We have examined whether the rotatory subluxation of the scaphoid which is seen in patients with advanced Kienböck’s disease is associated with scapholunate advanced collapse (SLAC) wrist. We studied 16 patients (11 men, 5 women) who had stage-IV Kienböck’s disease with chronic subluxation of the scaphoid. All had received conservative treatment. The mean period of affection with Kienböck’s disease was 30 years (14 to 49). No wrist had SLAC. In eight patients, 24 years or more after the onset of the disease, the articular surface of the radius had been remodelled by the subluxed scaphoid with maintenance of the joint space. The wrists of six patients were considered to be excellent, nine good, and one fair according to the clinical criteria of Dornan. Our findings have shown that rotatory subluxation of the scaphoid in Kienböck’s disease is not a cause of SLAC wrist and therefore that scaphotrapezio-trapezoid arthrodesis is not required for the
Denervation surgery has been a mainstay of our
Various classifications of scaphoid fractures have been based on plain radiography, but there are difficulties in defining the actual fracture line without an appreciation of the three-dimensional anatomy. Radiological fracture lines were therefore mapped on transparent methylmethacrylate models of the bone. An analysis of 91 acute fractures showed that 11 were apparently incomplete. The other 80 showed three basic anatomical patterns: transverse through the waist, oblique in the plane of the dorsal sulcus, or of the proximal pole. There was some variation and comminution in these patterns, but no distal fractures of the body were seen. The interpretation of different radiological projections is discussed. The findings have implications for the