Hallux valgus (HV) presents as a common forefoot deformity that causes problems with pain, mobility, footwear, and quality of life. The most common open correction used in the UK is the Scarf and Akin osteotomy, which has good clinical and radiological outcomes and high levels of patient satisfaction when used to treat a varying degrees of deformity. However, there are concerns regarding recurrence rates and long-term outcomes. Minimally invasive or percutaneous
This paper describes the presence of tenodesis effects in normal physiology and explores the uses of operative tenodesis in
Polymethylmethacrylate remains one of the most enduring materials in orthopaedic
Although mechanical stabilisation has been a hallmark of orthopaedic surgical management, orthobiologics are now playing an increasing role. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a volume of plasma fraction of autologous blood having platelet concentrations above baseline. The platelet α granules are rich in growth factors that play an essential role in tissue healing, such as transforming growth factor-β, vascular endothelial growth factor, and platelet-derived growth factor. PRP is used in various surgical fields to enhance bone and soft-tissue healing by placing supraphysiological concentrations of autologous platelets at the site of tissue damage. The easily obtainable PRP and its possible beneficial outcome hold promise for new regenerative treatment approaches. The aim of this literature review was to describe the bioactivities of PRP, to elucidate the different techniques for PRP preparation, to review animal and human studies, to evaluate the evidence regarding the use of PRP in trauma and orthopaedic
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has become a ubiquitous bacterium in both the hospital and community setting. There are two major subclassifications of MRSA, community-acquired and healthcare-acquired, each with differing pathogenicity and management. MRSA is increasingly responsible for infections in otherwise healthy, active adults. Local outbreaks affect both professional and amateur athletes and there is increasing public awareness of the issue. Health-acquired MRSA has major cost and outcome implications for patients and hospitals. The increasing prevalence and severity of MRSA means that the orthopaedic community should have a basic knowledge of the bacterium, its presentation and options for treatment. This paper examines the evolution of MRSA, analyses the spectrum of diseases produced by this bacterium and presents current prevention and treatment strategies for orthopaedic infections from MRSA.
The use of arthroscopy of the hand and wrist has recently increased sharply in the elective setting and this, not surprisingly, has been followed by an increasing use in the trauma setting. Advocates for the use of arthroscopy in these patients cite the improved assessment of the displacement and reduction of fractures and the early diagnosis of associated injuries, while others temper this with concerns about increased operating time and possible complications. The data relating to patient-reported benefits and costs are limited. The aim of this review was to discuss the current available literature for the use of arthroscopy in the management of injuries of the hand and wrist. Cite this article:
Injuries to the quadriceps muscle group are common in athletes performing high-speed running and kicking sports. The complex anatomy of the rectus femoris puts it at greatest risk of injury. There is variability in prognosis in the literature, with reinjury rates as high as 67% in the severe graded proximal tear. Studies have highlighted that athletes can reinjure after nonoperative management, and some benefit may be derived from surgical repair to restore function and return to sport (RTS). This injury is potentially career-threatening in the elite-level athlete, and we aim to highlight the key recent literature on interventions to restore strength and function to allow early RTS while reducing the risk of injury recurrence. This article reviews the optimal diagnostic strategies and classification of quadriceps injuries. We highlight the unique anatomy of each injury on MRI and the outcomes of both nonoperative and operative treatment, providing an evidence-based management framework for athletes. Cite this article:
Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is one of the most dreaded complications after arthroplasty
A modular femoral head–neck junction has practical
advantages in total hip replacement. Taper fretting and corrosion
have so far been an infrequent cause of revision. The role of design
and manufacturing variables continues to be debated. Over the past
decade several changes in technology and clinical practice might
result in an increase in clinically significant taper fretting and
corrosion. Those factors include an increased usage of large diameter
(36 mm) heads, reduced femoral neck and taper dimensions, greater
variability in taper assembly with smaller incision
Most proximal humeral fractures are stable injuries of the ageing population, and can be successfully treated non-operatively. The management of the smaller number of more complex displaced fractures is more controversial and new fixation techniques have greatly increased the range of fractures that may benefit from
The dismal outcome of tuberculosis of the spine in the pre-antibiotic era has improved significantly because of the use of potent antitubercular drugs, modern diagnostic aids and advances in surgical management. MRI allows the diagnosis of a tuberculous lesion, with a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 88%, well before deformity develops. Neurological deficit and deformity are the worst complications of spinal tuberculosis. Patients treated conservatively show an increase in deformity of about 15°. In children, a kyphosis continues to increase with growth even after the lesion has healed. Tuberculosis of the spine is a medical disease which is not primarily treated surgically, but operation is required to prevent and treat the complications. Panvertebral lesions, therapeutically refractory disease, severe kyphosis, a developing neurological deficit, lack of improvement or deterioration are indications for
