The biological significance of cobalt-chromium wear particles from metal-on-metal hip replacements may be different to the effects of the constituent
Metal-on-metal (MOM) bearings for hip arthroplasty are increasing in popularity. Concern remains, however, regarding the potential toxicological effects of the
We used demineralised bone matrix (DBM) to augment re-attachment of tendon to a
Periprosthetic osteolysis is a major cause of aseptic loosening in artificial joint replacement. It is assumed to occur in conjunction with the activation of macrophages. We have shown in vitro that human osteoblast-like cells, isolated from bone specimens obtained from patients undergoing hip replacement, phagocytose fine particles of titanium alloy (TiAlV). The human osteoblast-like cells were identified immunocytochemically by the presence of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP). With increasing duration of culture, a variable number of the osteoblastic cells became positive for the macrophage marker CD68, independent of the phagocytosis of particles, with a fine granular cytoplasmic staining which was coexpressed with BAP as revealed by immunodoublestaining. The
Wear products of metal implants are known to induce biological events which may have profound consequences for the microcirculation of skeletal muscle. Using the skinfold chamber model and intravital microscopy we assessed microcirculatory parameters in skeletal muscle after confrontation with titanium and stainless-steel wear debris, comparing the results with those of bulk materials. Implantation of stainless-steel bulk and debris led to a distinct activation of leukocytes combined with a disruption of the microvascular endothelial integrity and massive leukocyte extravasation. While animals with bulk stainless steel showed a tendency to recuperation, stainless-steel wear debris induced such severe inflammation and massive oedema that the microcirculation broke down within 24 hours after implantation. Titanium bulk caused only a transient increase in leukocyte-endothelial cell interaction within the first 120 minutes and no significant change in macromolecular leakage, leukocyte extravasation or venular diameter. Titanium wear debris produced a markedly lower inflammatory reaction than stainless-steel bulk, indicating that a general benefit of bulk
We examined the mechanical properties of Vicryl (polyglactin 910) mesh Mesh fibres were visible at six weeks but had been completely resorbed by 12 weeks, with no evidence of chronic inflammation. The tendon-implant neoenthesis was predominantly an indirect type, with tendon attached to the bone-hydroxyapatite surface by perforating collagen fibres.
Hip simulators have been used for ten years to determine the tribological performance of large-head metal-on-metal devices using traditional test conditions. However, the hip simulator protocols were originally developed to test metal-on-polyethylene devices. We have used patient activity data to develop a more physiologically relevant test protocol for metal-on-metal devices. This includes stop/start motion, a more appropriate walking frequency, and alternating kinetic and kinematic profiles. There has been considerable discussion about the effect of heat treatments on the wear of metal-on-metal cobalt chromium molybdenum (CoCrMo) devices. Clinical studies have shown a higher rate of wear, levels of
The treatment of bony defects of the tibia at the time of revision total knee replacement is controversial. The place of compacted morsellised bone graft is becoming established, particularly in contained defects. It has previously been shown that the initial stability of impaction-grafted trays in the contained defects is equivalent to that of an uncemented primary knee replacement. However, there is little biomechanical evidence on which to base a decision in the treatment of uncontained defects. We undertook a laboratory-based biomechanical study comparing three methods of graft containment in segmental medial tibial defects and compared them with the use of a modular
We carried out a cross-sectional study with analysis of the demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with metal-on-metal hip resurfacing, ceramic-on-ceramic and metal-on-polyethylene hip replacements. Our aim was to evaluate the relationship between metal-on-metal replacements, the levels of cobalt and chromium ions in whole blood and the absolute numbers of circulating lymphocytes. We recruited 164 patients (101 men and 63 women) with hip replacements, 106 with metal-on-metal hips and 58 with non-metal-on-metal hips, aged <
65 years, with a pre-operative diagnosis of osteoarthritis and no pre-existing immunological disorders. Laboratory-defined T-cell lymphopenia was present in13 patients (15%) (CD8. +. lymphopenia) and 11 patients (13%) (CD3. +. lymphopenia) with unilateral metal-on-metal hips. There were significant differences in the absolute CD8. +. lymphocyte subset counts for the metal-on-metal groups compared with each control group (p-values ranging between 0.024 and 0.046). Statistical modelling with analysis of covariance using age, gender, type of hip replacement, smoking and circulating
Previous research has shown an increase in chromosomal aberrations in patients with worn implants. The type of aberration depended on the type of
Proponents of the biological theory of aseptic loosening have in recent years tended to concentrate on the production and distribution of particulate ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) debris around the potential joint space. However, mechanical loading of cemented implants with the differing elastic moduli of
We compared the peripheral blood and periprosthetic tissues of 53 patients at revision arthroplasty with those of 30 patients at primary arthroplasty to determine whether there is a systemic difference in lymphocytes in patients with worn hip implants. The absolute number and relative proportion of lymphocytes bearing CD2, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD19, HLA-DR, kappa and lambda antigens were compared with the levels of IL-1β, IL-6 and PGE. 2. in the pseudosynovial membrane as well as with a semiquantitative estimate of
