Antegrade intramedullary nailing of fractures of the shaft of the humerus is reported to cause impairment of the shoulder joint. We have reviewed 33 patients with such fractures to assess how many had injuries to the ipsilateral shoulder. All had an MR scan of the shoulder within 11 days of injury. The unaffected shoulder was also scanned as a control. There was evidence of abnormality in 21 of the shoulders (63.6%) on the injured side; ten had bursitis of the subacromial space, five evidence of a partial tear of the rotator cuff, one a complete rupture of the supraspinatus tendon, four inflammatory changes in the acromioclavicular joint and one a fracture of the coracoid process. These injuries may contribute to pain and dysfunction of the shoulder following treatment, and their presence indicates that antegrade nailing is only partly, if at all, responsible for these symptoms.
We have analysed the pattern of symptoms in patients presenting with synovial sarcoma to identify factors which led to long delays in diagnosis. In 35 children, the early symptoms and the results of clinical and radiological investigation were reviewed, along with the presumed diagnoses. The duration of symptoms was separated into patient delay and doctor delay. Only half of the patients had one or more of the four clinical findings suggestive of sarcoma according to the guidance of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence at the onset of symptoms. Of the 33 children for whom data were available, 16 (48.5%) presented with a painless mass and in ten (30.3%) no mass was identified. Seven (21.2%) had an unexplained joint contracture. Many had been extensively investigated unsuccessfully. The mean duration of symptoms was 98 weeks (2 to 364), the mean patient delay was 43 weeks (0 to 156) and the mean doctor delay was 50 weeks (0 to 362). The mean number of doctors seen before referral was three (1 to 6) and for 15 patients the diagnosis was obtained after unplanned excision. Tumours around the knee and elbow were associated with a longer duration of symptoms and longer doctor delay compared with those at other sites. Delays did not improve significantly over the period of our study of 21 years, and we were unable to show that delay in diagnosis led to a worse prognosis. Our findings highlight the variety of symptoms associated with synovial sarcoma and encourage greater awareness of this tumour as a potential diagnosis in childhood.
We report a case of Lemierre’s syndrome complicated by an epidural abscess. This manifestation of Lemierre’s syndrome has not been described previously.
Modifications in the design of knee replacements have been proposed in order to maximise flexion. We performed a prospective double-blind randomised controlled trial to compare the functional outcome, including maximum knee flexion, in patients receiving either a standard or a high flexion version of the NexGen legacy posterior stabilised total knee replacement. A total of 56 patients, half of whom received each design, were assessed pre-operatively and at one year after operation using knee scores and analysis of range of movement using electrogoniometry. For both implant designs there was a significant improvement in the function component of the knee scores (p <
0.001) and the maximum range of flexion when walking on the level, ascending and descending a slope or stairs (all p <
0.001), squatting (p = 0.020) and stepping into a bath (p = 0.024). There was no significant difference in outcome, including the maximum knee flexion, between patients receiving the standard and high flexion designs of this implant.
We describe the influence of the angle of immobilisation during partial weight-bearing on the forces across the extensor mechanism of the knee. Gait analysis was performed on eight healthy male subjects with the right knee in an orthotic brace locked at 0°, 10°, 20° and 30°, with the brace unlocked and also without a brace. The ground reaction force, the angle of the knee and the net external flexion movement about the knee were measured and the extensor mechanism force was calculated. The results showed a direct non-linear relationship between the angle of knee flexion and the extensor mechanism force. When a brace was applied, the lowest forces occurred when the brace was locked at 0°. At 30° the forces approached the failure strength of some fixation devices. We recommend that for potentially unstable injuries of the extensor mechanism, when mobilising with partial weight-bearing, the knee should be flexed at no more than 10°.
We examined differences in the rate of open reduction, operating time, length of hospital stay and outcome between two groups of children with displaced supracondylar fractures of the humerus who underwent surgery either within 12 hours of the injury or later. There were 77 children with type-3 supracondylar fractures. Of these, in 43 the fracture was reduced and pinned within 12 hours and in 34 more than 12 hours after injury. Both groups were similar in regard to gender, age and length of follow-up. Bivariate and logistical regression analysis showed no statistical difference between the groups. The number of peri-operative complications was low and did not affect the outcome regardless of the timing of treatment. Our study confirmed that the treatment of uncomplicated displaced supracondylar fractures of the humerus can be early or delayed. In these circumstances operations at night can be avoided.
