The risk of venous thromboembolism in patients following arthroplasty may be reduced by continuing chemical thromboprophylaxis for up to 35 days post-operatively. This prospective cohort study investigated the compliance of 40 consecutive consenting patients undergoing lower limb arthroplasty with self-administration of a recommended subcutaneous chemotherapeutic agent for six weeks after surgery. Compliance was assessed by examination of the patient for signs of injection, number of syringes used, and a self-report diary at the end of the six-week period. A total of 40 patients, 15 men and 25 women, were recruited. One woman was excluded because immediate post-operative complications prevented her participation. Self-administration was considered feasible in 87% of patients (95% confidence interval (CI) 76 to 98) at the time of discharge. Among this group of 34 patients, 29 (85%) were compliant (95% CI 73 to 97). Patients can learn to self-administer subcutaneous injections of thromboprophylaxis, and compliance with extended prophylaxis to six weeks is good.
We carried out an MRI study of the lumbar spine in 15 patients with achondroplasia to evaluate the degree of stenosis of the canal. They were divided into asymptomatic and symptomatic groups. We measured the sagittal canal diameter, the sagittal cord diameter, the interpedicular distance at the mid-pedicle level and the cross-sectional area of the canal and spinal cord at mid-body and mid-disc levels. The MRI findings showed that in achondroplasia there was a significant difference between the groups in the cross-sectional area of the body canal at the upper lumbar levels. Patients with a narrower canal are more likely to develop symptoms of spinal stenosis than others.
This study describes 146 primary total knee replacements, either fully or partially coated with hydroxyapatite of which 74 knees in 68 patients were available for clinical and radiological assessment at a mean of 11.2 years (10 to 15). The global failure rate was 1.37% and survival rate with mechanical failure as the end-point was 98.14%. Radiological assessment indicated intimate contact between bone and the hydroxyapatite coating. Over time the hydroxyapatite coating appears to encourage filling of interface gaps remaining after surgery. Our results compare favourably with those of series describing cemented or porous-coated knee replacements, and suggest that fixation with hydroxyapatite is a reliable option in primary total knee replacement.
We assessed the reproducibility and accuracy of four ratios used to measure patellar height, namely the Blackburne-Peel, Caton-Deschamps, Insall-Salvati and modified Insall-Salvati, before and after total knee arthroplasty. The patellar height was measured, by means of the four ratios, on the pre- and post-operative lateral radiographs of 44 patients (45 knees) who had undergone total knee arthroplasty. Two independent observers measured the films sequentially, in identical conditions, totalling 720 measurements per observer. Statistical analysis, comparing both observers and ratios, was carried out using the intraclass correlation coefficient. Before operation there was greater interobserver variation using either the Insall-Salvati or modified Insall-Salvati ratios than when using the Caton-Deschamps or Blackburne-Peel methods. This was because of difficulty in identifying the insertion of the patellar tendon. Before operation, there was a minimal difference in reliability between these methods. After operation the interobserver difference was greatly reduced using both the Caton-Deschamps and Blackburne-Peel methods, which use the prosthetic joint line, compared with the Insall-Salvati and modified Insall-Salvati, which reference from the insertion of the patellar tendon. The theoretical advantage of using the Insall-Salvati and modified Insall-Salvati ratios in measuring
Spinal deformities are a common feature of Marfan’s syndrome and can be a significant cause of morbidity. The morphology of the scoliosis associated with this condition was previously described by Sponseller, but no correlation with the pelvic parameters has been seen. We performed a retrospective radiological study of 58 patients with scoliosis, secondary to Marfan’s syndrome and related the findings in the thoracolumbar spine to the pelvic parameters, including pelvic version (tilt), pelvic incidence and sacral slope. Our results showed marked abnormalities in the pelvic values compared with those found in the unaffected population, with increased retroversion of the pelvis in particular. In addition we found a close correlation between the different patterns of pelvic parameters and scoliosis morphology. We found that pelvic abnormalities may partially dictate the spinal disorders seen in Marfan’s syndrome. Our results supplement the well-established Sponseller classification, as well as stressing the importance of considering the orientation of the pelvis when planning surgery.
Injuries to the acromioclavicular joint are common but underdiagnosed. Sprains and minor subluxations are best managed conservatively, but there is debate concerning the treatment of complete dislocations and the more complex combined injuries in which other elements of the shoulder girdle are damaged. Confusion has been caused by existing systems for classification of these injuries, the plethora of available operative techniques and the lack of well-designed clinical trials comparing alternative methods of management. Recent advances in arthroscopic surgery have produced an even greater variety of surgical options for which, as yet, there are no objective data on outcome of high quality. We review the current concepts of the treatment of these injuries.
