Two cases of unusual snapping at the elbow are described. In both, the medial head of the triceps was found to be separated from the main
1. The epiphyses of the metatarsal heads of 250-gramme rabbits were separated at the zone of cell columns, stripped of perichondrium, labelled with tritiated thymidine and transplanted into the back
1. Deformities of the foot in children with myelomeningocele are described and classified. The results of a policy of operative correction of deformity in 148 patients all of whom had had at least one operation on the foot between 1947 and 1965 are described. 2. In 241 feet in which there were deformities 433 operations were performed, including tenotomies, soft-tissue divisions, tendon transfers and bony procedures. At the time of review successful correction of deformity had been obtained in 81 per cent with a plantigrade foot that could bear weight safely, and with a distribution of
1. Tennis elbow is largely an affliction of middle age, and it is believed that degenerative changes in the orbicular ligament may underlie its pathology. 2. It has been shown that most patients may be relieved by either extra-articular or intra-articular injection of hydrocortisone, and operative intervention is required only in a minority of cases. 3. Contraction of the extensor carpi radialis brevis is considered to be the principal pain-producing factor, and Z-lengthening of the tendon of this
We examined seven patients with tarsal tunnel syndrome in one foot caused by talocalcaneal coalition and a ganglion. We excised the coalition and the ganglion in six of them. All the patients had pain, sensory disturbance in the sole, and a positive Tinel’s sign. Older patients with a long history showed atrophy and weakness of the plantar
The glenohumeral joint is the most frequently dislocated articulation, but possibly due to the lower prevalence of posterior shoulder dislocations, approximately 50% to 79% of posterior glenohumeral dislocations are missed at initial presentation. The aim of this study was to systematically evaluate the most recent evidence involving the aetiology of posterior glenohumeral dislocations, as well as the diagnosis and treatment. A systematic search was conducted using PubMed (MEDLINE), Web of Science, Embase, and Cochrane (January 1997 to September 2017), with references from articles also evaluated. Studies reporting patients who experienced an acute posterior glenohumeral joint subluxation and/or dislocation, as well as the aetiology of posterior glenohumeral dislocations, were included.Aims
Materials and Methods
Limb salvage after loss of bone and soft tissue may require many operations to obtain soft-tissue cover and bony continuity. We describe a fibula-flexor hallucis longus osteomuscular flap which can provide both soft tissue and bone in a single stage. The flap is based on the peroneal vessels and is covered by a split-thickness skin graft. We report the results in five patients with an average bone defect of 8.3 cm and soft-tissue and skin loss. All regained a normal gait on the donor side; four had clinical and radiological union with excellent soft-tissue cover, but one required later amputation due to diffuse coagulopathy. The flap provides free vascularised bone with
We report a review of 54 patients with chronic anterior cruciate ligament rupture treated by patellar-quadriceps tendon graft augmented with polypropylene braid (Kennedy-LAD). The femoral placement of the graft was randomised to either a modified over-the-top (OTT) or a tunnel position obtained by an isometric drill guide (ISO). At the two-year follow-up both procedures had resulted in improvement of subjective knee function and activity level. Stereoradiographic measurements showed reduction of anteroposterior laxity to near normal in about one-third of the patients, but
Failure of conservative treatment is the usual indication for the reconstruction of a knee with deficiency of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and this depends on subjective judgement. The ability of
The Norway elbow prosthesis is a non-constrained cemented total replacement. It depends on intact collateral ligaments for stability, and allows a full range of movement. The system includes several sizes of components, all freely interchangeable, and semi-constraint can be provided by a locking ring if damaged collateral ligaments make dislocation possible. The prosthesis has been used in more than 350 elbows in Norway and the detailed results for 118 elbows studied prospectively since 1987 are reported. It is inserted through a posterolateral triceps-splitting incision with minimal
