There are few data available regarding the association between hallux valgus and pain or functional limitation. We determined the prevalence of hallux valgus in a rural Korean population aged between 40 and 69 years, and its association with pain and function. A total of 563 subjects was examined using the foot health status questionnaire, the Short Form-36 questionnaire and weight-bearing anteroposterior radiographs. Hallux valgus was present in 364 subjects (64.7%). It did not significantly correlate with age and was more common in women. Of the 364 subjects, 48 (13.2%) had moderate or greater deformity, defined as a hallux valgus angle >
25°. This was significantly associated with pain, worse function and worse foot health. The putative risk factors associated with painful hallux valgus were female gender, low educational attainment and the presence of pain in the knee.
Our study describes the clinical outcome of total ankle replacement (TAR) performed in patients with moderate to severe varus deformity. Between September 2004 and September 2007, 23 ankles with a varus deformity ≥ 10° and 22 with neutral alignment received a TAR. Following specific algorithms according to joint congruency, the varus ankles were managed by various additional procedures simultaneously with TAR. After a mean follow-up of 27 months (12 to 47), the varus ankles improved significantly in all clinical measures (p <
0.0001 for visual analogue scale and American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society score, p = 0.001 for range of movement). No significant differences were found between the varus and neutral groups regarding the clinical (p = 0.766 for visual analogue scale, p = 0.502 for American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society score, p = 0.773 for range of movement) and radiological outcome (p = 0.339 for heterotopic ossification, p = 0.544 for medial cortical reaction, p = 0.128 for posterior focal osteolysis). Failure of the TAR with conversion to an arthrodesis occurred in one case in each group. The clinical outcome of TAR performed in ankles with pre-operative varus alignment ≥ 10° is comparable with that of neutrally aligned ankles when appropriate additional procedures to correct the deformity are carried out simultaneously with TAR.
Cervical spinal disc replacement is used in the management of degenerative cervical disc disease in an attempt to preserve cervical spinal movement and to prevent adjacent disc overload and subsequent degeneration. A large number of patients have undergone cervical spinal disc replacement, but the effectiveness of these implants is still uncertain. In most instances, degenerative change at adjacent levels represents the physiological progression of the natural history of the arthritic disc, and is unrelated to the surgeon. Complications of cervical disc replacement include loss of movement from periprosthetic ankylosis and ossification, neurological deficit, loosening and failure of the device, and worsening of any cervical kyphosis. Strict selection criteria and adherence to scientific evidence are necessary. Only prospective, randomised clinical trials with long-term follow-up will establish any real advantage of cervical spinal disc replacement over fusion.
Fractures of the proximal interphalangeal joint include a wide spectrum of injuries, from stable avulsion fractures to complex fracture-dislocations. Stability of the joint is paramount in determining the appropriate treatment, which should aim to facilitate early mobilisation and restoration of function.
We have reviewed our experience in managing 11 patients who sustained an indirect sternal fracture in combination with an upper thoracic spinal injury between 2003 and 2006. These fractures have previously been described as ‘associated’ fractures, but since the upper thorax is an anatomical entity composed of the upper thoracic spine, ribs and sternum joined together, we feel that the term ‘fractures of the upper transthoracic cage’ is a better description. These injuries are a challenge because they are unusual and easily overlooked. They require a systematic clinical and radiological examination to identify both lesions. This high-energy trauma gives severe devastating concomitant injuries and CT with contrast and reconstruction is essential after resuscitation to confirm the presence of all the lesions. The injury level occurs principally at T4–T5 and at the manubriosternal joint. These unstable fractures need early posterior stabilisation and fusion or, if treated conservatively, a very close follow-up.
Chondral damage to the knee is common and, if left untreated, can proceed to degenerative osteoarthritis. In symptomatic patients established methods of management rely on the formation of fibrocartilage which has poor resistance to shear forces. The formation of hyaline or hyaline-like cartilage may be induced by implanting autologous, cultured chondrocytes into the chondral or osteochondral defect. Autologous chondrocyte implantation may be used for full-thickness chondral or osteochondral injuries which are painful and debilitating with the aim of replacing damaged cartilage with hyaline or hyaline-like cartilage, leading to improved function. The intermediate and long-term functional and clinical results are promising. We provide a review of autologous chondrocyte implantation and describe our experience with the technique at our institution with a mean follow-up of 32 months (1 to 9 years). The procedure is shown to offer statistically significant improvement with advantages over other methods of management of chondral defects.
Dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica of the left proximal femur was diagnosed in an eight-month-old girl. At the age of 18 months, radiographs of the hip and MRI showed overgrowth and loss of containment of the femoral head. She underwent resection of the superior portion of the head and neck of the femur at the age of 2.5 years. Six months later further radiographs and an MR scan show that the mass has increased in size and that hip containment has been lost. Further plain radiographs have shown that the left knee, ankle and spine were involved. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica involving both the lower limb and the spine. A review of the literature is presented.
We report a randomised controlled trial to examine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of arthroscopic acromioplasty in the treatment of stage II shoulder impingement syndrome. A total of 140 patients were randomly divided into two treatment groups: supervised exercise programme (n = 70, exercise group) and arthroscopic acromioplasty followed by a similar exercise programme (n = 70, combined treatment group). The main outcome measure was self-reported pain on a visual analogue scale of 0 to 10 at 24 months, measured on the 134 patients (66 in the exercise group and 68 in the combined treatment group) for whom endpoint data were available. An intention-to-treat analysis disclosed an improvement in both groups but without statistically significant difference in outcome between the groups (p = 0.65). The combined treatment was considerably more costly. Arthroscopic acromioplasty provides no clinically important effects over a structured and supervised exercise programme alone in terms of subjective outcome or cost-effectiveness when measured at 24 months. Structured exercise treatment should be the basis for treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome, with operative treatment offered judiciously until its true merit is proven.
We reviewed 87 patients who had undergone expansive cervical laminoplasty between 1999 and 2005. These were divided into two groups: those who had diabetes mellitus and those who did not. There were 31 patients in the diabetes group and 56 in the control group. Although a significant improvement in the Japanese Orthopaedic Association score was seen in both groups, the post-operative recovery rate in the control group was better than that of the diabetic group. The patients’ age and symptom duration adversely affected the rate of recovery in the diabetic group only. Smoking did not affect the outcome in either group. A logistic regression analysis found diabetes and signal changes in the spinal cord on MRI to be significant risk factors for a poor outcome (odds ratio 2.86, 3.02, respectively). Furthermore, the interaction of diabetes with smoking and/or age increased this risk. We conclude that diabetes mellitus, or the interaction of this with old age, can adversely affect outcome after cervical laminoplasty. However, smoking alone cannot be regarded as a risk factor.
We present the operative technique and clinical results of concomitant reconstruction of the medial collateral ligament (MCL) and the posterior oblique ligament for medial instability of the knee using autogenous semitendinosus tendon with preservation of the tibial attachment. The semitendinosus tendon graft between the screw on the medial epicondyle and the tibial attachment of the graft was overlapped by the MCL, while the graft between the screw and the insertion of the direct head of the semimembranosus tendon was overlapped by the central arm of the posterior oblique ligament. Assessment was by stress radiograph and the Lysholm knee scoring scale. After a mean follow-up of 52.6 months (25 to 92), the medial joint opening of the knee was within 2 mm in 22 of 24 patients. The mean Lysholm score was 91.9 (80 to 100). Concomitant reconstruction of the MCL and posterior oblique ligament using autogenous semitendinosus tendon provides a good solution to medial instability.
We describe the intermediate results of lateral ligamentous repair or reconstruction for posterolateral rotatory instability of the elbow. Between 1986 and 1999, we performed 12 direct repairs and 33 ligament reconstructions with a tendon autograft. One patient was lost to follow-up and 44 were retrospectively studied at a mean of six years (2 to 15). Surgery restored stability in all except five patients. In two the elbow became stable after a second procedure. The mean post-operative Mayo elbow performance score was 85 points (60 to 100). The result was classified as excellent in 19, good in 13, fair in seven and poor in five patients. Thirty-eight patients (86%) were subjectively satisfied with the outcome of the operation. Better results were obtained in patients with a post-traumatic aetiology (p = 0.03), those with subjective symptoms of instability at presentation (p = 0.006) and those who had an augmented reconstruction using a tendon graft (p = 0.04). Reconstruction using a tendon graft seems to provide better results than ligament repair and the results do not seem to deteriorate with time. The outcome of this procedure is less predictable in patients with no subjective instability.
We evaluated 30 patients with cervical myelopathy before and after decompressive surgery and compared them with 42 healthy controls. All were asked to grip and release their fingers as rapidly as possible for 15 seconds. Films recorded with a digital camera were divided into three files of five seconds each. Three doctors independently counted the number of grip and release cycles in a blinded manner (N1 represents the number of cycles for the first five-second segment, N2 for the second and N3 for the third). N2 and N3 of the pre-operative group were significantly fewer than those of the control group, and the postoperative group’s results were significantly greater than those of the pre-operative group. In the control group, the numbers decreased significantly with each succeeding five-second interval (fatigue phenomenon). In the pre-operative myelopathy group there was no significant difference between N1 and N2 (freezing phenomenon). The 15-second test is shown to be reliable in the quantitative evaluation of cervical myelopathy. Although it requires a camera and animation files, it can detect small changes in neurological status because of its precise and objective nature.
In spite of extensive accounts describing the blood supply to the femoral head, the prediction of avascular necrosis is elusive. Current opinion emphasises the contributions of the superior retinacular artery but may not explain the clinical outcome in many situations, including intramedullary nailing of the femur and resurfacing of the hip. We considered that significant additional contribution to the vascularity of the femoral head may exist. A total of 14 fresh-frozen hips were dissected and the medial circumflex femoral artery was cannulated in the femoral triangle. On the test side, this vessel was ligated, with the femoral head receiving its blood supply from the inferior vincular artery alone. Gadolinium contrast-enhanced MRI was then performed simultaneously on both control and test specimens. Polyurethane was injected, and gross dissection of the specimens was performed to confirm the extraosseous anatomy and the injection of contrast. The inferior vincular artery was found in every specimen and had a significant contribution to the vascularity of the femoral head. The head was divided into four quadrants: medial (0), superior (1), lateral (2) and inferior (3). In our study specimens the inferior vincular artery contributed a mean of 56% (25% to 90%) of blood flow in quadrant 0, 34% (14% to 80%) of quadrant 1, 37% (18% to 48%) of quadrant 2 and 68% (20% to 98%) in quadrant 3. Extensive intra-osseous anastomoses existed between the superior retinacular arteries, the inferior vincular artery and the subfoveal plexus.
A total of 118 consecutive patients with a fracture of the distal radius were treated with a volar locking plate; 50 patients had no ulnar styloid fracture, 41 had a basal ulnar styloid fracture, and 27 had a fracture of the tip of the ulnar styloid. There were no significant differences in radiological and clinical results among the three groups. The outcome was good and was independent of the presence of a fracture of the ulnar styloid. A total of five patients (4.2%) had persistent ulnar-sided wrist pain at final follow-up. Nonunion of the ulnar styloid fracture did not necessarily lead to ulnar wrist pain. Patients with persistent ulnar pain had a higher mean initial ulnar variance and increased post-operative loss of ulnar variance. The presence of an associated ulnar styloid fracture of the ulnar styloid does not adversely affect the outcome in patients with a fracture of the distal radius treated by volar plating.
Injury to the spinal cord and kyphosis are the two most feared complications of tuberculosis of the spine. Since tuberculosis affects principally the vertebral bodies, anterior decompression is usually recommended. Concomitant posterior instrumentation is indicated to neutralise gross instability from panvertebral disease, to protect the anterior bone graft, to prevent graft-related complications after anterior decompression in long-segment disease and to correct a kyphosis. Two-stage surgery is usually performed in these cases. We present 38 consecutive patients with tuberculosis of the spine for whom anterior decompression, posterior instrumentation, with or without correction of the kyphus, and anterior and posterior fusion was performed in a single stage through an anterolateral extrapleural approach. Their mean age was 20.4 years (2.0 to 57.0). The indications for surgery were panvertebral disease, neurological deficit and severe kyphosis. The patients were operated on in the left lateral position using a ‘T’-shaped incision sited at the apex of kyphosis or lesion. Three ribs were removed in 34 patients and two in four and anterior decompression of the spinal cord was carried out. The posterior vertebral column was shortened to correct the kyphus, if necessary, and was stabilised by a Hartshill rectangle and sublaminar wires. Anterior and posterior bone grafting was performed. The mean number of vertebral bodies affected was 3.24 (2.0 to 9.0). The mean pre-operative kyphosis in patients operated on for correction of the kyphus was 49.08° (30° to 72°) and there was a mean correction of 25° (6° to 42°). All except one patient with a neural deficit recovered complete motor and sensory function. The mean intra-operative blood loss was 1175 ml (800 to 2600), and the mean duration of surgery 3.5 hours (2.7 to 5.0). Wound healing was uneventful in 33 of 38 patients. The mean follow-up was 33 months (11 to 74). None of the patients required intensive care. The extrapleural anterolateral approach provides simultaneous exposure of the anterior and posterior aspects of the spine, thereby allowing decompression of the spinal cord, posterior stabilisation and anterior and posterior bone grafting. This approach has much less morbidity than the two-stage approaches which have been previously described.
