve discogenic pain. Anterior interbody fusion, with the denervation of rami communicantes, may be effective for such low back pain

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 93-B, Issue 10 | Pages 1400 - 1404
1 Oct 2011
Lee C Chung SS Shin S Park S Lee H Kang K

We examined the differences in post-operative functional disability and patient satisfaction between 56 patients who underwent a lumbar fusion at three or more levels for degenerative disease (group I) and 69 patients, matched by age and gender, who had undergone a one or two level fusion (group II). Their mean age was 66 years (49 to 84) and the mean follow-up was 43 months (24 to 65). The mean pre-operative Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and visual analogue scale (VAS) for back and leg pain, and the mean post-operative VAS were similar in both groups (p >  0.05), but post-operatively the improvement in ODI was significantly less in group I (40.6%) than in group II (49.5%) (p < 0.001). Of the ten ODI items, patients in group I showed significant problems with lifting, sitting, standing, and travelling (p < 0.05). The most significant differences in the post-operative ODI were observed between patients who had undergone fusion at four or more levels and those who had undergone fusion at less than four levels (p = 0.005). The proportion of patients who were satisfied with their operations was similar in groups I and II (72.7% and 77.0%, respectively) (p = 0.668). The mean number of fused levels was associated with the post-operative ODI (r = 0.266, p = 0.003), but not with the post-operative VAS or satisfaction grade (p > 0.05). Post-operative functional disability was more severe in those with a long-level lumbar fusion, particularly at four or more levels, but patient satisfaction remained similar for those with both long- and short-level fusions

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 42-B, Issue 3 | Pages 565 - 569
1 Aug 1960
McCormack MP

A case of chordoma affecting the first lumbar vertebra is reported, with comments on its situation, diagnosis and treatment

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 36-B, Issue 2 | Pages 230 - 237
1 May 1954
Verbiest H

1. A clinical condition is described in which there are symptoms of compression of the caudal nerve roots on standing or walking, but not at rest. Seven cases are reported. 2. Myelography showed a block in the lumbar region in every case. 3. At operation narrowing of the spinal canal in part of its lumbar course was found. 4. The nature of the abnormality is discussed. It is suggested that the narrowing is due to encroachment on the spinal canal by the articular processes

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 70-B, Issue 5 | Pages 717 - 722
1 Nov 1988
Szypryt E Twining P Wilde G Mulholland R Worthington B

Forty-two consecutive patients with suspected lumbar disc protrusions were studied prospectively to compare the diagnostic accuracy of low-field strength MRI with that of radiculography. Thirty patients subsequently underwent surgical exploration at 33 levels and the operative findings were compared to both methods of diagnostic imaging. All patients had MRI studies, whilst 29 patients also had radiculography. Both studies were evaluated without prior knowledge of the clinical signs, operative findings or the results of other imaging techniques. MRI predicted the correct diagnosis in 29 of the 33 levels explored, an accuracy of 88%. All discs proven to be abnormal demonstrated a reduced signal from the nucleus pulposus. There were two false positive results and two doubtful cases but no false negatives. Radiculography predicted the correct diagnosis in 24 of 32 levels explored, an accuracy of 75%. There were two false positive results, five doubtfuls and one false negative. The overall accuracy when both tests were considered rose to 94%. Of the remaining 12 patients all except one showed good correlation between the MRI and radiculographic findings. These results indicate that low field strength MRI is slightly better than radiculography in diagnosing lumbar disc protrusions

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 53-B, Issue 4 | Pages 609 - 616
1 Nov 1971
Jackson RK

1. The results of wide laminectomy of the fifth lumbar vertebra and disc excision in 132 patients are reviewed and compared with some published results of the interlaminar operation. 2. There was no significant difference in either the immediate or the long-term results of the two operations suggesting that post-operative morbidity was not related to operative technique. 3. The incidence of post-operative back pain was found to increase with age at operation, duration of pre-operative symptoms and length of follow-up, and supported the impression that backache is predominantly a feature of the underlying degenerative process rather than the incidental operation. 4. The significance of recurrent disc lesions is discussed. Recurrence usually occurred at the previously cleared disc space and was thought to indicate incomplete degeneration of the disc at the time of the original operation. 5. The place of fusion combined with disc excision is discussed. No reliable indications for coincident fusion were found in this series. 6. The value of radiography is discussed. Plain radiographs were essential before operation to exclude other causes of backache and sciatica; otherwise they were of little value. Motion radiographs were no more helpful and myelography was used only when the level of the lesion was in doubt. 7. The risk of an acute cauda equina lesion following manipulation of a prolapsed lumbar disc is noted and the danger of manipulation, unless facilities for emergency surgery are available, is stressed

