We investigated bone induction by bone morphogenetic protein in primates, comparing it with that seen in rodents. Twelve Millipore diffusion chambers containing 5 mg of semipurified bone morphogenetic protein were implanted into the dorsal
We randomised 31 patients with acute tears of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) to receive either early (within 2 weeks) or delayed (8 to 12 weeks) reconstruction using a quadruple hamstring graft in order to determine if there was any functional advantage to early reconstruction. Outcome measures included return of knee movement,
We reviewed a consecutive series of 33 infants who underwent surgery for obstetric brachial plexus palsy at a mean age of 4.7 months. Of these, 13 with an upper palsy and 20 with a total palsy were treated by nerve reconstruction. Ten were treated by
Limb lengthening is used to correct leg length discrepancy and to increase stature. The reported frequency of peripheral nerve complications varies from 5% to 30%, but is probably underestimated. Damage may be direct or be caused by overstretching of the nerves. We have used electrophysiological tests to evaluate five patients during bilateral tibial lengthening by the Ilizarov method. Results after 24 to 107 days of lengthening showed electromyographic evidence of partial
We performed a prospective study in 186 patients with a minimum follow-up of two years in order to attempt to predict successful major re-implantation of the upper limb. There were 137 men and 49 women with 24 amputations of the palm, 75 of the wrist, 50 of the forearm, 9 disarticulations through the elbow, and 28 amputations through the upper arm. The degree of injury to the amputated segment and the stump were good predictors of the rate of success and the final outcome. Adequate preservation, contraction of the
In order to investigate the difficulty of quadriceps training in the presence of an effusion into the knee we examined 13 patients with chronic effusions by recording isometric
Among 449 patients with leprosy, 40 had clinical and radiographic evidence of neuroarthropathy in 50 feet. These changes were classified into four types according to the joints first involved by major lesions: ankle (25 feet), midtarsal (15 feet), tarsometatarsal (7 feet) and subtalar (3 feet). The progression of joint destruction was different in each type, but despite the severe destructive changes seen in radiographs, the patients had relatively few complaints. The
Forty-four feet in 28 children previously treated by a one-stage posteromedial release operation (the Turco procedure) were reviewed clinically and radiologically to determine the cause of residual adduction of the forefoot. In 21 clinically adducted feet (48%) the main cause of residual deformity was metatarsus varus alone or metatarsus varus in spite of talonavicular overcorrection; in five feet the cause was talonavicular subluxation. There was no residual adduction in 23 feet (52%) but only 12 had normal radiographic measurements. In the remaining feet, various forms of spurious correction of metatarsus varus and talonavicular subluxation or both were seen, resulting in normal-looking feet. Recession of the origin of abductor hallucis and release of the short plantar
Trendelenburg's test of function of the hip joint was first reported before radiology was available. At least four methods of performing it have since been described in the literature. We examined 50 normal subjects and 103 people with disorders affecting either the spine or the hip, in order to determine the different responses that occurred when they were asked to stand on one leg. This has enabled us to define a standard method of performing the Trendelenburg test, and to interpret the test as a method of assessing hip abductor function. The major pitfalls that result in misinterpretation, or false-positive responses, are pain, lack of cooperation from the patient, and impingement between the rib cage and the iliac crest. False-negative responses result from the patient using
The present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of fluorocarbon on the preservation of an amputated limb. The hind limbs of dogs were completely amputated through the mid-thigh; some were perfused with fluorocarbon, others with lactated Ringer's solution and some were not perfused at all. After six hours of ischaemia, all the limbs were replanted. Perfusion with fluorocarbon had an inhibitory effect on the anaerobic metabolism of an amputated limb, thus increasing the survival rate. Leakage of creatine phosphokinase from the replanted limb also was inhibited by perfusion with fluorocarbon. These effects were more striking when the amputated limb was perfused continuously rather than intermittently and when it was preserved in iced water rather than at room temperature; these measures helped to prevent replantation toxaemia and to preserve
Five cases are presented of bilateral simultaneous rupture of the quadriceps tendon and the English literature of six isolated case reports is reviewed. All the patients were men, and most were over 50 years old. The injury often happens in elderly people and there is diagnostic confusion with other causes of inability to use the legs, notably with mild strokes. In three of our five cases there was a delay in diagnosis. The cardinal features are diffuse swelling around the knee, a visible or palpable suprapatellar defect and the inability to lift the straight leg despite a functioning quadriceps and normal activity in all other
A 14-year-old girl with a congenitally deformed and shortened right leg and foot is described. The patient could not bear weight on the deformed limb and had to hop on the left leg. The deformed foot faced backwards and had nine toes. The right leg was shorter than the left by 26 centimetres. Radiologically, the lower end of the right femur was ill-developed and there was no knee joint. There were two fibulae and the tibia and the patella were absent. A through-knee disarticulation was done and a prosthesis fitted later. The amputated leg and foot were dissected. Many of the
The aim of this study was to describe the use of 3D-printed sacral endoprostheses to reconstruct the pelvic ring and re-establish spinopelvic stability after total We retrospectively reviewed 32 patients who underwent TES in our hospital between January 2015 and December 2017. We divided the patients into three groups on the basis of the method of reconstruction: an endoprosthesis group (n = 10); a combined reconstruction group (n = 14), who underwent non-endoprosthetic combined reconstruction, including anterior spinal column fixation; and a spinopelvic fixation (SPF) group (n = 8), who underwent only SPF. Spinopelvic stability, implant survival (IS), intraoperative haemorrhage rate, and perioperative complication rate in the endoprosthesis group were documented and compared with those of other two groups.Aims
Patients and Methods
The paper reports an experimental investigation into the mechanisms whereby the joints of living animals maintain their precise contours. The normal patter of joint incongruity in the rabbit's hip having first been established, three groups of experimental animals underwent operative procedures designed to reduce the joint pressure to a level unrealistic in normal life. In one group the hip was dislocated by manipulation; in a second group the
Infection of the intervertebral space is a rare complication of operation on the disc (Ford and Key 1955). It occurred in five cases in a series of 650 operations for lumbar disc protrusion done by two of the authors of this paper--an incidence of 0-8%. Symptoms began between seven and twelve days after operation. After initial relief of the original sciatic pain, the patients developed severe back pain and
The significance of cobalt as a cause of symptoms after McKee hip arthroplasty is discussed. Seven patients are described in whom such arthroplasties became unsatisfactory after periods varying from nine months to four years. Six of these patients were cobalt-positive but nickel-and chrome-negative on patch testing. Macroscopic and histological necrosis of bone,
Seventy-two posterior psoas transfer operations performed in forty-four children with lumbar myelomeningocele were reviewed one to eight years after operation in an attempt to assess its value.
Using bone decalcilied with 0.6 N hydrochloric acid as an inducing agent, the inductive capacity of different soft tissue sites was investigated.
1. Paralysis of the femoral nerve secondary to haemorrhage of the iliopsoas