The use of arthroscopy of the hand and wrist has recently increased sharply in the elective setting and this, not surprisingly, has been followed by an increasing use in the trauma setting. Advocates for the use of arthroscopy in these patients cite the improved assessment of the displacement and reduction of fractures and the early diagnosis of associated injuries, while others temper this with concerns about increased operating time and possible complications. The data relating to patient-reported benefits and costs are limited. The aim of this review was to discuss the current available literature for the use of arthroscopy in the management of injuries of the hand and wrist. Cite this article:
Hallux valgus (HV) presents as a common forefoot deformity that causes problems with pain, mobility, footwear, and quality of life. The most common open correction used in the UK is the Scarf and Akin osteotomy, which has good clinical and radiological outcomes and high levels of patient satisfaction when used to treat a varying degrees of deformity. However, there are concerns regarding recurrence rates and long-term outcomes. Minimally invasive or percutaneous surgery (MIS) has gained popularity, offering the potential for similar clinical and radiological outcomes with reduced postoperative pain and smaller scars. Despite this, MIS techniques vary widely, hindering comparison and standardization. This review evaluates the evidence for both open Scarf and Akin osteotomy and newer-generation MIS techniques. Fourth-generation MIS emphasizes multiplanar rotational deformity correction through stable fixation. While MIS techniques show promise, their evidence mainly comprises single-surgeon case series. Comparative studies between open and MIS techniques suggest similar clinical and radiological outcomes, although MIS may offer advantages in scar length and less early postoperative pain. MIS may afford superior correction in severe deformity and lower recurrence rates due to correcting the bony deformity rather than
A modular femoral head–neck junction has practical
advantages in total hip replacement. Taper fretting and corrosion
have so far been an infrequent cause of revision. The role of design
and manufacturing variables continues to be debated. Over the past
decade several changes in technology and clinical practice might
result in an increase in clinically significant taper fretting and
corrosion. Those factors include an increased usage of large diameter
(36 mm) heads, reduced femoral neck and taper dimensions, greater
variability in taper assembly with smaller incision surgery, and
higher taper stresses due to increased patient weight and/or physical
activity. Additional studies are needed to determine the role of
taper assembly compared with design, manufacturing and other implant
variables. Cite this article:
This paper describes the presence of tenodesis effects in normal physiology and explores the uses of operative tenodesis in surgery of the upper limb.
Most proximal humeral fractures are stable injuries of the ageing population, and can be successfully treated non-operatively. The management of the smaller number of more complex displaced fractures is more controversial and new fixation techniques have greatly increased the range of fractures that may benefit from surgery. This article explores current concepts in the classification and clinical aspects of these injuries, reviewing the indications, innovations and outcomes for the most common methods of treatment.
High energy fractures of the pelvis are a challenging problem both in the immediate post-injury phase and later when definitive fixation is undertaken. No single management algorithm can be applied because of associated injuries and the wide variety of trauma systems that have evolved around the world. Initial management is aimed at saving life and this is most likely to be achieved with an approach that seeks to identify and treat life-threatening injuries in order of priority. Early mortality after a pelvic fracture is most commonly due to major haemorrhage or catastrophic brain injury. In this article we review the role of pelvic binders, angiographic embolisation, pelvic packing, early internal fixation and blood transfusion with regard to controlling haemorrhage. Definitive fixation seeks to prevent deformity and reduce complications. We believe this should be undertaken by specialist surgeons in a hospital resourced, equipped and staffed to manage the whole spectrum of major trauma. We describe the most common modes of internal fixation by injury type and review the factors that influence delayed mortality, adverse functional outcome, sexual dysfunction and venous thromboembolism.
Many radiographic techniques have been described for measuring patellar height. They can be divided into two groups: those that relate the position of the patella to the femur (direct) and those that relate it to the tibia (indirect). This article looks at the methods that have been described, the logic behind their conception and the critical analyses that have been performed to test them.
The dismal outcome of tuberculosis of the spine in the pre-antibiotic era has improved significantly because of the use of potent antitubercular drugs, modern diagnostic aids and advances in surgical management. MRI allows the diagnosis of a tuberculous lesion, with a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 88%, well before deformity develops. Neurological deficit and deformity are the worst complications of spinal tuberculosis. Patients treated conservatively show an increase in deformity of about 15°. In children, a kyphosis continues to increase with growth even after the lesion has healed. Tuberculosis of the spine is a medical disease which is not primarily treated surgically, but operation is required to prevent and treat the complications. Panvertebral lesions, therapeutically refractory disease, severe kyphosis, a developing neurological deficit, lack of improvement or deterioration are indications for surgery. Patients who present with a kyphosis of 60° or more, or one which is likely to progress, require anterior decompression, posterior shortening, posterior instrumented stabilisation and anterior and posterior bone grafting in the active stage of the disease. Late-onset paraplegia is best prevented rather than treated. The awareness and suspicion of an atypical presentation of spinal tuberculosis should be high in order to obtain a good outcome. Therapeutically refractory cases of tuberculosis of the spine are increasing in association with the presence of HIV and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
Non-accidental injury (NAI) in children includes orthopaedic trauma throughout the skeleton. Fractures with
We have reviewed the literature to establish the role of lateral retinacular release in the management of disorders of the extensor apparatus of the knee. The scientific evidence for intervention is explored and reports on outcome are discussed.