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 41-B, Issue 2 | Pages 270 - 278
1 May 1959
Law WA

1. The indications for correction of severe rigid kyphosis by lumbar osteotomy are described. 2. The fatal complications in a series of a hundred cases are listed. With more experience of this operation they should be considerably reduced. 3. Among the non-fatal complications the low incidence of recurrence of the deformity severe enough to require further operation is noteworthy

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 59-B, Issue 2 | Pages 173 - 180
1 May 1977
Eisenstein S

Direct measurements were made on 2,166 lumbar vertebrae of 433 adult negro and caucasoid skeletons. On statistical analysis, forty-five vertebrae in twenty-seven skeletons were found to be stenotic, the mid-sagittal diameter being the significantly reduced dimension. Whereas spinal stenosis syndromes are rare in South African negroes, the lumbar canal is marginally narrower in the negro. There is a uniformity of configuration and capacity of the lumbar spinal canal, which transcends race and sex. By a new method of determining the dorsal limit of the lumbar canal on lateral plain radiography, the overall average lower limit of normal of the mid-sagittal diameter is established at 15 millimetres, and of the transverse diameter 20 millimetres. Bony degenerative changes are more likely to cause neurological compression in the nerve root tunnel than in the spinal canal. The role of skeletal narrowing of the spinal canal as an exclusive cause of the spinal stenosis syndrome may have been exaggerated

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 63-B, Issue 3 | Pages 330 - 335
1 Aug 1981
Getty C Johnson Kirwan E Sullivan M

Seventy-eight patients who had been operated on for bony entrapment of lumbar nerve roots were studied in an attempt to define the clinical syndrome, and to assess the results of a new technique of decompression which preserves spinal stability. The mean age of the patients was 45 years and 28 of them had previously undergone spinal operations. Pain in the leg was the predominant symptom, with evidence of motor involvement in half of the patients. Signs of nerve root tension were found in only one-third of the patients. The principal factor in the aetiology was degenerative change in the posterior facet joints. Decompression was achieved by a partial undercutting facetectomy. Fifty-nine per cent of the patients obtained a "good" result and 85 per cent were satisfied with the result of their operation. Successful partial facetectomy for bony entrapment of lumbar nerve roots produced rapid and lasting relief of pain

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 55-B, Issue 3 | Pages 506 - 512
1 Aug 1973
Nelson MA

1. Nine patients with radiological evidence of narrowing of the lumbar spinal canal, proved at operation, are reviewed. 2. They presented with either a claudicant or a sciatic clinical picture. 3. A classification into primary or secondary spinal stenosis is described. The primary type may be due to a reduction in either the sagittal, coronal or both diameters of the spinal canal. 4. Secondary narrowing of the canal may be superimposed upon a primary anatomical abnormality or may cause narrowing in a previously normal canal. 5. The symptoms are thought to be caused by a further reduction in the size of an already narrow canal, producing traction on the nerve tissue, which is then unable to move freely

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 50-B, Issue 2 | Pages 261 - 265
1 May 1968
Keon-Cohen B

1. Four cases of abnormal arrangement of the lower lumbar and sacral nerves within the spinal canal are reported. 2. In all four cases the presentation was like that associated with acute lumbar disc protrusion, though in only two cases was a protrusion found at operation. 3. The significance of the findings is discussed and the findings are compared with those in the eighteen other recorded cases

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 50-B, Issue 3 | Pages 595 - 605
1 Aug 1968
Jones RAC Thomson JLG

The syndromes associated with a narrow lumbar spinal canal are described and discussed. In thirteen cases two main groups were evident, the larger group having mainly backache and root pain, the smaller group having intermittent claudication. A method of recognising the narrow spinal canal on plain radiographs is described, and a comparison made with normal controls. The findings at operation are reported and the importance is emphasised of making a wide laminectomy for decompression. Our thanks are due to the neurosurgeons of the South-West Neurosurgical Unit, Mr G. L. Alexander, Mr D. G. Phillips and Mr A. Hulme, who kindly allowed us full use of their clinical notes. We would also like to thank Mr G. Banham for the reproductions, Mr E. Turnbull for the drawing and the secretarial staff for their patient co-operation

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 36-B, Issue 4 | Pages 591 - 596
1 Nov 1954
Lamb DW

1. Seven cases of localised lumbar spine defects in children associated with low back pain are described. 2. The importance is emphasised of the recognition and differentiation of the condition from tuberculosis, which it may resemble both clinically and radiographically

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 82-B, Issue 4 | Pages 583 - 584
1 May 2000
Kaneko K Inoue Y

