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The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 65-B, Issue 5 | Pages 552 - 556
1 Nov 1983
Foo C Swann M

A description is given of 20 patients with winging of the scapula. The majority had suffered spontaneous severe pain in the region of the shoulder followed about two weeks later by the deformity and associated loss of function. Only in three patients was there a clear history of trauma. Some patients may have strained the arm, but in the majority no single factor heralded the problem. Most of the patients were followed up for more than two years and it became clear that functional recovery could take up to this time to be complete. However, careful examination revealed that often a slight degree of winging remained. No specific treatment apart from gentle physiotherapy was prescribed and certainly no operative procedures. It is considered that a number of these cases were examples of neuralgic amyotrophy.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 48-B, Issue 4 | Pages 774 - 776
1 Nov 1966
Bowen TL Stone KH

1. A case of posterior interosseous nerve palsy from compression in the supinator muscle by what appeared to be a simple ganglion is described.

2. Surgical decompression led to an effective cure.

3. The course of the nerve through this muscle invites compression.

4. Rotation of the forearm, especially with super-added deformity of the limb, may increase the compresssion.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 38-B, Issue 2 | Pages 475 - 484
1 May 1956
Clark JMP Axer A

1. A dynamic muscle-tendon transposition is described for supplementing the power of weak lateral abdominal muscles, and the details of the operative technique are given.

2. A clinical assessment of the results in a series of twenty-four patients is given.

3. The indications for the operation in poliomyelitis are suggested.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 31-B, Issue 1 | Pages 40 - 41
1 Feb 1949
Penfield W

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 69-B, Issue 4 | Pages 670 - 671
1 Aug 1987
Werner C

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 34-B, Issue 3 | Pages 386 - 390
1 Aug 1952
Seddon HJ

Traumatic neuritis of the deep branch of the ulnar nerve may be caused by compression of the nerve by a ganglion originating in a carpal joint, and removal of the protrusion is followed by a prompt recovery. This lesion was found in four out of five explorations.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 40-B, Issue 4 | Pages 644 - 651
1 Nov 1958
Axer A

1 . An operation for strengthening the lateral abdominal muscles in children after poliomyelitis is described. It consists of transposition of the proximal part of the gluteus maximus, the tensor fasciae latae and the ilio-tibial band ("the pelvic deltoid" of Henry) to a chosen rib.

2. The results of this operation in eight consecutive cases of paralytic scoliosis, pelvic obliquity and thoraco-pelvic instability are assessed.

3. A "strong" motor allows the child to lift the pelvis against gravity, whereas with a "weak" motor the child is unable to do so efficiently. However, even a "weak" musculotendinous tendinous unit helps invariably in restoring the thoraco-pelvic stability, just as a weak "hamstring-into-patella" transplant stabilises the knee.

4. Those motors (gluteus maximus with or without tensor fasciae latae) that contract vigorously and move the free end of the ilio-tibial band for at least three centimetres on direct faradic stimulation with a bipolar electrode during the operation become ultimately strong and most efficient.

5. The unreliability of the clinical test of tensor fasciae latae in small children is discussed, and the advantage of using the gluteus maximus as the motor for the musculo-tendinous unit is emphasised.

6. Using the proximal half (or less) of the gluteus maximus for strengthening the lateral abdominal muscles does not seem to affect appreciably the strength of hip extension. This phenomenon may be explained with reasonable probability by the existence of a twofold insertion of that muscle.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 88-B, Issue 5 | Pages 637 - 641
1 May 2006
Akita S Wada E Kawai H

A total of 11 patients with combined traumatic injuries of the brachial plexus and spinal cord were reviewed retrospectively. Brachial plexus paralysis in such dual injuries tends to be diagnosed and treated late and the prognosis is usually poor. The associated injuries, which were all on the same side as the plexus lesion, were to the head (nine cases), shoulder girdle (five), thorax (nine) and upper limb (seven). These other injuries were responsible for the delayed diagnosis of brachial plexus paralysis and the poor prognosis was probably because of the delay in starting treatment and the severity of the associated injuries. When such injuries are detected in patients with spinal cord trauma, it is important to consider the possibility of involvement of the brachial plexus