In a randomised study, 28 patients with a mean age of 62.2 years (32 to 81) with osteoarthritis or avascular necrosis of the hip received either a ceramic-on-ceramic or a metal-on-metal total hip replacement. Apart from the liners the acetabular and femoral components were made of Ti-Al-Nb alloy. The serum aluminium and cobalt levels were measured before, and at one year after surgery. The 15 patients in the ceramic-on-ceramic group had a median pre-operative aluminium level of 1.3 μg/l (0.25 to 8.4) and a cobalt level below the detection limit. At one year the aluminium level was 1.1 μg/l (0.25 to 2.3) and the cobalt level was 0.4 μg/l (0.15 to 0.7). The 13 patients in the metal-on-metal group had a median pre-operative aluminium level of 1.9 μg/l (0.25 to 4.4) and a cobalt level below the detection limit. At one year the median aluminium level was 0.9 μg/l (0.25 to 3.9) whereas the cobalt level was 1.4 μg/l (0.5 to 10.5). This increase in the cobalt level at one year was significant (p <
0.001). Our findings indicate that ceramic-on-ceramic bearings do not cause elevated levels of serum aluminium in the first post-operative year.
We report a case of bifocal rhabdomyosarcoma involving the hand and thigh in an 11-year-old female. We highlight the importance of a thorough clinical examination and an aggressive surgical approach in which each lesion is treated as a separate primary.
We report our initial experience of using the Ponseti method for the treatment of congenital idiopathic club foot. Between November 2002 and November 2004 we treated 100 feet in 66 children by this method. The standard protocol described by Ponseti was used except that, when necessary, percutaneous tenotomy of tendo Achillis were performed under general anaesthesia in the operating theatre and not under local anaesthesia in the out-patient department. The Pirani score was used for assessment and the mean follow-up time was 18 months (6 to 30). The results were also assessed in terms of the number of casts applied, the need for tenotomy of tendo Achillis and recurrence of the deformity. Tenotomy was required in 85 of the 100 feet. There was a failure to respond to the initial regimen in four feet which then required extensive soft-tissue release. Of the 96 feet which responded to initial casting, 31 (32%) had a recurrence, 16 of which were successfully treated by repeat casting and/or tenotomy and/or transfer of the tendon of tibialis anterior. The remaining 15 required extensive soft-tissue release. Poor compliance with the foot-abduction orthoses (Denis Browne splint) was thought to be the main cause of failure in these patients.
After establishing anatomical feasibility, functional reconstruction to replace the anterolateral part of the deltoid was performed in 20 consecutive patients with irreversible deltoid paralysis using the sternoclavicular portion of the pectoralis major muscle. The indication for reconstruction was deltoid deficiency combined with massive rotator cuff tear in 11 patients, brachial plexus palsy in seven, and an isolated axillary nerve lesion in two. All patients were followed clinically and radiologically for a mean of 70 months (24 to 125). The mean gender-adjusted Constant score increased from 28% (15% to 54%) to 51% (19% to 83%). Forward elevation improved by a mean of 37°, abduction by 30° and external rotation by 9°. The pectoralis inverse plasty may be used as a salvage procedure in irreversible deltoid deficiency, providing subjectively satisfying results. Active forward elevation and abduction can be significantly improved.
Randomised controlled trials represent the gold standard in the evaluation of outcome of treatment. They are needed because differences between treatment effects have been minimised and observational studies may give a biased estimation of the outcome. However, conducting this kind of trial is challenging. Several methodological issues, including patient or surgeon preference, blinding, surgical standardisation, as well as external validity, have to be addressed in order to lower the risk of bias. Specific tools have been developed in order to take into account the specificity of evaluation of the literature on non-pharmacological intervention. A better knowledge of methodological issues will allow the orthopaedic surgeon to conduct more appropriate studies and to better appraise the limits of his intervention.
We present two rare variations related to compartment syndrome. The first is a 69-year-old hypertensive man with compartment syndrome of the arm. The second is a 58-year-old man with compartment syndrome of the forearm with severe compensatory hypertension.