A total of 254 cases of synovial cysts of the spine have been reported in the English literature, but only eight have been associated with haemorrhagie. We describe a 55-year-old man with acute radiculopathy resulting from haemorrhage involving a synovial cyst at a lumbar facet joint. Traumatic factors could have caused bleeding around or into the synovial cyst. Treatment by resection of the cyst and evacuation of the haematoma led to complete neurological recovery

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 65-B, Issue 2 | Pages 199 - 203
1 Mar 1983
Adams M Hutton W

Forty-one cadaveric lumbar intervertebral joints from 18 spines were flexed and fatigue loaded to simulate a vigorous day's activity. The joints were then bisected and the discs examined. Twenty-three out of 41 of the discs showed distortions in the lamellae of the annulus fibrosus and, in a few of these, complete radial fissures were found in the posterior annulus

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 55-B, Issue 1 | Pages 7 - 19
1 Feb 1973
Newman PH

1. Some of the more common and obvious clinical syndromes arising from mechanical and degenerative derangements of the lumbar spine are defined. 2. Some principles in the selection of cases for surgical treatment are discussed and it is stressed how small a part operative intervention plays in the overall problem of low back derangement. 3. Details of surgical technique in the eight types of syndrome are described from past experience in the author's clinic, but not without recognition of the fluidity of this comparatively new field and its continuing evolution

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 68-B, Issue 3 | Pages 362 - 368
1 May 1986
Heywood A Meyers O

We report seven cases of patients with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis in whom involvement of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae occurred. Histological corroboration is presented in four. Pathological lesions comprised various combinations of paravertebral joint erosions, erosive discitis, anteroposterior and rotatory instability, major lumbar nerve root compression, and vertebral collapse. Specific radiological features are presented, enabling a distinction to be made between pure degenerative spondylosis and rheumatoid spondylitis. We submit that subcervical rheumatoid spondylitis is commoner than is generally believed, though less common than rheumatoid involvement of the cervical spine

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 64-B, Issue 5 | Pages 520 - 525
1 Dec 1982
Gumley G Taylor T Ryan M

Distraction fractures of the upper lumbar spine are most often associated with the wearing of seat-belts. Twenty patients with this spinal fracture were reviewed and half of them had intra-abdominal injuries. Eight patients required an exploratory laparotomy. Three distinct patterns of distraction fractures have been identified. Open reduction, local spinal fusion and Harrington instrumentation are recommended for unstable fractures and for those with neurological involvement. Four cases of non-union are included ln the series. Legislation for the compulsory wearing of seat-belts should encompass improvements in design and stricter criteria for installation

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 85-B, Issue 4 | Pages 531 - 534
1 May 2003
Murata Y Yamagata M Ogata S Shimizu K Ikeda Y Hirayama J Yamada H

In order to determine the influence of early ambulation and other factors on headaches occurring after lumbar myelography we randomised 207 patients (127 men and 80 women) into two groups. Following the investigation, we allowed the 101 patients (65 men and 36 women) in group A to sit or stand freely, while we confined the 106 patients (62 men and 44 women) in group B to bed for 20 hours. The nine patients in group B who could not maintain bed rest were excluded. There was no significant difference between the two groups as regards the prevalence of spinal headache (8.9% in group A v 14.4% in group B). Patients who reported headaches, however, were significantly more likely to be women (18.7%) than men (7.3%), be younger (mean age 45 years v 56 years), have a higher cerebrospinal pressure before removal of fluid (mean values 172 v 137 mm H. 2. O) and a lower systolic (mean values 120 v 134 mmHg) and diastolic blood pressure. We conclude that, although other factors may be associated with headaches, late ambulation is not effective in preventing spinal headaches after lumbar myelography

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 85-B, Issue 6 | Pages 871 - 874
1 Aug 2003
Morgan-Hough CVJ Jones PW Eisenstein SM

We present a review of 553 patients who underwent surgery for intractable sciatica ascribed to prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc. One surgeon in one institution undertook or supervised all the operations over a period of 16 years. The total number of primary discectomies included in the study was 531, of which 42 subsequently required a second operation for recurrent sciatica, giving a revision rate of 7.9%. Factors associated with reoperation were analysed. A contained disc protrusion was almost three times more likely to need revision surgery, compared with extruded or sequestrated discs. Patients with primary protrusions had a significantly greater straight-leg raise and reduced incidence of positive neurological findings compared with those with extruded or sequestrated discs. These patients should therefore be selected out clinically and treated by a more enthusiastic conservative programme, since they are three times more likely to require revision surgery