The human acetabulofemoral joint is commonly modelled as a pure ball-and-socket joint, but there has been no quantitative assessment of this assumption in the literature. Our aim was to test the limits and validity of this hypothesis. We performed experiments on four adult cadavers. Cortical pins, each equipped with a marker cluster, were implanted in the pelvis and the femur. Movements were recorded using stereophotogrammetry while an operator rotated the cadaver’s acetabulofemoral joint, exploiting the widest possible range of movement. The functional consistency of the acetabulofemoral joint as a pure spherical joint was assessed by comparing the magnitude of the translations of the hip joint centre as obtained on cadavers, with the centre of rotation of two
We examined stainless-steel, cobalt-chrome, titanium and alumina and zirconia ceramic femoral heads retrieved at revision surgery. All the heads had articulated against ultra-high-molecular-weight-polyethylene (UHMWPE) acetabular cups. We studied the simulation of third-body damage and the wear of UHMWPE against the various materials used for the heads. The surfaces of the retrieved heads were analysed using a two-dimensional contacting profilometer. Third-body damage was characterised by the mean height of the scratches above the mean line (R. pm. ). The alumina ceramic and zirconia ceramic retrieved heads were found to have significantly less damage. In laboratory studies the ceramics were also more resistant to simulated third-body damage than the
We compared and quantified the modes of failure and patterns of wear of 11 Mittelmeier and 11 Ceraver-Ostal retrieved alumina-alumina hip prostheses with reference to the corresponding clinical and radiological histories. Macroscopic wear was assessed using a three-dimensional co-ordinate measuring machine. Talysurf contacting profilometry was used to measure surface roughness on a microscopic scale and SEM to determine mechanisms of wear at the submicron level. The components were classified into one of three categories of wear: low (no visible/measurable wear), stripe (elliptical wear stripe on the heads and larger worn areas on the cups) and severe (macroscopic wear, large volumes of material lost). Overall, the volumetric wear of the alumina-alumina prostheses was substantially less than the widely used
We exposed human macrophages isolated from the peripheral blood of healthy donors to
Wear debris was extracted from 21 worn hip and knee replacements. Its mutagenic effects were tested on human cells in tissue culture using the micronucleus assay and fluorescent in situ hybridisation. The extracted wear debris increased the level of micronuclei in a linear dose-dependent manner but with a tenfold difference between samples. The concentration of titanium +/− vanadium and aluminium within the wear debris was linearly related both to the level of centromere-positive micronuclei in tissue culture, indicating an aneuploid event, and to the level of aneuploidy in vivo in peripheral blood lymphocytes. The concentration of cobalt and chromium +/− nickel and molybdenum in the wear debris correlated with the total index of micronuclei in tissue culture, both centromere-positive and centromere-negative i.e. both chromosomal breakage and aneuploidy events. The results show that wear debris can damage chromosomes in a dose-dependent manner which is specific to the type of
We compared wear particles from two different designs of total hip arthroplasty with polycrystalline alumina-ceramic bearings of different production periods (group 1, before ISO 6474: group 2, according to ISO 6474). The neocapsules and interfacial connective tissue membranes were retrieved after mean implantation times of 131 months and 38 months, respectively. Specimen blocks were freed from embedding media, either methylmethacrylate or paraffin and digested in concentrated nitric acid. Particles were then counted and their sizes and composition determined by SEM and energy-dispersive x-ray analysis (EDXA). The mean numbers and sizes of most alumina wear particles did not differ for both production periods, but the larger sizes of particle in group 1 point to more severe surface destruction. The increased
We aimed to assess whether the immunological abnormalities which have been observed in patients with loose total hip replacements (THRs) are present in patients with a well-fixed prosthesis. We examined blood samples from 39 healthy donors, 22 patients before THR and 41 with well-fixed THRs of different types (15 metal-on-metal, 13 metal-on-polyethylene, 13 ceramic-on-ceramic). Before THR, the patients showed a decrease in leukocytes and myeloid cells in comparison with healthy donors, and a prevalence of type-1 T lymphocytes, which was confirmed by the increase in ratio of interferon-γ to interleukin 4. Moreover, patients with metal-on-metal or metal-on-polyethylene implants showed a significant decrease in the number of T lymphocytes and a significant increase in the serum level of chromium and cobalt, although no significant correlation was observed with the immunological changes. In the ceramic-on-ceramic group, leukocytes and lymphocyte subsets were not significantly changed, but a significant increase in type-2 cytokines restored the ratio of interferon-γ to interleukin 4 to normal values. We conclude that abnormalities of the cell-mediated immune response may be present in patients with a well-fixed THR, and that the immunological changes are more evident in those who have at least one
Ten acetabular cups coated with hydroxyapatite (HA) had originally been inserted in five primary and five revision total hip replacements. The thickness of the HA was 155 ± 35 μm. The cups, which were well-fixed, were retrieved, with their adherent tissue, at reoperation after 0.3 to 5.8 years because of infection (five hips), wear of polyethylene (three hips), and instability (two hips). Undecalcified sections showed a direct contact between bone and osteoid-like tissue which had formed directly onto the HA coating. The area within the threads and their mirror images, as well as the implant-tissue interfaces consisted of similar amounts of bone and soft tissue. Degradation of HA was seen in all hips. The mean thickness of the remaining HA coating was 97 μm (95% CI 94 to 101). The