This study reports on a secondary exploratory analysis of the early clinical outcomes of a randomised clinical trial comparing robotic arm-assisted unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) for medial compartment osteoarthritis of the knee with manual UKA performed using traditional surgical jigs. This follows reporting of the primary outcomes of implant accuracy and gait analysis that showed significant advantages in the robotic arm-assisted group. A total of 139 patients were recruited from a single centre. Patients were randomised to receive either a manual UKA implanted with the aid of traditional surgical jigs, or a UKA implanted with the aid of a tactile guided robotic arm-assisted system. Outcome measures included the American Knee Society Score (AKSS), Oxford Knee Score (OKS), Forgotten Joint Score, Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) activity scale, Short Form-12, Pain Catastrophising Scale, somatic disease (Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders Score), Pain visual analogue scale, analgesic use, patient satisfaction, complications relating to surgery, 90-day pain diaries and the requirement for revision surgery.Objectives
Objectives. Preservation of both anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) can lead to near-normal post-operative joint mechanics and improved knee function. We hypothesised that a patient-specific bicruciate-retaining prosthesis preserves near-normal
Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) is a demanding procedure, with tibial component subsidence or pain from high tibial strain being potential causes of revision. The optimal position in terms of load transfer has not been documented for lateral UKA. Our aim was to determine the effect of tibial component position on proximal tibial strain. A total of 16 composite tibias were implanted with an Oxford Domed Lateral Partial Knee implant using cutting guides to define tibial slope and resection depth. Four implant positions were assessed: standard (5° posterior slope); 10° posterior slope; 5° reverse tibial slope; and 4 mm increased tibial resection. Using an electrodynamic axial-torsional materials testing machine (Instron 5565), a compressive load of 1.5 kN was applied at 60 N/s on a meniscal bearing via a matching femoral component. Tibial strain beneath the implant was measured using a calibrated Digital Image Correlation system.Objectives
Objectives. Whilst gait speed is variable between healthy and injured adults, the extent to which speed alone alters the 3D in vivo knee
The biomechanics of the patellofemoral joint can become disturbed during total knee replacement by alterations induced by the position and shape of the different prosthetic components. The role of the patella and femoral trochlea has been well studied. We have examined the effect of anterior or posterior positioning of the tibial component on the mechanisms of patellofemoral contact in total knee replacement. The hypothesis was that placing the tibial component more posteriorly would reduce patellofemoral contact stress while providing a more efficient lever arm during extension of the knee. We studied five different positions of the tibial component using a six degrees of freedom dynamic knee simulator system based on the Oxford rig, while simulating an active knee squat under physiological loading conditions. The patellofemoral contact force decreased at a mean of 2.2% for every millimetre of posterior translation of the tibial component. Anterior positions of the tibial component were associated with elevation of the patellofemoral joint pressure, which was particularly marked in flexion >
90°. From our results we believe that more posterior positioning of the tibial component in total knee replacement would be beneficial to the patellofemoral joint.
We evaluated two reconstruction techniques for a simulated posterolateral corner injury on ten pairs of cadaver knees. Specimens were mounted at 30° and 90° of knee flexion to record external rotation and varus movement. Instability was created by transversely sectioning the lateral collateral ligament at its midpoint and the popliteus tendon was released at the lateral femoral condyle. The left knee was randomly assigned for reconstruction using either a combined or fibula-based treatment with the right knee receiving the other. After sectioning, laxity increased in all the specimens. Each technique restored external rotatory and varus stability at both flexion angles to levels similar to the intact condition. For the fibula-based reconstruction method, varus laxity at 30° of knee flexion did not differ from the intact state, but was significantly less than after the combined method. Both the fibula-based and combined posterolateral reconstruction techniques are equally effective in restoring stability following the simulated injury.
Malrotation of the femoral component is a cause of patellofemoral maltracking after total knee arthroplasty. Its precise effect on the patellofemoral mechanics has not been well quantified. We have developed an in vitro method to measure the influence of patellar maltracking on contact. Maltracking was induced by progressively rotating the femoral component either internally or externally. The contact mechanics were analysed using Tekscan. The results showed that excessive malrotation of the femoral component, both internally and externally, had a significant influence on the mechanics of contact. The contact area decreased with progressive maltracking, with a concomitant increase in contact pressure. The amount of contact area that carries more than the yield stress of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene significantly increases with progressive maltracking. It is likely that the elevated pressures noted in malrotation could cause accelerated and excessive wear of the patellar button.
