This study investigated the anatomical relationship between the clavicle and its adjacent vascular structures, in order to define safe zones, in terms of distance and direction, for drilling of the clavicle during osteosynthesis using a plate and screws following a fracture. We used reconstructed three-dimensional CT arteriograms of the head, neck and shoulder region. The results have enabled us to divide the clavicle into three zones based on the proximity and relationship of the vascular structures adjacent to it. The results show that at the medial end of the clavicle the subclavian vessels are situated behind it, with the vein intimately related to it. In some scans the vein was opposed to the posterior cortex of the clavicle. At the middle one-third of the clavicle the artery and vein are a mean of 17.02 mm (5.4 to 26.8) and 12.45 mm (5 to 26.1) from the clavicle, respectively, and at a mean angle of 50° (12 to 80) and 70° (38 to 100), respectively, to the horizontal. At the lateral end of the clavicle the artery and vein are at mean distances of 63.4 mm (46.8 to 96.5) and 75.67 mm (50 to 109), respectively. An appreciation of the information gathered from this study will help minimise the risk of inadvertent iatrogenic vascular injury during plating of the clavicle.
The August 2014 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Conservative treatment still OK in paediatric clavicular fractures; Femoral anteversion not the usual suspect in patellar inversion; Shoulder dislocation best treated with an operation; Perthes’ disease results in poorer quality of adult life; Physiotherapy little benefit in supracondylar fractures; Congenital vertical talus addressed at the midtarsal joint; Single-sitting DDH surgery worth the effort; and cubitus valgus associated with simple elbow dislocation
The October 2014 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: proximal humeral fractures in children; quadrilateral surface plates in transverse acetabular fractures; sleep deprivation and poor outcomes in trauma; bipolar hemiarthroplasty; skeletal traction; forefoot fractures; telemedicine in trauma; ketamine infusion for orthopaedic injuries; and improved functional outcomes seen with trauma networks.
Ancient Egypt was a highly developed agrarian society with a massive civil engineering capability. Trauma and skeletal disease were common and vestiges of the evidence for that survive, largely in the form of hieratic images and papyri dedicated to the practice of medicine. The earliest treatise on trauma is the
Injuries to the acromioclavicular joint are common but underdiagnosed. Sprains and minor subluxations are best managed conservatively, but there is debate concerning the treatment of complete dislocations and the more complex combined injuries in which other elements of the shoulder girdle are damaged. Confusion has been caused by existing systems for classification of these injuries, the plethora of available operative techniques and the lack of well-designed clinical trials comparing alternative methods of management. Recent advances in arthroscopic surgery have produced an even greater variety of surgical options for which, as yet, there are no objective data on outcome of high quality. We review the current concepts of the treatment of these injuries.
The sternoclavicular joint (SCJ) is a pivotal
articulation in the linked system of the upper limb girdle, providing
load-bearing in compression while resisting displacement in tension
or distraction at the manubrium sterni. The SCJ and acromioclavicular
joint (ACJ) both have a small surface area of contact protected
by an intra-articular fibrocartilaginous disc and are supported
by strong extrinsic and intrinsic capsular ligaments. The function
of load-sharing in the upper limb by bulky periscapular and thoracobrachial
muscles is extremely important to the longevity of both joints.
Ligamentous and capsular laxity changes with age, exposing both
joints to greater strain, which may explain the rising incidence
of arthritis in both with age. The incidence of arthritis in the
SCJ is less than that in the ACJ, suggesting that the extrinsic
ligaments of the SCJ provide greater stability than the coracoclavicular
ligaments of the ACJ. Instability of the SCJ is rare and can be difficult to distinguish
from medial clavicular physeal or metaphyseal fracture-separation:
cross-sectional imaging is often required. The distinction is important
because the treatment options and outcomes of treatment are dissimilar,
whereas the treatment and outcomes of ACJ separation and fracture
of the lateral clavicle can be similar. Proper recognition and treatment
of traumatic instability is vital as these injuries may be life-threatening.
Instability of the SCJ does not always require surgical intervention.
An accurate diagnosis is required before surgery can be considered,
and we recommend the use of the Stanmore instability triangle. Most
poor outcomes result from a failure to recognise the underlying
pathology. There is a natural reluctance for orthopaedic surgeons to operate
in this area owing to unfamiliarity with, and the close proximity
of, the related vascular structures, but the interposed sternohyoid
and sternothyroid muscles are rarely injured and provide a clear
boundary to the medial retroclavicular space, as well as an anatomical
barrier to unsafe intervention. This review presents current concepts of instability of the SCJ,
describes the relevant surgical anatomy, provides a framework for
diagnosis and management, including physiotherapy, and discusses
the technical challenges of operative intervention. Cite this article:
We reviewed 101 patients with injuries of the
terminal branches of the infraclavicular brachial plexus sustained between
1997 and 2009. Four patterns of injury were identified: 1) anterior
glenohumeral dislocation (n = 55), in which the axillary and ulnar
nerves were most commonly injured, but the axillary nerve was ruptured
in only two patients (3.6%); 2) axillary nerve injury, with or without
injury to other nerves, in the absence of dislocation of the shoulder
(n = 20): these had a similar pattern of nerve involvement to those
with a known dislocation, but the axillary nerve was ruptured in
14 patients (70%); 3) displaced proximal humeral fracture (n = 15),
in which nerve injury resulted from medial displacement of the humeral
shaft: the fracture was surgically reduced in 13 patients; and 4) hyperextension
of the arm (n = 11): these were characterised by disruption of the
musculocutaneous nerve. There was variable involvement of the median
and radial nerves with the ulnar nerve being least affected. Surgical intervention is not needed in most cases of infraclavicular
injury associated with dislocation of the shoulder. Early exploration
of the nerves should be considered in patients with an axillary
nerve palsy without dislocation of the shoulder and for musculocutaneous
nerve palsy with median and/or radial nerve palsy. Urgent operation
is needed in cases of nerve injury resulting from fracture of the
humeral neck to relieve pressure on nerves.