We present the clinical and radiological results of percutaneous vertebroplasty in the treatment of 58 vertebral compression fractures in 51 patients at a minimum follow-up of two years. Group 1 consisted of 39 patients, in whom there was no associated intravertebral cleft, whilst group 2 comprised 12 patients with an intravertebral cleft. The Oswestry disability index (ODI) and visual analogue scale (VAS) scores were recorded prospectively. The radiological evidence of kyphotic deformity, vertebral height, leakage of cement and bone resorption around the cement were studied restrospectively, both before and after operation and at the final follow-up. The ODI and VAS scores in both groups decreased after treatment, but the mean score in group 2 was higher than that in group 1 (p = 0.02 (ODI), p = 0.02 (VAS)). There was a greater initial correction of the kyphosis in group 2 than in group 1, although the difference was not statistically significant. However, loss of correction was greater in group 2. Leakage of cement was seen in 24 (41.4%) of 58 vertebrae (group 1, 32.6% (15 of 46); group 2, 75% (9 of 12)), mainly of type B through the basal vertebral vein in group 1 and of type C through the cortical defect in group 2. Resorption of bone around the cement was seen in three vertebrae in group 2 and in one in group 1. There were seven adjacent vertebral fractures in group 1 and one in group 2. Percutaneous vertebroplasty is an effective treatment for osteoporotic compression fractures with or without an intravertebral cleft. Nonetheless, higher rates of complications related to the cement must be recognised in patients in the presence of an intravertebral cleft.
The floating shoulder is defined as ipsilateral fractures of the midshaft of the clavicle and the neck of the glenoid. This rare injury can be difficult to manage without a thorough understanding of the complex anatomy of the shoulder girdle. Surgical intervention needs to be considered for all of these injuries. While acceptable results can be expected with non-operative management of minimally-displaced fractures, displacement at one or both sites is best managed with surgical reduction and fixation.
We reviewed retrospectively 45 patients (46 procedures) with bladder exstrophy treated by bilateral oblique pelvic osteotomy in conjunction with genitourinary repair. The operative technique and post-operative management with or without external fixation are described. A total of 21 patients attended a special follow-up clinic and 24 were interviewed by telephone. The mean follow-up time was 57 months (24 to 108). Of the 45 patients, 42 reported no pain or functional disability, although six had a waddling gait and two had marked external rotation of the hip. Complications included three cases of infection and loosening of the external fixator requiring early removal with no deleterious effect. Mid-line closure failed in one neonate managed in plaster. This patient underwent a successful revision procedure several months later using repeat osteotomies and external fixation. The percentage pubic approximation was measured on anteroposterior radiographs pre-operatively, post-operatively and at final follow-up. The mean approximation was 37% (12% to 76%). It varied markedly with age and was better when external fixation was used. The wide range reflects the inability of the anterior segment to develop naturally in spite of close approximation at operation. We conclude that bilateral oblique pelvic osteotomy with or without external fixation is useful in the management of difficult primary closure in bladder exstrophy, failed primary closure and secondary reconstruction.
The long-term effects of metal-on-metal arthroplasty are currently under scrutiny because of the potential biological effects of metal wear debris. This review summarises data describing the release, dissemination, uptake, biological activity, and potential toxicity of metal wear debris released from alloys currently used in modern orthopaedics. The introduction of risk assessment for the evaluation of metal alloys and their use in arthroplasty patients is discussed and this should include potential harmful effects on immunity, reproduction, the kidney, developmental toxicity, the nervous system and carcinogenesis.
Our aim was to evaluate the efficacy of a two-level reconstruction technique using subchondral miniscrews for the stabilisation of comminuted posterior-wall marginal acetabular fragments before applying lag screws and a buttress plate to the main overlying posterior fragment. Between 1995 and 2003, 29 consecutive patients with acute comminuted displaced posterior-wall fractures of the acetabulum were treated operatively using this technique. The quality of reduction measured from three standard plain radiographs was graded as anatomical in all 29 hips. The clinical outcome at a mean follow-up of 35 months (24 to 90) was considered to be excellent in five patients (17%), very good in 16 (55%), good in six (21%) and poor in two (7%). The use of the two-level reconstruction technique appears to provide stable fixation and is associated with favourable results in terms of the incidence of post-traumatic osteoarthritis and the clinical outcome. However, poor results may occur in patients over the age of 55 years.
We report the long-term results of 51 pelvic osteotomies in 43 patients with a mean follow-up of 15 years (13 to 20). The mean age of the patients was 28 years (14 to 46). At review three patients were lost to follow-up, and six had received a total hip arthroplasty. Of 48 hips, 42 (88%) were preserved, with good to excellent clinical results in 27 (64%). Pre-operatively, 41 (80%) of the treated hips had shown no sign of osteoarthritis. Thirty-one (65%) hips showed no progression of osteoarthritis after follow-up for 15 years. Significant negative factors for good long-term results were the presence of osteoarthritic changes and a fair or poor clinical score pre-operatively. Pelvic reorientation osteotomy for symptomatic hip dysplasia can give satisfactory and reproducible long-term clinical results.
