We prospectively evaluated the one- and seven-year results of the Weil osteotomy for the treatment of metatarsalgia with subluxed or dislocated metatarsophalangeal joints in 25 feet of 24 patients. Good to excellent results were achieved in 21 feet (84%) after one year and in 22 (88%) after seven years. The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society score significantly improved from 48 (
Patients with osteoarthritis undergoing knee replacement have been reported to have an overall reduced mortality compared with that of the general population. This has been attributed to the selection of healthier patients for surgery. However, previous studies have had a maximum follow-up time of ten years. We have used information from the Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Register to study the mortality of a large national series of patients with total knee replacement for up to 28 years after surgery and compared their mortality with that of the normal population. In addition, for a subgroup of patients operated on between 1980 and 2002 we analysed their registered causes of death to determine if they differed from those expected. We found a reduced overall mortality during the first 12 post-operative years after which it increased and became significantly higher than that of the general population. Age-specific analysis indicated an inverse correlation between age and mortality, where the younger the patients were, the higher their mortality. The shift at 12 years was caused by a relative over-representation of younger patients with a longer follow-up. Analysis of specific causes of death showed a higher mortality for cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and urogenital diseases. The observation that early onset of osteoarthritis of the knee which has been treated by total knee replacement is linked to an increased mortality should be a reason for increased general awareness of health problems in these patients.
We validated the North American Spine Society (NASS) outcome-assessment instrument for the lumbar spine in a computerised touch-screen format and assessed patients’ acceptance, taking into account previous computer experience, age and gender. Fifty consecutive patients with symptomatic and radiologically-proven degenerative disease of the lumbar spine completed both the hard copy (paper) and the computerised versions of the NASS questionnaire. Statistical analysis showed high agreement between the paper and the touch-screen computer format for both subscales (intraclass correlation coefficient 0.94, 95% confidence interval (0.90 to 0.97)) independent of computer experience, age and gender. In total, 55% of patients stated that the computer format was easier to use and 66% preferred it to the paper version (p <
0.0001 among subjects expressing a preference). Our data indicate that the touch-screen format is comparable to the paper form. It may improve follow-up in clinical practice and research by meeting patients’ preferences and minimising administrative work.
Neurogenic myositis ossificans is a disabling condition affecting the large joints of patients with severe post-traumatic impairment of the central nervous system. It can result in ankylosis of the joint and vascular or neural compression. Surgery may be hazardous with potential haemorrhage, neurovascular injury, iatrogenic fracture and osteochondral injury. We undertook pre-operative volumetric CT assessment of 45 ankylosed hips with neurogenic myositis ossificans which required surgery. Helical CT with intravenous contrast, combined with two- and three-dimensional surface reconstructions, was the only pre-operative imaging procedure. This gave good differentiation of the heterotopic bone from the adjacent vessels. We established that early surgery, within 24 months of injury, was neither complicated by peri-operative fracture nor by the early recurrence of neurogenic myositis ossificans. Surgical delay was associated with a loss of joint space and a greater degree of bone demineralisation. Enhanced volumetric CT is an excellent method for the pre-operative assessment of neurogenic myositis ossificans and correlates well with the operative findings.
Between 1998 and 2002, 37 neuropathies in 32 patients with a displaced supracondylar fracture of the humerus who were referred to a nerve injury unit were identified. There were 19 boys and 13 girls with a mean age of 7.9 years (3.6 to 11.3). A retrospective review of these injuries was performed. The ulnar nerve was injured in 19, the median nerve in ten and the radial nerve in eight cases. Fourteen neuropathies were noted at the initial presentation and 23 were diagnosed after treatment of the fracture. After referral, exploration of the nerve was planned for 13 patients. Surgery was later cancelled in three because of clinical recovery. Six patients underwent neurolysis alone. Excision of neuroma and nerve grafting were performed in four. At follow-up, 26 patients had an excellent, five a good and one a fair outcome.
