We investigated the association of Dupuytren’s
We present the outcome of the treatment of chronic post-traumatic
Nine cases of abduction
An internal rotation
1. A case is described of bilateral congenital
Arthrolysis and dynamic splinting have been used in the treatment of elbow contractures, but there is no standardised protocol for treatment of severe
1. On the basis of, first, a mathematical analysis of the age-specific and sex-specific prevalence of Dupuytren's
We report four children with sternomastoid
1. In a prospective study of sixty patients with cerebral palsy and
1. A child with a rigid valgus foot caused by fibrous
1 . In the common type of Volkmann's ischaemic
We reviewed retrospectively 94 patients who had undergone soft-tissue release to correct flexion
Eleven cases are reported of
We report the results of performing a pronating osteotomy of the radius, coupled with other soft-tissue procedures, as part of an upper limb functional surgery programme in tetraplegic patients with supination
We treated post-traumatic
Experience with thirty-eight Asian children and adolescents who presented with either stiffness of the knee, genu recurvatum, habitual dislocation of the patella or congenital lateral dislocation of the patella showed that all those disorders were manifestations of
The medial rotation
We performed a lateral approach for the release of post-traumatic stiffness of the elbow in 22 patients using a modified technique designed to spare the lateral ligaments. They were reviewed after a mean interval of 26 months. The total humeroulnar joint movement had increased from a mean of 74° to 129° and forearm rotation from a mean of 135° to 159°. Both pain and function in the elbow had improved significantly. This modified lateral approach allows release of post-traumatic
A patient with typical congenital contractural arachnodactyly followed up from the age of 12 years to the age of 48 is reported. He had spiderlike fingers and toes and marked
1. Six cases of quadriceps