Aims. To evaluate how fore- and midfoot coronal plane alignment differs in feet with hallux valgus (HV), using 3DCT when measured in standard weightbearing (SWB) versus sesamoid view (SV) position, and to determine whether first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) dorsiflexion affects the relationship between the
Introduction. The aetiology of hallux valgus is almost certainly multifactoral.
The biomechanics of the first ray is a common factor to most. There
is very little literature examining the anatomy of the proximal
metatarsal articular surface and its relationship to hallux valgus
deformity. Methods. We examined 42 feet from 23 specimens in this anatomical dissection
study. Results. This analysis revealed three distinct articular subtypes. Type
1 had one single facet, type 2 had two distinct articular facets,
and type 3 had three articular facets one of which was a lateral
inferior facet elevated from the first. Type 1 joints occurred exclusively
in the hallux valgus specimens, while type 3 joints occurred exclusively
in normal specimens. Type 2 joints occurred in both hallux valgus
and normal specimens. Another consistent finding in regards to the
proximal articular surface of the