We present a retrospective study of 27 patients treated by callus distraction using a unilateral external fixator of our own design for nonunion with bone loss and shortening of the femur caused by suppurative osteomyelitis. The unilateral external fixator was used either alone or in combination with an intramedullary nail. The mean age of the patients was 13.6 years (8 to 18). The fixator was used alone in 13 patients and with an intramedullary nail in 14. The bone results at a mean follow-up of 88 months (37 to 144) were excellent in 16 patients and good in 11. The functional results were excellent in 18 patients and good in nine. However, four patients still had draining sinuses at the latest follow-up. A residual deformity greater than 7° was present in seven femora, but this did not adversely affect function or require further treatment.
We describe a case of intraneural metastasis of a synovial sarcoma, the first published case of a metastasis of a soft-tissue sarcoma to a peripheral nerve.
Fractures of the distal humeral articular surface which do not involve the medial and lateral columns are often more extensive than is apparent from plain radiographs. This retrospective study describes the epidemiology of this injury using modern classification systems and compares pre-operative radiography with operative findings. The study group included 79 patients with a mean age of 47 years (13 to 91). The annual incidence was 1.5 per 100 000 population, and was highest in women over the age of 60. The majority of the fractures (59; 75%) were sustained in falls from standing height. Young males tended to sustain more high-energy injuries with more complex fracture patterns. In 24% of cases (19) there was a concomitant radial head fracture. Classification from plain radiographs often underestimates the true extent of the injury and computed tomography may be of benefit in pre-operative planning, especially in those over 60 years of age.
We compared the performance of uncemented trabecular metal tibial components in total knee replacement with that of cemented tibial components in patients younger than 60 years over two years using radiostereophotogrammetric analysis (RSA). A total of 22 consecutive patients (mean age 53 years, 33 to 59, 26 knees) received an uncemented NexGen trabecular metal cruciate-retaining monobloc tibial component and 19 (mean 53 years, 44 to 59, 21 knees) a cemented NexGen Option cruciate-retaining modular tibial component. All the trabecular metal components migrated during the initial three months and then stabilised. The exception was external rotation, which did not stabilise until 12 months. Unlike conventional metal-backed implants which displayed a tilting migration comprising subsidence and lift-off from the tibial tray, most of the trabecular metal components showed subsidence only, probably due to the elasticity of the implant. This pattern of subsidence is regarded as being beneficial for uncemented fixation.
Between 2000 and 2006 we performed salvage tibiotalar arthrodesis in 17 diabetic patients (17 ankles) with grossly unstable ankles caused by bimalleolar fractures complicated by Charcot neuro-arthropathy. There were ten women and seven men with a mean age of 61.6 years (57 to 69). A crossed-screw technique was used. Two screws were used in eight patients and three screws in nine. Additional graft from the malleoli was used in all patients. The mean follow-up was 26 months (12 to 48) and the mean time to union was 5.8 months (4 to 8). A stable ankle was achieved in 14 patients (82.4%), nine of whom had bony fusion and five had a stiff fibrous union. The results were significantly better in underweight patients, in those in whom surgery had been performed three to six months after the onset of acute Charcot arthropathy, in those who had received anti-resorptive medication during the acute stage, in those without extensive peripheral neuropathy, and in those with adequate peripheral oxygen saturation (>
95%). The arthrodesis failed because of avascular necrosis of the talus in only three patients (17.6%), who developed grossly unstable, ulcerated hindfeet, and required below-knee amputation.
Fractures of the occipital condyle are rare. Their prompt diagnosis is crucial since there may be associated cranial nerve palsies and cervical spinal instability. The fracture is often not visible on a plain radiograph. We report the case of a 21-year-old man who sustained an occipital condylar fracture without any associated cranial nerve palsy or further injuries. We have also reviewed the literature on this type of injury, in order to assess the incidence, the mechanism and the association with head and cervical spinal injuries as well as classification systems, options for treatment and outcome.
Polymethylmethacrylate remains one of the most enduring materials in orthopaedic surgery. It has a central role in the success of total joint replacement and is also used in newer techniques such as percutaneous vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. This article describes the current uses and limitations of polymethylmethacrylate in orthopaedic surgery. It focuses on its mechanical and chemical properties and links these to its clinical performance. The behaviour of antibiotic-loaded bone cement are discussed, together with areas of research that are now shedding light upon the behaviour of this unique biomaterial.