1. A patient of sixty-eight suffering from enchondromatosis (Ollier's disease) is described. 2. A malignant tumour developed in the region of the lesser trochanter of the femur. Histological investigation established that it was an osteosarcoma. 3. Other features of interest are the radiographic appearance of Ollier's disease at an advanced age, and the presence of subcutaneous subcostal and retroperitoneal haemangiomata.
1. The radiographic appearances are no guide to prognosis or treatment of peroneal spastic flat foot. 2. Only 10 per cent of peroneal spastic flat feet are likely to cause severe persistent disability. 3. Severe symptomatic tarsal arthritis is exceptional in this condition.
1. We have described an operation the aim of which is to reduce the gap at the pubic symphysis which accompanies ectopia vesicae. 2. The operation. as it is now performed, simplifies subsequent bladder closure and repair of the associated divarication of the recti.
1. Experiments show relative weakness of the second metatarsal epiphysis at a certain stage of epiphysial maturation. 2. It is shown that at this stage Freiberg's infraction is likely to occur. 3. It has been demonstrated that even gross comminution with disruption of the articular cartilage of the second metatarsal head is compatible with a radiograph of almost normal appearance.