The objective of this retrospective study was to correlate the Bado and Jupiter classifications with long-term results after operative treatment of Monteggia fractures in adults and to determine prognostic factors for functional outcome. Of 63 adult patients who sustained a Monteggia fracture in a ten-year period, 47 were available for follow-up after a mean time of 8.4 years (5 to 14). According to the Broberg and Morrey elbow scale, 22 patients (47%) had excellent, 12 (26%) good, nine (19%) fair and four (8%) poor results at the last follow-up. A total of 12 patients (26%) needed a second operation within 12 months of the initial operation. The mean Broberg and Morrey score was 87.2 (45 to 100) and the mean DASH score was 17.4 (0 to 70). There was a significant correlation between the two scores (p = 0.01). The following factors were found to be correlated with a poor clinical outcome: Bado type II fracture, Jupiter type IIa fracture, fracture of the radial head, coronoid fracture, and complications requiring further surgery. Bado type II Monteggia fractures, and within this group, Jupiter type IIa fractures, are frequently associated with fractures of the radial head and the coronoid process, and should be considered as negative prognostic factors for functional long-term outcome. Patients with these types of fracture should be informed about the potential risk of functional deficits and the possible need for further surgery.
We reviewed 78 femoral and tibial nonunions treated between January 1992 and December 2003. Of these, we classified 41 in 40 patients as complex cases because of infection (22), bone loss (6) or failed previous surgery (13). The complex cases were all treated with Ilizarov frames. At a mean time of 14.1 months (4 to 38), 39 had healed successfully. Using the Association for the Study and Application of the Methods of Ilizarov scoring system we obtained 17 excellent, 14 good, four fair and six poor bone results. The functional results were excellent in 14 patients, good in 14, fair in two and poor in two. A total of six patients were lost to follow-up and two had amputations so were not evaluated for final functional assessment. All but two patients were very satisfied with the results. The average cost of treatment to the treating hospital was approximately £30 000 per patient. We suggest that early referral to a tertiary centre could reduce the morbidity and prolonged time off work for these patients. The results justify the expense, but the National Health Service needs to make financial provision for the reconstruction of this type of complex nonunion.
In a series of 1304 patients (1867 knees), the results of simultaneous and staged bilateral total knee arthroplasty were compared with each other and with unilateral total knee arthroplasty. The bilateral procedures had a significantly higher rate of complications than unilateral procedures, almost entirely because of thromboembolic problems. However, this did not correspond to an increase in mortality. If a bilateral procedure was indicated, then a simultaneous procedure had no increased risk over a staged procedure. There was no increase in cardiovascular complications, the rate of deep-vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism or mortality. The rate of infection was lower with a bilateral procedure and the overall revision rate was less than 1% in all groups. The prosthesis functioned as well in all groups in the medium and longer term periods. We feel that simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty is a safe and successful procedure when compared with a staged bilateral procedure. It also has the added benefit of single anaesthetic, reduced costs and decreased total recovery time when compared to a staged bilateral procedure. For these reasons it should be considered as an option in the presence of bilateral knee joint disease.
This study validates the short-form WOMAC function scale for assessment of conservative treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. Data were collected before treatment and six and nine months later, from 100 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee to determine the validity, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, floor and ceiling effects, and responsiveness of the short-form WOMAC function scale. The scale showed high correlation with the traditional WOMAC and other measures. The internal consistency was good (Cronbach α: 0.88 to 0.95) and an excellent test-retest reliability was found (Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient (ρc): 0.85 to 0.94). The responsiveness was adequate and comparable to that of the traditional WOMAC (standardised response mean 0.56 to 0.44 and effect size 0.64 to 0.57) and appeared not to be significantly affected by floor or ceiling effects (0% and 7%, respectively). The short-form WOMAC function scale is a valid, reliable and responsive alternative to the traditional WOMAC in the evaluation of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee managed conservatively. It is simple to use in daily practice and is therefore less of a burden for patients in clinical trials.
We followed up 76 consecutive hips with symptomatic acetabular dysplasia treated by acetabular shelf augmentation for a mean period of 11 years. Survival analysis using conversion to hip replacement as an end-point was 86% at five years and 46% at ten years. Forty-four hips with slight or no narrowing of the joint space pre-operatively had a survival of 97% at five and 75% at ten years. This was significantly higher (p = 0.0007) than that of the 32 hips with moderate or severe narrowing of the joint-space, which was 76% at five and 22% at ten years. There was no significant relationship between survival and age (p = 0.37) or the pre- and post-operative centre-edge (p = 0.39) and acetabular angles (p = 0.85). Shelf acetabuloplasty is a reliable, safe procedure offering medium-term symptomatic relief for adults with acetabular dysplasia. The best results were achieved in patients with mild and moderate dysplasia of the hip with little arthritis.