We operated on 16 patients for ulnar neuropathy associated with osteoarthritis of the elbow. They were all male manual workers, with an average age of 51 years at the time of surgery. The severity of the symptoms was McGowan grade 1 in five patients, grade 2 in nine and grade 3 in two. The mean follow-up was 36 months. The operation consists of resecting the osteophytes around the postcondylar groove. The shallow and narrow cubital tunnel is made deep and wide and the ulnar nerve is replaced with its surrounding soft tissues in the enlarged groove. All patients were relieved of discomfort and all showed some improvement or full recovery of motor and sensory function. The ulnar nerve showed no evidence of irritation or adhesion. This procedure also allows early movement of the elbow after operation, because the subcutaneous tissues and
We treated 12 shoulders in ten patients with irreparable rotator-cuff tears by transfer of the latissimus dorsi. There were nine men and one woman. Their average age was 64.0 years and the average follow-up was 35.6 months (26 to 42). The results were excellent in four shoulders, good in four, fair in one, and poor in three. Active forward flexion improved from a preoperative average of 99° to a postoperative average of 135°. Osteoarthritic changes appeared in five shoulders and proximal migration of the humeral head progressed in six. EMG revealed that nine of the 12 transferred
The EuroQol five-dimension (EQ-5D) questionnaire is a widely used multiattribute general health questionnaire where an EQ-5D < 0 defines a state ‘worse than death’ (WTD). The aim of this study was to determine the proportion of patients awaiting total hip arthroplasty (THA) or total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in a health state WTD and to identify associations with this state. Secondary aims were to examine the effect of WTD status on one-year outcomes. A cross-sectional analysis of 2073 patients undergoing 2073 THAs (mean age 67.4 years (Aims
Patients and Methods
From an anatomical study and clinical review of fractures of the lateral humeral condyle in children, the following conclusions are drawn. The mechanism of injury is a violent varus force with the elbow in extension, the condyle being avulsed. by the lateral ligament and the extensor
1. Seventy-three congenital club feet in fifty-one children have been reviewed between the ages of four and fourteen years to determine the incidence of residual adduction ofthe forefoot. 2. A radiological method of measuring metatarsus varus, based on the naviculo-metatarsal angle, is described. 3. On clinical examination 52 per cent of the feet had residual adduction of the forefoot, and metatarsus varus was present in 74 per cent of these. 4. There was no residual adduction in 48 per cent but only 45 per cent of these showed normal radiographic features. In the remainder various forms of spurious correction were seen. 5. For early treatment, detachment of the origin of the abductor hallucis
A method of treatment of Bennett's fracture is described. A Kirschner wire is drilled obliquely through the base of the first metacarpal bone and traction is applied in a distal, ulnar and palmar direction in order to counteract the dislocating action of abductor pollicis longus and the flexor
1. A group of cases is presented in which the os intermetatarseum took the form of an intermetatarsal spur, from which (in members of one family) there arose a tendon-like structure whose distal attachment was to the lateral aspect of the proximal phalanx of the great toe. The suggestion is made that this may represent a lost first plantar interosseous
We report a prospective study of 46 patients with acute complete dislocation of the acromioclavicular joint. They were all treated by suture of the deltoid and trapezius over the clavicle with no repair of the coracoclavicular ligaments, using only temporary fixation with two wires. At operation 43 patients (93.5%) had damage to the trapezius or deltoid or both. The coracoclavicular ligaments were intact in six (13%). Follow-up was from 2 to 7.9 years (mean 5.8), and at the latest review only five patients (10.9%) had redisplacement, due to premature removal of wires for infection in one, to migration of the wires in another and to partial failure of the
We reviewed our experience with a modified triple innominate osteotomy for hip instability and limb shortening due to poliomyelitis in 62 adolescent and adult patients, treated from 1973 to 1990. Their ages at surgery ranged from 12 years to 35 years (average 22.3). At a mean follow-up of 4 years (2 to 18) 59 of the patients (95.2%) had substantial improvement in hip stability, and all but one had radiological improvement as determined by the acetabular angle, centre-edge angle and acetabulum-head quotient. In 59 cases in which transiliac limb lengthening was attempted, the mean gain was 1.7 cm (0.6 to 3.0). When the abductor
We investigated bone induction by bone morphogenetic protein in primates, comparing it with that seen in rodents. Twelve Millipore diffusion chambers containing 5 mg of semipurified bone morphogenetic protein were implanted into the dorsal