The long-term effects of metal-on-metal arthroplasty are currently under scrutiny because of the potential biological effects of metal wear debris. This review summarises data describing the release, dissemination, uptake, biological activity, and potential toxicity of metal wear debris released from alloys currently used in modern orthopaedics. The introduction of risk assessment for the evaluation of metal alloys and their use in arthroplasty patients is discussed and this should include potential harmful effects on immunity, reproduction, the kidney, developmental toxicity, the nervous system and carcinogenesis.
We developed a new porous scaffold made from a synthetic polymer, poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG), and evaluated its use in the repair of cartilage. Osteochondral defects made on the femoral trochlear of rabbits were treated by transplantation of the PLG scaffold, examined histologically and compared with an untreated control group. Fibrous tissue was initially organised in an arcade array with poor cellularity at the articular surface of the scaffold. The tissue regenerated to cartilage at the articular surface. In the subchondral area, new bone formed and the scaffold was absorbed. The histological scores were significantly higher in the defects treated by the scaffold than in the control group (p <
0.05). Our findings suggest that in an animal model the new porous PLG scaffold is effective for repairing full-thickness osteochondral defects without cultured cells and growth factors.
Post-traumatic arthritis is a frequent consequence of articular fracture. The mechanisms leading to its development after such injuries have not been clearly delineated. A potential contributing factor is decreased viability of the articular chondrocytes. The object of this study was to characterise the regional variation in the viability of chondrocytes following joint trauma. A total of 29 osteochondral fragments from traumatic injuries to joints that could not be used in articular reconstruction were analysed for cell viability using the fluorescence live/dead assay and for apoptosis employing the TUNEL assay, and compared with cadaver control fragments. Chondrocyte death and apoptosis were significantly greater along the edge of the fracture and in the superficial zone of the osteochondral fragments. The middle and deep zones demonstrated significantly higher viability of the chondrocytes. These findings indicate the presence of both necrotic and apoptotic chondrocytes after joint injury and may provide further insight into the role of chondrocyte death in post-traumatic arthritis.
We have undertaken a prospective clinical and radiological analysis of 124 shoulder arthroplasties (113 patients) carried out for osteoarthritis. The clinical results showed improvement in the absolute Constant score and the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons score of 22 and 43, respectively. Both were statistically significant (p <
0.001). There was no significant difference in the scores after hemiarthroplasty and total arthroplasty in those patients with an intact rotator cuff. When revision was used as the end-point for survival at ten years, survival of 86%, or 90% if glenoid components made of Hylamer sterilised in air were omitted, was obtained in primary osteoarthritis. The most common cause for revision in the hemiarthroplasty group was glenoid pain at a mean of 1.5 years; in the total arthroplasty group it was loosening of the glenoid at a mean of 4.5 years. Analysis of pre-operative factors showed that the risk of gross loosening of the glenoid increased threefold when there was evidence of erosion of the glenoid at operation. Shoulder arthroplasty should not be delayed once symptomatic osteoarthritis has been established and should be undertaken before failure of the cuff or erosion of the glenoid are present.
We have investigated Approximately 50% of the FGF-2 was released from the sealant within 24 hours while its original bioactivity was maintained. The implantation of the fibrin sealant incorporating FGF-2 successfully induced healing of the surface with hyaline cartilage and concomitant repair of the subchondral bone at eight weeks after the creation of the defect. Our findings suggest that this delivery method for FGF-2 may be useful for promoting regenerative repair of full-thickness defects of articular cartilage in humans.
We evaluated the concentrations of chromium and cobalt ions in blood after metal-on-metal surface replacement arthroplasty using a wrought-forged, high carbon content chromium-cobalt alloy implant in 64 patients. At one year, mean whole blood ion levels were 1.61 μg/L (0.4 to 5.5) for chromium and 0.67 μg/L (0.23 to 2.09) for cobalt. The pre-operative ion levels, component size, female gender and the inclination of the acetabular component were inversely proportional to the values of chromium and/or cobalt ions at one year postoperatively. Other factors, such as age and level of activity, did not correlate with the levels of metal ions. We found that the levels of the ions in the serum were 1.39 and 1.37 times higher for chromium and cobalt respectively than those in the whole blood. The levels of metal ions obtained may be specific to the hip resurfacing implant and reflect its manufacturing process.
Gene therapy with insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) increases matrix production and enhances chondrocyte proliferation and survival A total of 16 horses underwent arthroscopic repair of a single 15 mm cartilage defect in each femoropatellar joint. One joint received 2 × 107 AdIGF-1 modified chondrocytes and the contralateral joint received 2 × 107 naive (unmodified) chondrocytes. Repairs were analysed at four weeks, nine weeks and eight months after surgery. Morphological and histological appearance, IGF-1 and collagen type II gene expression (polymerase chain reaction, Genetic modification of chondrocytes significantly increased IGF-1 mRNA and ligand production in repair tissue for up to nine weeks following transplantation. The gross and histological appearance of IGF-1 modified repair tissue was improved over control defects. Gross filling of defects was significantly improved at four weeks, and a more hyaline-like tissue covered the lesions at eight months. Histological outcome at four and nine weeks post-transplantation revealed greater tissue filling of defects transplanted with genetically modified chondrocytes, whereas repair tissue in control defects was thin and irregular and more fibrous. Collagen type II expression in IGF-1 gene-transduced defects was increased 100-fold at four weeks and correlated with increased collagen type II immunoreaction up to eight months. Genetic modification of chondrocytes with AdIGF-1 prior to transplantation improved early (four to nine weeks), and to a lesser degree long-term, cartilage healing in the equine model. The equine model of cartilage healing closely resembles human clinical cartilage repair. The results of this study suggest that cartilage healing can be enhanced through genetic modification of chondrocytes prior to transplantation.