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We measured the isokineticstrength of abduction, adduction, internal rotation, and external rotation in ten patients with full-thickness tears of the supraspinatus and ten with partial-thickness tears. The measurements were repeated after intra-articular or intrabursal injection of local anaesthetic. Pain blocks produced significant increases in strength in both full and partial-thickness tears. After the block, the strength in full-thickness tears compared with the opposite side was 67% to 81% in abduction and 67% to 78% in external rotation, both significantly smaller than those on the uninvolved side (p = 0.0064, p = 0.0170). In partial-thickness tears the strength after the block ranged from 82% to 111%, with no significant differences between the involved and uninvolved sides. The decreases in strength of 19% to 33% in abduction and 22% to 33% in external rotation after full-thickness tears appear to represent the contribution of supraspinatus to the strength of the shoulder