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 87-B, Issue 2 | Pages 184 - 190
1 Feb 2005
Rühmann O Schmolke S Bohnsack M Carls J Wirth CJ

Between March 1994 and June 2003, 80 patients with brachial plexus palsy underwent a trapezius transfer. There were 11 women and 69 men with a mean age of 31 years (18 to 69). Before operation a full evaluation of muscle function in the affected arm was carried out. A completely flail arm was found in 37 patients (46%). Some peripheral function in the elbow and hand was seen in 43 (54%). No patient had full active movement of the elbow in combination with adequate function of the hand. Patients were followed up for a mean of 2.4 years (0.8 to 8). We performed the operations according to Saha’s technique, with a modification in the last 22 cases. We demonstrated a difference in the results according to the pre-operative status of the muscles and the operative technique. The transfer resulted in an increase of function in all patients and in 74 (95%) a decrease in multidirectional instability of the shoulder. The mean increase in active abduction was from 6° (0 to 45) to 34° (5 to 90) at the last review. The mean forward flexion increased from 12° (0 to 85) to 30° (5 to 90). Abduction (41°) and especially forward flexion (43°) were greater when some residual function of the pectoralis major remained (n = 32). The best results were achieved in those patients with most pre-operative power of the biceps, coracobrachialis and triceps muscles (n = 7), with a mean of 42° of abduction and 56° of forward flexion. Active abduction (28°) and forward flexion (19°) were much less in completely flail shoulders (n = 34). Comparison of the 19 patients with the Saha technique and the 15 with the modified procedure, all with complete paralysis, showed the latter operation to be superior in improving shoulder stability. In all cases a decrease in instability was achieved and inferior subluxation was abolished. The results after trapezius transfer depend on the pre-operative pattern of paralysis and the operative technique. Better results can be achieved in patients who have some function of the biceps, coracobrachialis, pectoralis major and triceps muscles compared with those who have a complete palsy. A simple modification of the operation ensures a decrease in joint instability and an increase in function

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 41-B, Issue 1 | Pages 56 - 69
1 Feb 1959
Ratliff AHC

A study of limb shortening after poliomyelitis in 225 children in whom paralysis was confined to one leg shows:. 1. The paralysed leg became shorter than its fellow in 219 patients (97 per cent). 2. The discrepancy in leg length only once exceeded three and a half inches. 3. Both the tibia and the femur were shorter than their fellows in 171 out of 184 studied (93 per cent). In only one patient was the femur alone shortened. 4. Three patterns of progress of shortening are described. No evidence was found that reduction of shortening ever occurs. 5. It is impossible accurately to predict shortening. In general, the more severe the paralysis the greater the shortening, but there are notable exceptions. 6. No relationship could be found between the amount of shortening and the incidence of paralysis of any individual muscle-group. 7. There was no significant difference in leg shortening in adult life between those who had developed the disease in the first two years of life and those who had developed it later. 8. A cold blue limb is not more likely to undergo severe shortening. 9. When the paralysis was confined below the knee the greatest shortening seen was one and three-quarter inches. When muscles both above and below the knee were involved severe paralysis may produce shortening up to three and a half inches. 10. Lengthening of a paralysed leg can occur during the first two years after the onset of the disease, but this is always a temporary phase. 11. The cause of leg shortening is unknown. In only two patients in this series was there evidence of premature epiphysial fusion

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 42-B, Issue 2 | Pages 213 - 225
1 May 1960
Clawson DK Seddon HJ