We have examined the outcome in 19 professional rugby union players who underwent anterior cervical discectomy and fusion between 1998 and 2003. Through a retrospective review of the medical records and telephone interviews of all 19 players, we have attempted to determine the likelihood of improvement, return to professional sport and the long-term consequences. We have also attempted to relate the probability of symptoms in the neck and radicular pain in the arm to the position of play. Neck and radicular pain were improved in 17 patients, with 13 returning to rugby, the majority by six months after operation. Of these, 13 returned to their pre-operative standard of play, one to a lower level and five have not played rugby again. Two of those who returned to the game have subsequently suffered further symptoms in the neck, one of whom was obliged to retire. The majority of the players with problems in the neck were front row forwards. A return to playing rugby union after surgery and fusion of the anterior cervical spine is both likely and safe and need not end a career in the game.
We have studied the natural history of a first episode of dislocation after primary total hip replacement (THR) to clarify the incidence of recurrent dislocation, the need for subsequent revision and the quality of life of these patients. Over a six-year period, 99 patients (101 hips) presented with a first dislocation of a primary THR. A total of 61 hips (60.4%) had dislocated more than once. After a minimum follow-up of one year, seven patients had died. Of the remaining 94 hips (92 patients), 47 underwent a revision for instability and one awaits operation (51% in total). Of these, seven re-dislocated and four needed further surgery. The quality of life of the patients was studied using the Oxford Hip Score and the EuroQol-5 Dimension (EQ-5D) questionnaire. A control group of patients who had not dislocated was also studied. At a mean follow-up of 4.5 years (1 to 20), the mean Oxford Hip Score was 26.7 (15 to 47) after one episode of dislocation, 27.2 (12 to 45) after recurrent dislocation, 34.5 (12 to 54) after successful revision surgery, 42 (29 to 55) after failed revision surgery and 17.4 (12 to 32) in the control group. The EuroQol-5 dimension questionnaire revealed more health problems in patients undergoing revision surgery.
The management of patients with a painful total knee replacement requires careful assessment and a stepwise approach in order to diagnose the underlying pathology accurately. The management should include a multidisciplinary approach to the patient’s pain as well as addressing the underlying aetiology. Pain should be treated with appropriate analgesia, according to the analgesic ladder of the World Health Organisation. Special measures should be taken to identify and to treat any neuropathic pain. There are a number of intrinsic and extrinsic causes of a painful knee replacement which should be identified and treated early. Patients with unexplained pain and without any recognised pathology should be treated conservatively since they may improve over a period of time and rarely do so after a revision operation.
Obesity is thought to be an aetiological factor for slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE). We analysed changes in the incidence of SCFE in Scotland over the last two decades. During this period rates of childhood obesity have risen substantially and evidence for a relationship between these changes and the incidence of SCFE was sought. We found that the incidence of SCFE increased from 3.78 per 100 000 children in 1981 to 9.66 per 100 000 in 2000 (R2 = 0.715): a two and a half times increase over two decades. It was seen at a younger age, with a fall in the mean age at diagnosis from 13.4 to 12.6 years for boys (p = 0.007) and 12.2 to 11.6 for girls (p = 0.047). More children under eight years old were seen with SCFE in Scotland in the decade to 2000 than in the previous decade (p = 0.002, R2 = 0.346). A close correlation was observed between rising childhood obesity over the last 20 years in Scotland and an increasing incidence of SCFE.