Orthopaedic outcome measures are used to evaluate the effect of operative interventions. They are used for audit and research. Knowledge of these measures is becoming increasingly important with league tables comparing surgeons and hospitals being made accessible to the profession and the general public. Several types of tool are available to describe outcome after hip
The management of bone loss in revision replacement of the knee remains a challenge despite an array of options available to the surgeon. Bone loss may occur as a result of the original disease, the design of the prosthesis, the mechanism of failure or technical error at initial
With the development of systems of trauma care the management of pelvic disruption has evolved and has become increasingly refined. The goal is to achieve an anatomical reduction and stable fixation of the fracture. This requires adequate visualisation for reduction of the fracture and the placement of fixation. Despite the advances in surgical approach and technique, the functional outcomes do not always produce the desired result. New methods of percutaneous treatment in conjunction with innovative computer-based imaging have evolved in an attempt to overcome the existing difficulties. This paper presents an overview of the technical aspects of percutaneous
Although the importance of sound statistical principles in the design and analysis of data has gained prominence in recent years, biostatistics, the application of statistics to the analysis of biological and medical data, is still a subject which is poorly understood and often mishandled. This review introduces, in the context of orthopaedic research, the terminology and the principles involved in simple data analysis, and outlines areas of medical statistics that have gained prominence in recent years. It also lists and provides an insight into some of the more common errors that occur in published orthopaedic journals and which are frequently encountered at the review stage in papers submitted to the Journal of Bone and Joint
Over the past 30 years there have been many improvements
in implant fixation, correction of deformity, improved polyethylene
wear, and survival after knee replacement. The work over the last
decade has focused on less invasive surgical techniques, multimodal
pain management protocols, more rapid functional recovery and reduced
length of stay, aiming to minimise the side effects of treatment
while maintaining function and implant durability. When combined
and standardised these pre-, intra- and post-operative factors have
now facilitated outpatient knee replacement procedures for unicompartmental
replacement, patella femoral arthroplasty and total knee replacement
(TKR). We have found liposomal bupivacaine, with potential for longer
therapeutic action, to be a helpful adjunct and describe our current
pain management program. The next step in our multimodal program
is to improve the duration of patient satisfaction and reduce cost
and length of stay after TKR. Cite this article:
Despite advances in contemporary hip and knee
arthroplasty, blood loss continues to be an issue. Though blood transfusion
has long been used to treat post-operative anemia, the associated
risks are well established. The objective of this article is to
present two practical and effective approaches to minimising blood
loss and transfusion rates in hip and knee arthroplasty: the use
of antifibrinolytic medications such as tranexamic acid and the
adoption of more conservative transfusion indications.
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) remains an immediate
threat to patients following total hip and knee replacement. While
there is a strong consensus that steps should be taken to minimise
the risk to patients by utilising some forms of prophylaxis for
the vast majority of patients, the methods utilised have been extremely
variable. Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) have been published
by various professional organisations for over 25 years to provide recommendations
to standardise VTE prophylaxis. Historically, these recommendations
have varied widely depending in underlying assumptions, goals, and
methodology of the various groups. This effort has previously been
exemplified by the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) and
the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). The former
group of medical specialists targeted minimising venographically
proven deep vein thrombosis (DVT) (the vast majority of which are
asymptomatic) as their primary goal prior to 2012. The latter group of
surgeons targeted minimising symptomatic VTE. As a result prior
to 2012, the recommendations of the two groups were widely divergent.
In the past year, both groups have reassessed the current literature
with the principal goals of minimising symptomatic VTE events and
bleeding complications. As a result, for the first time the CPGs
of these two major subspecialty organisations are in close agreement.
Coccydynia is a painful disorder characterised by coccygeal pain which is typically exaggerated by pressure. It remains an unsolved mystery because of the perceived unpredictability of the origin of the pain, some psychological traits that may be associated with the disorder, the presence of diverse treatment options, and varied outcomes. A more detailed classification based on the aetiology and pathoanatomy of coccydynia helps to identify patients who may benefit from conservative and surgical management. This review focuses on the pathoanatomy, aetiology, clinical features, radiology, treatment and outcome of coccydynia.