1. We have described what happens to patients a number of years after injury of the sciatic nerve or of its divisions; there were 329 who had been under observation for periods ranging from three to eighteen years. The neurological recovery was recorded in every case and, more important, the behaviour of the limb as appreciated by the patient. 2. Although it was generally true that good neurological recovery and good function went together there were remarkable discrepancies. Isolated paralysis of the medial popliteal or of the lateral popliteal nerve was often compatible with good function, though patients with lateral popliteal paralysis usually needed toe-raising apparatus. Even total sciatic paralysis sometimes gave little trouble. 3. Of the various types of injury, clean wounds and traction lesions led to rather better than average return of function. 4. Some degree of pain was present in about half the cases, and over-response–exaggerated and painful response to an ordinary stimulus–was present in one-third of the cases. 5. Repair of the posterior tibial nerve was rarely worth while; no less than eight out of twelve patients with this type of injury exhibited over-response. 6. One-third of the patients showed vasomotor and trophic disorders: coldness of the affected limb, erythema, thinness or pigmentation of the skin, changes in the nails or oedema. 7. Pressure sores were the most serious consequence of sciatic nerve injury and at some time or other were present in 14 per cent of our patients. The cause was deformity rather than insensibility of the sole. 8. Of the various palliative operations Lambrinudi's tarsal arthrodesis gave such disappointing results that we doubt whether the operation is worth doing. Tenodesis, revived as a time-saving expedient during the war, was a failure. For lateral popliteal paralysis anterior transplantation of tibialis posterior is excellent. 9. Amputation was done in only ten cases. When it was performed for fixed deformity with secondary ulceration the result was satisfactory. When it was done because of pain there was no relief. Amputation is, therefore, avoidable provided that vigorous steps are taken to prevent or correct deformity; it should not be done for the relief of pain

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 31-B, Issue 2 | Pages 162 - 174
1 May 1949
McKenzie KG Dewar FP

1. Five cases of scoliosis with paraplegia are reported, and thirty-six comparable cases from the literature are reviewed. These forty-one cases have been studied with the object of determining the etiology of scoliosis, the reason why cord compression sometimes develops, and the results of conservative and operative treatment of such compression of the cord. 2. The cause of paraplegia is nearly always compression of the spinal cord by the dura, which, in severe scoliosis, is under longitudinal tension because of its firm attachment to the foramen magnum above and the sacrum below. Such tension, resisting displacement of the spinal cord from the straight line, may be shown to cause incomplete spinal block even when there is no paralysis. 3. When paralysis occurs it usually develops during the years of most rapid growth, the tight dura being unable to accommodate itself to the rate of growth of the spinal column; cord compression is probably increased by narrowing of the dural sac by rotational displacement. 4. The most striking results have been secured by laminectomy with section of the dura and sometimes division of dentate ligaments and tight nerve roots. After such division there is evidence of release of compression: the cord herniates through the dural slit; and spinal pulsation returns. 5. It is important to control bleeding in order to avoid post-operative compression by blood clot; and to prevent leakage of cerebro-spinal fluid through the arachnoid. 6. It is unwise to perform spinal fusion at the same time as decompression because it increases the danger of haematoma formation. Moreover the improvement gained by decompression is maintained even if no fusion of the spine is performed. 7. Conservative treatment of scoliosis with paraplegia should not be continued for long periods unless there is evidence of early and progressive improvement because prolonged compression causes irreversible changes in the cord. 8. In three cases, paraplegia was not due to dural compression: one turned out later to be a case of syringomyelia; one, reported by Heyman, was due to the pressure of a bone spur; and one, reported in this series, was due to a congenital tight band of developmental origin which might have caused the scoliosis as well as the paralysis, and in which, after resection of the band, recovery from the paralysis was complete

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 56-B, Issue 4 | Pages 650 - 657
1 Nov 1974
Henry APJ Wood H Mickel RE