The management of radial nerve palsy associated with fractures of the shaft of the humerus has been disputed for several decades. This study has systematically reviewed the published evidence and developed an algorithm to guide management. We searched web-based databases for studies published in the past 40 years and identified further pages through manual searches of the bibliography in papers identified electronically. Of 391 papers identified initially, encompassing a total of 1045 patients with radial nerve palsy, 35 papers met all our criteria for eligibility. Meticulous extraction of the data was carried out according to a preset protocol. The overall prevalence of radial nerve palsy after fracture of the shaft of the humerus in 21 papers was 11.8% (532 palsies in 4517 fractures). Fractures of the middle and middle-distal parts of the shaft had a significantly higher association with radial nerve palsy than those in other parts. Transverse and spiral fractures were more likely to be associated with radial nerve palsy than oblique and comminuted patterns of fracture (p <
0.001). The overall rate of recovery was 88.1% (921 of 1045), with spontaneous recovery reaching 70.7% (411 of 581) in patients treated conservatively. There was no significant difference in the final results when comparing groups which were initially managed expectantly with those explored early, suggesting that the initial expectant treatment did not affect the extent of nerve recovery adversely and would avoid many unnecessary operations. A treatment algorithm for the management of radial nerve palsy associated with fracture of the shaft of the humerus is recommended by the authors.
We have investigated the changes in anterior laxity of the knee in response to direct electrical stimulation of eight normal and 45 reconstructed anterior cruciate ligaments (ACLs). In the latter, the mean time from reconstruction was 26.7 months (24 to 32). The ACL was stimulated electrically using a bipolar electrode probe during arthroscopy. Anterior laxity was examined with the knee flexed at 20° under a force of 134 N applied anteriorly to the tibia using the KT-2000 knee arthrometer before, during and after electrical stimulation. Anterior tibial translation in eight normal and 17 ACL-reconstructed knees was significantly decreased during stimulation, compared with that before stimulation. In 28 knees with reconstruction of the ACL, in 22 of which the grafts were found to have detectable somatosensory evoked potentials during stimulation, anterior tibial translation was not decreased. These findings suggest that the ACL-hamstring reflex arc in normal knees may contribute to the functional stability and that this may not be fully restored after some reconstructions of the ACL.
In a prospective, randomised study on the repair of tears of the rotator cuff we compared the clinical results of two suture techniques for which different suture materials were used. We prospectively randomised 100 patients with tears of the rotator cuff into two groups. Group 1 had transosseous repair with No. 3 Ethibond using modified Mason-Allen sutures and group 2 had transosseous repair with 1.0 mm polydioxanone cord using modified Kessler sutures. After 24 to 30 months the patients were evaluated clinically using the Constant score and by ultrasonography. Of the 100 patients, 92 completed the study. No significant statistical difference was seen between the two groups: Constant score, 91% Overall, seven patients had complications which required revision surgery, in four for pain (two in each group) and in three for infection (two in group 1 and one in group 2).
We investigated the blood supply of the common peroneal nerve. Dissection of 19 lower limbs, including six with intra-vascular injection of latex, allowed gross and microscopic measurements to be made of the blood supply of the common peroneal nerve in the popliteal fossa. This showed that a long segment of the nerve in the vicinity of the fibular neck contained only a few intraneural vessels of fine calibre. By contrast, the tibial nerve received an abundant supply from a constant series of vessels arising directly from the popliteal and posterior tibial arteries. The susceptibility of the common peroneal nerve to injury from a variety of causes and its lack of response to operative treatment may be explained by the tenuous nature of its intrinsic blood supply.
There remains uncertainty about the most effective surgical approach in the treatment of complex fractures of the acetabulum. We have reviewed the experience of a single surgeon using the extended iliofemoral approach, as described by Letournel. A review of the database of such fractures identified 106 patients operated on using this approach with a minimum follow-up of two years. All data were collected prospectively. The fractures involved both columns in 64 (60%). Operation was undertaken in less than 21 days after injury in 71 patients (67%) and in 35 (33%) the procedure was carried out later than this. The reduction of the fracture was measured on plain radiographs taken after operation and defined as anatomical (0 to 1 mm of displacement); imperfect (2 to 3 mm) or poor (>
3 mm). The functional outcome was measured by the modified Merle d’Aubigné and Postel score. The mean follow-up was for 6.3 years (2 to 17). All patients achieved union of the fractures. The reduction was graded as anatomical in 76 (72%) of the patients, imperfect in 23 (22%), and poor in six (6%). The mean Merle d’Aubigné and Postel score was 15 (5 to 18) with 68 patients (64%) showing good or excellent and 38 (36%) fair or poor results. Function correlated significantly with the accuracy of the reduction (p <
0.009). Significant heterotopic ossification developed in 32 patients (30%) and was associated with a worse mean Merle d’Aubigné and Postel score of 13.7. The extended iliofemoral approach can be performed safely in selected complex acetabular fractures with an acceptable clinical outcome and rate of complications. Effective prophylaxis against heterotopic ossification should be strongly considered.