Hip simulators have been used for ten years to determine the tribological performance of large-head metal-on-metal devices using traditional test conditions. However, the hip simulator protocols were originally developed to test metal-on-polyethylene devices. We have used patient activity data to develop a more physiologically relevant test protocol for metal-on-metal devices. This includes stop/start motion, a more appropriate walking frequency, and alternating kinetic and
In a study on ten fresh human cadavers we examined the change in the height of the intervertebral disc space, the angle of lordosis and the geometry of the facet joints after insertion of intervertebral total disc replacements. SB III Charité prostheses were inserted at L3-4, L4-5, and L5-S1. The changes studied were measured using computer navigation sofware applied to CT scans before and after instrumentation. After disc replacement the mean lumbar disc height was doubled (p <
0.001). The mean angle of lordosis and the facet joint space increased by a statistically significant extent (p <
0.005 and p = 0.006, respectively). By contrast, the mean facet joint overlap was significantly reduced (p <
0.001). Our study indicates that the increase in the intervertebral disc height after disc replacement changes the geometry at the facet joints. This may have clinical relevance.
The human acetabulofemoral joint is commonly modelled as a pure ball-and-socket joint, but there has been no quantitative assessment of this assumption in the literature. Our aim was to test the limits and validity of this hypothesis. We performed experiments on four adult cadavers. Cortical pins, each equipped with a marker cluster, were implanted in the pelvis and the femur. Movements were recorded using stereophotogrammetry while an operator rotated the cadaver’s acetabulofemoral joint, exploiting the widest possible range of movement. The functional consistency of the acetabulofemoral joint as a pure spherical joint was assessed by comparing the magnitude of the translations of the hip joint centre as obtained on cadavers, with the centre of rotation of two metal segments linked through a perfectly spherical hinge. The results showed that the radii of the spheres containing 95% of the positions of the estimated centres of rotation were separated by less than 1 mm for both the acetabulofemoral joint and the mechanical spherical hinge. Therefore, the acetabulofemoral joint can be modelled as a spherical joint within the considered range of movement (flexion/extension 20° to 70°; abduction/adduction 0° to 45°; internal/external rotation 0° to 30°).
While the evolution of the bony skeleton of the shoulder girdle is well described, there is little information regarding the soft tissues, in particular of the rotator cuff. We dissected the shoulders of 23 different species and compared the anatomical features of the tendons of the rotator cuff. The alignment and orientation of the collagen fibres of some of the tendons were also examined histologically. The behaviour of the relevant species was studied, with particular reference to the extent and frequency of forward-reaching and overhead activity of the forelimb. In quadrupedal species, the tendons of supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor were seen to insert into the greater tuberosity of the humerus separately. They therefore did not form a true rotator cuff with blending of the tendons. This was only found in advanced primates and in one unusual species, the tree kangaroo. These findings support the suggestion that the appearance of the rotator cuff in the evolutionary process parallels anatomical adaptation to regular overhead activity and the increased use of the arm away from the sagittal plane.
Wear of polyethylene is associated with aseptic loosening of orthopaedic implants and has been observed in hip and knee prostheses and anatomical implants for the shoulder. The reversed shoulder prostheses have not been assessed as yet. We investigated the volumetric polyethylene wear of the reversed and anatomical Aequalis shoulder prostheses using a mathematical musculoskeletal model. Movement and joint stability were achieved by EMG-controlled activation of the muscles. A non-constant wear factor was considered. Simulated activities of daily living were estimated from After one year of use, the volumetric wear was 8.4 mm3 for the anatomical prosthesis, but 44.6 mm3 for the reversed version. For the anatomical prosthesis the predictions for contact pressure and wear were consistent with biomechanical and clinical data. The abrasive wear of the polyethylene in reversed prostheses should not be underestimated, and further analysis, both experimental and clinical, is required.
There has been only one limited report dating from 1941 using dissection which has described the tibiofemoral joint between 120° and 160° of flexion despite the relevance of this arc to total knee replacement. We now provide a full description having examined one living and eight cadaver knees using MRI, dissection and previously published cryosections in one knee. In the range of flexion from 120° to 160° the flexion facet centre of the medial femoral condyle moves back 5 mm and rises up on to the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. At 160° the posterior horn is compressed in a synovial recess between the femoral cortex and the tibia. This limits flexion. The lateral femoral condyle also rolls back with the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus moving with the condyle. Both move down over the posterior tibia at 160° of flexion. Neither the events between 120° and 160° nor the anatomy at 160° could result from a continuation of the
This study compared the effect of a computer-assisted and a traditional surgical technique on the
Nanometre-sized particles of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene have been identified in the lubricants retrieved from hip simulators. Tissue samples were taken from seven failed Charnley total hip replacements, digested using strong alkali and analysed using high-resolution field emission gun-scanning electron microscopy to determine whether nanometre-sized particles of polyethylene debris were generated We isolated nanometre-sized particles from the retrieved tissue samples. The smallest identified was 30 nm and the majority were in the 0.1 μm to 0.99 μm size range. Particles in the 1.0 μm to 9.99 μm size range represented the highest proportion of the wear volume of the tissue samples, with 35% to 98% of the total wear volume comprised of particles of this size. The number of nanometre-sized particles isolated from the tissues accounted for only a small proportion of the total wear volume. Further work is required to assess the biological response to nanometre-sized polyethylene particles.