1. A review of 193 African and Indian children suffering from spina bifida has been made. Forty-three were seen on the first day of life and the remainder during subsequent weeks of life. 2. For the baby with mild or moderate paralysis and an open spinal lesion early closure was of value in preventing progressive neural damage. 3. For the baby with severe paralysis and an open myelomeningocele early operation was not of value in preventing further neural damage, and all remained severely paralysed. immediate operation to close the spinal lesion is not justified in babies with severe paralysis: survivors may be treated by later operation to prevent recurrent meningitis

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 68-B, Issue 2 | Pages 213 - 217
1 Mar 1986
Mazur J Stillwell A Menelaus M

One hundred and nine children with myelodysplasia were evaluated and classified according to the level and type of paralysis and its effect on functional ability. Thirty-one per cent of the patients were paralysed at the thoracic level, 26% at the upper lumbar level, 30% at the lower lumbar level and 13% at the sacral level. Fifty-four per cent of these patients demonstrated the classic flaccid paralysis in the lower limbs with normal upper limbs; 9% were flaccid in the lower limbs, but were spastic in the upper; 24% were spastic in the lower limbs; 13% were spastic in the upper and lower limbs. Patients with spastic lower limbs required more orthopaedic procedures, more days in hospital and in casts, and were less likely to walk than those with flaccid paralysis. Patients with spastic upper limbs were less likely to be independent in activities of daily living and were more likely to require special schools than patients with normal upper limbs. In addition to the spinal cord level of the lesion, the degree of spasticity is important in the evaluation, treatment and prognosis of myelodysplastic patients

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 43-B, Issue 1 | Pages 121 - 140
1 Feb 1961
Ring PA

1. An experimental study of the effects of nerve and muscle lesions upon the growth of bone has been made. In each case animals were subjected to unilateral lesions in the hind limb, the other limb serving as a control. The growth of the tibia was measured by calculating the difference between the length of the bone on a radiograph at the beginning of the experiment and the length of the dried bone after necropsy. The weights of the dried bones were compared. 2. In the young rabbit simple exposure of the common peroneal nerve, or division of the sural nerve, produced no change in the growth rate of the tibia. Division of both peroneal nerves, producing paralysis of the muscles below the knee, led to lengthening of the affected tibia, and this lengthening persisted until maturity several months later. A similar lengthening was seen after division of the tendons around the ankle. In spite of this lengthening the tibia on the side of the operation was almost always lighter than its fellow. 3. In the puppy division of the anterior nerve roots supplying the hind limb produced a significant lengthening of the tibia of the affected limb three months after operation. No significant changes in limb length occurred after lumbar sympathectomy in the puppy. 4. The significance of these experimental nerve lesions has been considered together with recent observations upon the growth of bone in the presence of lower motor neurone lesions in the child. From this analysis it is suggested that the initial effect of paralysis is to produce lengthening of the affected bone. This lengthening is probably due to the hyperaemia of disuse. In the presence of persistent paralysis the growth of the limb is ultimately depressed. This depression is rarely seen in the experimental animal because the growing period is relatively short. The possible causes of this secondary depression of bone growth have been considered

Bone & Joint Open
Vol. 5, Issue 8 | Pages 662 - 670
9 Aug 2024
Tanaka T Sasaki M Katayanagi J Hirakawa A Fushimi K Yoshii T Jinno T Inose H


The escalating demand for medical resources to address spinal diseases as society ages is an issue that requires careful evaluation. However, few studies have examined trends in spinal surgery, especially unscheduled hospitalizations or surgeries performed after hours, through large databases. Our study aimed to determine national trends in the number of spine surgeries in Japan. We also aimed to identify trends in after-hours surgeries and unscheduled hospitalizations and their impact on complications and costs.


We retrospectively investigated data extracted from the Diagnosis Procedure Combination database, a representative inpatient database in Japan. The data from April 2010 to March 2020 were used for this study. We included all patients who had undergone any combination of laminectomy, laminoplasty, discectomy, and/or spinal arthrodesis.