Neurological conditions affecting the hip pose a considerable challenge in replacement surgery since poor and imbalanced muscle tone predisposes to dislocation and loosening. Consequently, total hip replacement (THR) is rarely performed in such patients. In a systematic review of the literature concerning THR in neurological conditions, we found only 13 studies which described the outcome. We have reviewed the evidence and discussed the technical challenges of this procedure in patients with cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, poliomyelitis and following a cerebrovascular accident, spinal injury or development of a Charcot joint. Contrary to traditional perceptions, THR can give a good outcome in these often severly disabled patients.
We performed a systematic review of the optimal management of septic arthritis in children as recommended in the current English literature using MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, the Cochrane Library and reference lists of retrieved articles without date restrictions up to 31 January 2009. From 2236 citations, 227 relevant full-text articles were screened in detail; 154 papers fulfilled the inclusion criteria, from which conclusions were drawn on the management of infected joints in children. Our review showed that no single investigation, including joint aspiration, is sufficiently reliable to diagnose conclusively joint infection. The roles of aspiration, arthrotomy and arthroscopy in treatment are not clear cut, and the ideal duration of antibiotic therapy is not yet fully defined. These issues are discussed. Further large-scale, multi-centre studies are needed to delineate the optimal management of paediatric septic arthritis.
Although mechanical stabilisation has been a hallmark of orthopaedic surgical management, orthobiologics are now playing an increasing role. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a volume of plasma fraction of autologous blood having platelet concentrations above baseline. The platelet α granules are rich in growth factors that play an essential role in tissue healing, such as transforming growth factor-β, vascular endothelial growth factor, and platelet-derived growth factor. PRP is used in various surgical fields to enhance bone and
This review discusses the causes, outcome and prevention of whiplash injury, which costs the economy of the United Kingdom approximately £3.64 billion per annum. Most cases occur as the result of rear-end vehicle collisions at speeds of less than 14 mph. Patients present with neck pain and stiffness, occipital headache, thoracolumbar back pain and upper-limb pain and paraesthesia. Over 66% make a full recovery and 2% are permanently disabled. The outcome can be predicted in 70% after three months.
Fractures of the proximal interphalangeal joint include a wide spectrum of injuries, from stable avulsion fractures to complex fracture-dislocations. Stability of the joint is paramount in determining the appropriate treatment, which should aim to facilitate early mobilisation and restoration of function.
The operative treatment of displaced fractures of the tibial plateau is challenging. Recent developments in the techniques of internal fixation, including the development of locked plating and minimal invasive techniques have changed the treatment of these fractures. We review current surgical approaches and techniques, improved devices for internal fixation and the clinical outcome after utilisation of new methods for locked plating.
The management of patients with a painful total knee replacement requires careful assessment and a stepwise approach in order to diagnose the underlying pathology accurately. The management should include a multidisciplinary approach to the patient’s pain as well as addressing the underlying aetiology. Pain should be treated with appropriate analgesia, according to the analgesic ladder of the World Health Organisation. Special measures should be taken to identify and to treat any neuropathic pain. There are a number of intrinsic and extrinsic causes of a painful knee replacement which should be identified and treated early. Patients with unexplained pain and without any recognised pathology should be treated conservatively since they may improve over a period of time and rarely do so after a revision operation.
A comprehensive review of the literature relating to the pathology and management of the diabetic foot is presented. This should provide a guide for the treatment of ulcers, Charcot neuro-arthropathy and fractures involving the foot and ankle in diabetic patients.
The mammalian growth plate is a complex structure which is essential for the elongation of long bones. However, an understanding of how the growth plate functions at the cellular level is lacking. This review, summarises the factors involved in growth-plate regulation, its failure and the consequence of injury. We also describe some of the cellular mechanisms which underpin the increase in volume of the growth-plate chondrocyte which is the major determinant of the rate and extent of bone lengthening. We show how living in situ chondrocytes can be imaged using 2-photon laser scanning microscopy to provide a quantitative analysis of their volume. This approach should give better understanding of the cellular control of bone growth in both healthy and failed growth plates.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has become a ubiquitous bacterium in both the hospital and community setting. There are two major subclassifications of MRSA, community-acquired and healthcare-acquired, each with differing pathogenicity and management. MRSA is increasingly responsible for infections in otherwise healthy, active adults. Local outbreaks affect both professional and amateur athletes and there is increasing public awareness of the issue. Health-acquired MRSA has major cost and outcome implications for patients and hospitals. The increasing prevalence and severity of MRSA means that the orthopaedic community should have a basic knowledge of the bacterium, its presentation and options for treatment. This paper examines the evolution of MRSA, analyses the spectrum of diseases produced by this bacterium and presents current prevention and treatment strategies for orthopaedic infections from MRSA.