The recently published Prophylactic Antibiotic Regimens In Tumor Surgery (PARITY) trial found no benefit in extending antibiotic prophylaxis from 24 hours to five days after endoprosthetic reconstruction for lower limb bone tumours. PARITY is the first randomized controlled trial in orthopaedic oncology and is a huge step forward in understanding antibiotic prophylaxis. However, significant gaps remain, including questions around antibiotic choice, particularly in the UK, where cephalosporins are avoided due to concerns of Cite this article:
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are among the most common and debilitating knee injuries in professional athletes with an incidence in females up to eight-times higher than their male counterparts. ACL injuries can be career-threatening and are associated with increased risk of developing knee osteoarthritis in future life. The increased risk of ACL injury in females has been attributed to various anatomical, developmental, neuromuscular, and hormonal factors. Anatomical and hormonal factors have been identified and investigated as significant contributors including osseous anatomy, ligament laxity, and hamstring muscular recruitment. Postural stability and impact absorption are associated with the stabilizing effort and stress on the ACL during sport activity, increasing the risk of noncontact pivot injury. Female patients have smaller diameter hamstring autografts than males, which may predispose to increased risk of re-rupture following ACL reconstruction and to an increased risk of chondral and meniscal injuries. The addition of an extra-articular tenodesis can reduce the risk of failure; therefore, it should routinely be considered in young elite athletes. Prevention programs target key aspects of training including plyometrics, strengthening, balance, endurance and stability, and neuromuscular training, reducing the risk of ACL injuries in female athletes by up to 90%. Sex disparities in access to training facilities may also play an important role in the risk of ACL injuries between males and females. Similarly, football boots, pitches quality, and football size and weight should be considered and tailored around females’ characteristics. Finally, high levels of personal and sport-related stress have been shown to increase the risk of ACL injury which may be related to alterations in attention and coordination, together with increased muscular tension, and compromise the return to sport after ACL injury. Further investigations are still necessary to better understand and address the risk factors involved in ACL injuries in female athletes. Cite this article:
Despite being one of the most common injuries around the elbow, the optimal treatment of olecranon fractures is far from established and stimulates debate among both general orthopaedic trauma surgeons and upper limb specialists. It is almost universally accepted that stable non-displaced fractures can be safely treated nonoperatively with minimal specialist input. Internal fixation is recommended for the vast majority of displaced fractures, with a range of techniques and implants to choose from. However, there is concern regarding the complication rates, largely related to symptomatic metalwork resulting in high rates of implant removal. As the number of elderly patients sustaining these injuries increases, we are becoming more aware of the issues associated with fixation in osteoporotic bone and the often fragile soft-tissue envelope in this group. Given this, there is evidence to support an increasing role for nonoperative management in this high-risk demographic group, even in those presenting with displaced and/or multifragmentary fracture patterns. This review summarizes the available literature to date, focusing predominantly on the management techniques and available implants for stable fractures of the olecranon. It also offers some insights into the potential avenues for future research, in the hope of addressing some of the pertinent questions that remain unanswered. Cite this article:
Recognized anatomic variations that lead to patella instability include patella alta and trochlea dysplasia. Lateralization of the extensor mechanism relative to the trochlea is often considered to be a contributing factor; however, controversy remains as to the degree this contributes to instability and how this should be measured. As the tibial tuberosity-trochlear groove (TT-TG) is one of most common imaging measurements to assess lateralization of the extensor mechanism, it is important to understand its strengths and weaknesses. Care needs to be taken while interpreting the TT-TG value as it is affected by many factors. Medializing tibial tubercle osteotomy is sometimes used to correct the TT-TG, but may not truly address the underlying anatomical problem. This review set out to determine whether the TT-TG distance sufficiently summarizes the pathoanatomy, and if this assists with planning of surgery in patellar instability. Cite this article:
Dislocation following total hip arthroplasty (THA) is a well-known and potentially devastating complication. Clinicians have used many strategies in attempts to prevent dislocation since the introduction of THA. While the importance of postoperative care cannot be ignored, particular emphasis has been placed on preoperative planning in the prevention of dislocation. The strategies have progressed from more traditional approaches, including modular implants, the size of the femoral head, and augmentation of the offset, to newer concepts, including patient-specific component positioning combined with computer navigation, robotics, and the use of dual-mobility implants. As clinicians continue to pursue improved outcomes and reduced complications, these concepts will lay the foundation for future innovation in THA and ultimately improved outcomes. Cite this article:
In recent years, machine learning (ML) and artificial neural networks (ANNs), a particular subset of ML, have been adopted by various areas of healthcare. A number of diagnostic and prognostic algorithms have been designed and implemented across a range of orthopaedic sub-specialties to date, with many positive results. However, the methodology of many of these studies is flawed, and few compare the use of ML with the current approach in clinical practice. Spinal surgery has advanced rapidly over the past three decades, particularly in the areas of implant technology, advanced surgical techniques, biologics, and enhanced recovery protocols. It is therefore regarded an innovative field. Inevitably, spinal surgeons will wish to incorporate ML into their practice should models prove effective in diagnostic or prognostic terms. The purpose of this article is to review published studies that describe the application of neural networks to spinal surgery and which actively compare ANN models to contemporary clinical standards allowing evaluation of their efficacy, accuracy, and relatability. It also explores some of the limitations of the technology, which act to constrain the widespread adoption of neural networks for diagnostic and prognostic use in spinal care. Finally, it describes the necessary considerations should institutions wish to incorporate ANNs into their practices. In doing so, the aim of this review is to provide a practical approach for spinal surgeons to understand the relevant aspects of neural networks. Cite this article:
Aims. Instability remains a challenging problem in both primary and
revision total hip arthroplasty (THA). Dual mobility components
confer increased stability, but there are concerns about the unique
complications associated with these designs, as well as the long-term
survivorship. Materials and Methods. We performed a systematic review of all English language articles
dealing with dual mobility THAs published between 2007 and 2016
in the MEDLINE and Embase electronic databases. A total of 54 articles
met inclusion criteria for the final analysis of primary and revision
dual mobility THAs and dual mobility THAs used in the treatment
of fractures of the femoral neck. We analysed the survivorship and
rates of aseptic loosening and of intraprosthetic and extra-articular
dislocation. Results. For the 10 783 primary dual mobility THAs, the incidence of aseptic
loosening was 1.3% (142 hips); the rate of intraprosthetic dislocation
was 1.1% (122 hips) and the incidence of extra-articular dislocation
was 0.46% (41 hips). The overall survivorship of the acetabular
component and the dual mobility components was 98.0%, with all-cause revision
as the endpoint at a mean follow-up of 8.5 years (2 to 16.5). For the 3008 revision dual mobility THAs, the rate of aseptic
acetabular loosening was 1.4% (29 hips); the rate of intraprosthetic
dislocation was 0.3% (eight hips) and the rate of extra-articular
dislocation was 2.2% (67 hips). The survivorship of the acatabular
and dual mobility components was 96.6% at a mean of 5.4 years (2
to 8). For the 554 dual mobility THAs which were undertaken in patients
with a fracture of the femoral neck, the rate of intraprosthetic
dislocation was 0.18% (one hip), the rate of extra-articular dislocation
was 2.3% (13 hips) and there was one aseptic loosening. The survivorship
was 97.8% at a mean of 1.3 years (0.75 to 2). Conclusion. Dual mobility articulations are a viable alternative to traditional
bearing surfaces, with low rates of instability and good overall
survivorship in primary and revision THAs, and in those undertaken
in patients with a fracture of the femoral neck. The incidence of
intraprosthetic dislocation is low and limited mainly to earlier
designs. High-quality,
Aims. The diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infection can be difficult
due to the high rate of culture-negative infections. The aim of
this study was to assess the use of next-generation sequencing for
detecting organisms in synovial fluid. Materials and Methods. In this
Injuries to the hamstring muscle complex are common in athletes, accounting for between 12% and 26% of all injuries sustained during sporting activities. Acute hamstring injuries often occur during sports that involve repetitive kicking or high-speed sprinting, such as American football, soccer, rugby, and athletics. They are also common in watersports, including waterskiing and surfing. Hamstring injuries can be career-threatening in elite athletes and are associated with an estimated risk of recurrence in between 14% and 63% of patients. The variability in prognosis and treatment of the different injury patterns highlights the importance of prompt diagnosis with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in order to classify injuries accurately and plan the appropriate management. Low-grade hamstring injuries may be treated with nonoperative measures including pain relief, eccentric lengthening exercises, and a graduated return to sport-specific activities. Nonoperative management is associated with highly variable times for convalescence and return to a pre-injury level of sporting function. Nonoperative management of high-grade hamstring injuries is associated with poor return to baseline function, residual muscle weakness and a high-risk of recurrence. Proximal hamstring avulsion injuries, high-grade musculotendinous tears, and chronic injuries with persistent weakness or functional compromise require surgical repair to enable return to a pre-injury level of sporting function and minimize the risk of recurrent injury. This article reviews the optimal diagnostic imaging methods and common classification systems used to guide the treatment of hamstring injuries. In addition, the indications and outcomes for both nonoperative and operative treatment are analyzed to provide an evidence-based management framework for these patients. Cite this article:
The medial malleolus, once believed to be the primary stabilizer of the ankle, has been the topic of conflicting clinical and biomechanical data for many decades. Despite the relevant surgical anatomy being understood for almost 40 years, the optimal treatment of medial malleolar fractures remains unclear, whether the injury occurs in isolation or as part of an unstable bi- or trimalleolar fracture configuration. Traditional teaching recommends open reduction and fixation of medial malleolar fractures that are part of an unstable injury. However, there is recent evidence to suggest that nonoperative management of well-reduced fractures may result in equivalent outcomes, but without the morbidity associated with surgery. This review gives an update on the relevant anatomy and classification systems for medial malleolar fractures and an overview of the current literature regarding their management, including surgical approaches and the choice of implants. Cite this article: Abstract
Given the growing prevalence of obesity around
the world and its association with osteoarthritis of the knee, orthopaedic
surgeons need to be familiar with the management of the obese patient
with degenerative knee pain. The precise mechanism by which obesity
leads to osteoarthritis remains unknown, but is likely to be due
to a combination of mechanical, humoral and genetic factors. . Weight loss has clear medical benefits for the obese patient
and seems to be a logical way of relieving joint pain associated
with degenerative arthritis. There are a variety of ways in which
this may be done including diet and exercise, and treatment with
drugs and bariatric surgery. Whether substantial weight loss can
delay or even reverse the symptoms associated with osteoarthritis
remains to be seen. . Surgery for osteoarthritis in the obese patient can be technically
more challenging and carries a risk of additional complications.