The aim of this study was to validate the use of three models of fracture fixation in the assessment of technical skills. We recruited 21 subjects (six experts, seven intermediates, and eight novices) to perform three procedures: application of a dynamic compression plate on a cadaver porcine model, insertion of an unreamed tibial intramedullary nail, and application of a forearm external fixator, both on synthetic bone models. The primary outcome measures were the Objective Structural Assessment of technical skills global rating scale on video recordings of the procedures which were scored by two independent expert observers, and the hand movements of the surgeons which were analysed using the Imperial College Surgical Assessment Device. The video scores were significantly different for the three groups in all three procedures (p <
0.05), with excellent inter-rater reliability (α = 0.88). The novice and intermediate groups specifically were significantly different in their performance with dynamic compression plate and intramedullary nails (p <
0.05). Movement analysis distinguished between the three groups in the dynamic compression plate model, but a ceiling effect was demonstrated in the intramedullary nail and external fixator procedures, where intermediates and experts performed to comparable standards (p >
0.6). A total of 85% (18 of 21) of the subjects found the dynamic compression model and 57% (12 of 21) found all the models acceptable tools of assessment. This study has validated a low-cost, high-fidelity porcine dynamic compression plate model using video rating scores for skills assessment and movement analysis. It has also demonstrated that Synbone models for the application of and intramedullary nail and an external fixator are less sensitive and should be improved for further assessment of surgical skills in trauma. The availability of valid objective tools of assessment of surgical skills allows further studies into improving methods of training.
Achieving deep flexion after total knee replacement remains a challenge. In this study we compared the soft-tissue tension and tibiofemoral force in a mobile-bearing posterior cruciate ligament-sacrificing total knee replacement, using equal flexion and extension gaps, and with the gaps increased by 2 mm each. The tests were conducted during passive movement in five cadaver knees, and measurements of strain were made simultaneously in the collateral ligaments. The tibiofemoral force was measured using a customised mini-force plate in the tibial tray. Measurements of collateral ligament strain were not very sensitive to changes in the gap ratio, but tibiofemoral force measurements were. Tibiofemoral force was decreased by a mean of 40% (
We undertook a study on eight arms from fresh cadavers to define the clinical usefulness of the lesser sigmoid notch as a landmark when reconstructing the length of the neck of the radius in replacement of the head with a prosthesis. The head was resected and its height measured, along with several control measurements. This was compared with The results were highly reproducible with intra- and interclass correlations of >
0.99. The mean difference between the measurement on the excised head and the distance from the stump of the neck and the lesser sigmoid notch was −0.02 mm (−1.24 to +0.97). This difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.78). The proximal edge of the lesser sigmoid notch provides a reliable landmark for positioning a replacement of the radial head and may have clinical application.
One of the most controversial issues in total knee replacement is whether or not to resurface the patella. In order to determine the effects of different designs of femoral component on the conformity of the patellofemoral joint, five different knee prostheses were investigated. These were Low Contact Stress, the Miller-Galante II, the NexGen, the Porous-Coated Anatomic, and the Total Condylar prostheses. Three-dimensional models of the prostheses and a native patella were developed and assessed by computer. The conformity of the curvature of the five different prosthetic femoral components to their corresponding patellar implants and to the native patella at different angles of flexion was assessed by measuring the angles of intersection of tangential lines. The Total Condylar prosthesis had the lowest conformity with the native patella (mean 8.58°; 0.14° to 29.9°) and with its own patellar component (mean 11.36°; 0.55° to 39.19°). In the other four prostheses, the conformity was better (mean 2.25°; 0.02° to 10.52°) when articulated with the corresponding patellar component. The Porous-Coated Anatomic femoral component showed better conformity (mean 6.51°; 0.07° to 9.89°) than the Miller-Galante II prosthesis (mean 11.20°; 5.80° to 16.72°) when tested with the native patella. Although the Nexgen prosthesis had less conformity with the native patella at a low angle of flexion, this improved at mid (mean 3.57°; 1.40° to 4.56°) or high angles of flexion (mean 4.54°; 0.91° to 9.39°), respectively. The Low Contact Stress femoral component had the best conformity with the native patella (mean 2.39°; 0.04° to 4.56°). There was no significant difference (p >
0.208) between the conformity when tested with the native patella or its own patellar component at any angle of flexion. The geometry of the anterior flange of a femoral component affects the conformity of the patellofemoral joint when articulating with the native patella. A more anatomical design of femoral component is preferable if the surgeon decides not to resurface the patella at the time of operation.