We retrospectively studied the possibility that direct trauma to the biceps muscle might be the cause of poor elbow flexion and supination in 18 consecutive children with birth lesions of the brachial plexus who had delayed or impaired biceps recovery despite neurophysiological evidence of reinnervation. All had good shoulder and hand function at three months of age. Eight recovered a strong biceps after six months, but nine required a pectoralis minor to biceps transfer to augment elbow flexion and supination. One had a delayed but good recovery of the biceps after microsurgical reconstruction of the plexus. All had a clinical ‘pseudotumour’ in the biceps muscle, which was biopsied during pectoralis minor transfer in two patients and showed rupture and degeneration of muscle fibres with a fibro-fatty infiltrate, suggesting previous muscle trauma. Direct muscle trauma is an uncommon but important cause of delayed or impaired biceps recovery after brachial plexus birth injuries. Surgery to reinnervate the biceps muscle will not work if substantial muscle damage is present when a suitable muscle transfer should be considered.
We present a review of claims made to the NHS
Litigation Authority (NHSLA) by patients with conditions affecting the
shoulder and elbow, and identify areas of dissatisfaction and potential
improvement. Between 1995 and 2012, the NHSLA recorded 811 claims
related to the shoulder and elbow, 581 of which were settled. This
comprised 364 shoulder (64%), and 217 elbow (36%) claims. A total
of £18.2 million was paid out in settled claims. Overall diagnosis,
mismanagement and intra-operative nerve injury were the most common
reasons for litigation. The highest cost paid out resulted from
claims dealing with incorrect, missed or delayed diagnosis, with
just under £6 million paid out overall. Fractures and dislocations
around the shoulder and elbow were common injuries in this category.
All 11 claims following wrong-site surgery that were settled led
to successful payouts. This study highlights the diagnoses and procedures that need
to be treated with particular vigilance. Having an awareness of
the areas that lead to litigation in shoulder and elbow surgery
will help to reduce inadvertent risks to patients and prevent dissatisfaction
and possible litigation. Cite this article:
We describe three patients with pre-ganglionic (avulsion) injuries of the brachial plexus which caused a partial Brown-Séquard syndrome.
We retrospectively reviewed 11 consecutive patients with an infected reverse shoulder prosthesis. Patients were assessed clinically and radiologically, and standard laboratory tests were carried out. Peroperative samples showed Propionbacterium acnes in seven, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus in five, methicillin-resistant A one-stage revision arthroplasty reduces the cost and duration of treatment. It is reliable in eradicating infection and good functional outcomes can be achieved.
Non-accidental injury (NAI) in children includes orthopaedic trauma throughout the skeleton. Fractures with soft-tissue injuries constitute the majority of manifestations of physical abuse in children. Fracture and injury patterns vary with age and development, and NAI is intrinsically related to the mobility of the child. No fracture in isolation is pathognomonic of NAI, but specific abuse-related injuries include multiple fractures, particularly at various stages of healing, metaphyseal corner and bucket-handle fractures and fractures of ribs. Isolated or multiple rib fractures, irrespective of location, have the highest specificity for NAI. Other fractures with a high specificity for abuse include those of the scapula, lateral end of the clavicle, vertebrae and complex skull fractures. Injuries caused by NAI constitute a relatively small proportion of childhood fractures. They may be associated with significant physical and psychological morbidity, with wide- ranging effects from deviations in normal developmental progression to death. Orthopaedic surgeons must systematically assess, recognise and act on the indicators for NAI in conjunction with the paediatric multidisciplinary team.
Antegrade intramedullary nailing of fractures of the shaft of the humerus is reported to cause impairment of the shoulder joint. We have reviewed 33 patients with such fractures to assess how many had injuries to the ipsilateral shoulder. All had an MR scan of the shoulder within 11 days of injury. The unaffected shoulder was also scanned as a control. There was evidence of abnormality in 21 of the shoulders (63.6%) on the injured side; ten had bursitis of the subacromial space, five evidence of a partial tear of the rotator cuff, one a complete rupture of the supraspinatus tendon, four inflammatory changes in the acromioclavicular joint and one a fracture of the coracoid process. These injuries may contribute to pain and dysfunction of the shoulder following treatment, and their presence indicates that antegrade nailing is only partly, if at all, responsible for these symptoms.