The outcome of displaced hips treated by Somerville and Scott’s method was assessed after more than 25 years. A total of 147 patients (191 displaced hips) was reviewed which represented an overall follow-up of 65.6%. The median age at the index operation was two years. During the first five years, 25 (13%) hips showed signs of avascular change. The late development of valgus angulation of the neck, after ten years, was seen in 69 (36%) hips. Further operations were frequently necessary. Moderate to severe osteoarthritis developed at a young age in 40% of the hips. Total hip replacement or arthrodesis was necessary in 27 (14%) hips at a mean age of 36.5 years. Risk factors identified were high dislocation, open reduction, and age at the original operation. Two groups of patients were compared according to outcome. All the radiographic indices were different between the two groups after ten years, but most were similar before. It takes a generation to establish the prognosis, although some early indicators may help to predict outcome.
Bone-marrow oedema can occur both in isolation and in association with necrosis of bone, but it has not been shown whether each respond to the same methods of treatment. We treated 16 patients with isolated oedema and 17, in which it was associated with necrosis of the proximal femur, with the prostacyclin derivative iloprost, which has been shown to be effective in the idiopathic form. The Harris hip score, the range of movement, the extent of the oedema as measured by MRI, pain on a visual analogue scale and patient satisfaction were recorded before and subsequent to treatment. In both groups, we were able to show a significant improvement (p <
0.001) in these observations during the period of follow-up indicating that iloprost will produce clinical improvement in both circumstances.