Substantial weight loss before undertaking total knee replacement
is advisable. More
Ceramic bearings have several desirable properties, such as resistance to wear, hardness, and biocompatibility, that favour it as an articulating surface in hip arthroplasty. However, ceramic fracture remains a concern. We have reviewed the contemporary literature, addressing the factors that can influence the incidence of ceramic bearing surface fracture. Cite this article:
‘Big data’ is a term for data sets that are so
large or complex that traditional data processing applications are
inadequate. Billions of dollars have been spent on attempts to build predictive
tools from large sets of poorly controlled healthcare metadata.
Companies often sell reports at a physician or facility level based
on various flawed data sources, and comparative websites of ‘publicly
reported data’ purport to educate the public. Physicians should
be aware of concerns and pitfalls seen in such data definitions,
data clarity, data relevance, data sources and data cleaning when
evaluating analytic reports from metadata in health care. Cite this article:
Episodic, or bundled payments, is a concept now
familiar to most in the healthcare arena, but the models are often
misunderstood. Under a traditional fee-for-service model, each provider
bills separately for their services which creates financial incentives
to maximise volumes. Under a bundled payment, a single entity, often
referred to as a convener (maybe the hospital, the physician group,
or a third party) assumes the risk through a payer contract for
all services provided within a defined episode of care, and receives
a single (bundled) payment for all services provided for that episode.
The time frame around the intervention is variable, but defined
in advance, as are included and excluded costs. Timing of the actual payment
in a bundle may either be before the episode occurs (prospective
payment model), or after the end of the episode through a reconciliation
(retrospective payment model). In either case, the defined costs
over the defined time frame are borne by the convener. Cite this article:
Non-traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head
is a potentially devastating condition, the prevalence of which
is increasing. Many joint-preserving forms of treatment, both medical
and surgical, have been developed in an attempt to slow or reverse
its progression, as it usually affects young patients. However, it is important to evaluate the best evidence that is
available for the many forms of treatment considering the variation
in the demographics of the patients, the methodology and the outcomes
in the studies that have been published, so that it can be used
effectively. The purpose of this review, therefore, was to provide an up-to-date,
evidence-based guide to the management, both non-operative and operative,
of non-traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Cite this article:
The patient with a painful arthritic knee awaiting
total knee arthroplasty (TKA) requires a multidisciplinary approach.
Optimal control of acute post-operative pain and the prevention
of chronic persistent pain remains a challenge. The aim of this
paper is to evaluate whether stratification of patients can help
identify those who are at particular risk for severe acute or chronic
pain. Intense acute post-operative pain, which is itself a risk factor
for chronic pain, is more common in younger, obese female patients
and those suffering from central pain sensitisation. Pre-operative
pain, in the knee or elsewhere in the body, predisposes to central
sensitisation. Pain due to osteoarthritis of the knee may also trigger
neuropathic pain and may be associated with chronic medication like
opioids, leading to a state of nociceptive sensitisation called
‘opioid-induced hyperalgesia’. Finally, genetic and personality
related risk factors may also put patients at a higher risk for
the development of chronic pain. Those identified as at risk for chronic pain would benefit from
specific peri-operative management including reduction in opioid
intake pre-operatively, the peri-operative use of antihyperalgesic
drugs such as ketamine and gabapentinoids, and a close post-operative
follow-up in a dedicated chronic pain clinic. Cite this article:
The surgical community is plagued with a reputation
for both failing to engage and to deliver on clinical research.
This is in part due to the absence of a strong research culture, however
it is also due to a multitude of barriers encountered in clinical
research; particularly those involving surgical interventions. ‘Trauma’
amplifies these barriers, owing to the unplanned nature of care,
unpredictable work patterns, the emergent nature of treatment and
complexities in the consent process. This review discusses the barriers
to clinical research in surgery, with a particular emphasis on trauma.
It considers how barriers may be overcome, with the aim to facilitate
future successful clinical research. Cite this article: