We report four patients with a form of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome associated with soft-tissue
We investigated the pathogenesis of soft-tissue
1. Six patients are reported in whom ischaemic muscle
Ischaemia is a rare complication of injury to a limb but must be excluded in every case. Two distinct types occur: Type I, where a proximal arterial injury gives rise to ischaemia distally; and Type II, where a direct injury gives rise to ischaemia at the site of the injury. Whatever the nature of the insult, an ischaemic
A method of treatment of Volkmann's ischaemic
Our aims were to describe the distribution of α-smooth muscle actin (SMA)-containing cells in Dupuytren’s tissue in vivo and to determine the effects of selected agents in regulating the expression of SMA in Dupuytren’s cells in vitro. In selected hypercellular zones of Dupuytren’s nodules up to 40% of the cells contained SMA, as shown by immunohistochemistry. A lower percentage (20%) of SMA-containing cells was found in regions of lower cellularity. A notable finding was that treatment in vitro of Dupuytren’s cells with platelet-derived growth factor significantly reduced the content of SMA. Cells from the same patients showed a significant increase in expression of SMA in response to treatment with transforming growth factor, which confirmed recent findings. In addition, interferon-γ, which has been previously used as a treatment for Dupuytren’s disease in a clinical study, had no reproducible effect on the expression of this actin isoform. Our findings are of significance for the conservative management of
We treated 22 children (28 limbs) with diplegic cerebral palsy who were able to walk by the Baumann procedure for correction of fixed
The fine structure of palmar fascia from patients with Dupuytren's
1. A case of Volkmann's ischaemic
Lengthening of the conjoined tendon of the gastrocnemius
aponeurosis and soleus fascia is frequently used in the treatment
of equinus deformities in children and adults. The Vulpius procedure
as described in most orthopaedic texts is a division of the conjoined
tendon in the shape of an inverted V. However, transverse division
was also described by Vulpius and Stoffel, and has been reported
in some clinical studies. We studied the anatomy and biomechanics of transverse division
of the conjoined tendon in 12 human cadavers (24 legs). Transverse
division of the conjoined tendon resulted in predictable, controlled
lengthening of the gastrocsoleus muscle-tendon unit. The lengthening
achieved was dependent both on the level of the cut in the conjoined
tendon and division of the midline raphé. Division at a proximal
level resulted in a mean lengthening of 15.2 mm ( Cite this article:
1. Previous reports of the role of the quadriceps in producing limitation of movement or dislocation of the patella have tended to implicate one particular part of the complex. Experience gained in thirty-five quadricepsplasties in children has shown that all parts of the quadriceps (except vastus medialis) and the ilio-tibial band also may play a part and that each of these must be attended to if a satisfactory result is to be obtained. 2. A simple technique of operation is described and illustrated. 3. Since this paper was prepared, a patient showing features of particular interest has been seen and treated.
1 . A case of plantar Dupuytren's disease in a woman aged twenty-three is described. 2. A review of the literature has shown that the histology and rapid recurrence have led to an erroneous diagnosis of fibrosarcoma and treatment by amputation on several occasions.
1. Two patients are reported with progressive fibrosis of the vastus intermedius muscle causing limitation of flexion of the knee. The first patient, a girl of ten years who was one of binovular twins, noticed difficulty in walking at the age of five, the disability increasing with age. The other girl, aged three, was one of uniovular twins and displayed the abnormality as soon as she started walking. 2. The nature of the condition remains obscure. 3. Surgery is effective, and simple division of the affected muscle segment is recommended. A good range of passive flexion is obtained at once; the active range can be obtained thereafter by physiotherapy. Because this requires the patient's cooperation it is suggested that the best age for surgery is about five or six years.