We performed a prospective, randomised controlled trial of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty comparing the performance of the Acrobot system with conventional surgery. A total of 27 patients (28 knees) awaiting unicompartmental knee arthroplasty were randomly allocated to have the operation performed conventionally or with the assistance of the Acrobot. The primary outcome measurement was the angle of tibiofemoral alignment in the coronal plane, measured by CT. Other secondary parameters were evaluated and are reported. All of the Acrobot group had tibiofemoral alignment in the coronal plane within 2° of the planned position, while only 40% of the conventional group achieved this level of accuracy. While the operations took longer, no adverse effects were noted, and there was a trend towards improvement in performance with increasing accuracy based on the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index and American Knee Society scores at six weeks and three months. The Acrobot device allows the surgeon to reproduce a pre-operative plan more reliably than is possible using conventional techniques which may have clinical advantages.
Two major complications of hip replacement are loosening and infection. Reliable differentiation between these pathological processes is difficult since both may be accompanied by similar symptoms. Our aim was to assess the diagnostic ability of triple-phase bone scanning (TPBS) and positron-emission tomography (PET) to detect and differentiate these complications in patients with a hip arthroplasty. Both TPBS and PET were performed in 63 patients (92 prostheses). The radiotracer for PET imaging was 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). Image interpretation was performed according to qualitative and quantitative criteria although the final diagnosis was based upon either surgical findings or clinical follow-up. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of PET was 0.94, 0.95 and 0.95 respectively, compared with 0.68, 0.76 and 0.74 for TPBS. We found that an image interpretation based exclusively upon quantitative criteria was inappropriate because of its low selectivity. The histological examination indicated that increased periprosthetic uptake of FDG in patients with aseptic loosening was caused by wear-induced polyethylene particles and the subsequent growth of aggressive granulomatous tissue.
Malposition of the acetabular component is a risk factor for post-operative dislocation after total hip replacement (THR). We have investigated the influence of the orientation of the acetabular component on the probability of dislocation. Radiological anteversion and abduction of the component of 127 hips which dislocated post-operatively were measured by Einzel-Bild-Röentgen-Analysis and compared with those in a control group of 342 patients. In the control group, the mean value of anteversion was 15° and of abduction 44°. Patients with anterior dislocation after primary THR showed significant differences in the mean angle of anteversion (17°), and abduction (48°) as did patients with posterior dislocation (anteversion 11°, abduction 42°). After revision patients with posterior dislocation showed significant differences in anteversion (12°) and abduction (40°). Our results demonstrate the importance of accurate positioning of the acetabular component in order to reduce the frequency of subsequent dislocations. Radiological anteversion of 15° and abduction of 45° are the lowest at-risk values for dislocation.
We describe the intermediate results of lateral ligamentous repair or reconstruction for posterolateral rotatory instability of the elbow. Between 1986 and 1999, we performed 12 direct repairs and 33 ligament reconstructions with a tendon autograft. One patient was lost to follow-up and 44 were retrospectively studied at a mean of six years (2 to 15). Surgery restored stability in all except five patients. In two the elbow became stable after a second procedure. The mean post-operative Mayo elbow performance score was 85 points (60 to 100). The result was classified as excellent in 19, good in 13, fair in seven and poor in five patients. Thirty-eight patients (86%) were subjectively satisfied with the outcome of the operation. Better results were obtained in patients with a post-traumatic aetiology (p = 0.03), those with subjective symptoms of instability at presentation (p = 0.006) and those who had an augmented reconstruction using a tendon graft (p = 0.04). Reconstruction using a tendon graft seems to provide better results than ligament repair and the results do not seem to deteriorate with time. The outcome of this procedure is less predictable in patients with no subjective instability.