Several experimental models have been used to produce intravascular fat embolism. We have developed a simple technique to induce fat embolism using corn oil emulsified with distilled water to form fatty micelles. Fat embolism was produced by intravenous administration of these fatty micelles in anaesthetised rats, causing alveolar oedema, haemorrhage and increased lung weight. Histopathological examination revealed fatty droplets and fibrin thrombi in the lung, kidney and brain. The arteriolar lumen was filled with fatty deposits. Following fat embolism, hypoxia and hypercapnia occurred. The plasma phospholipase A2, nitrate/nitrite, methylguidanidine and proinflammatory cytokines were significantly increased. Mass spectrometry showed that the main ingredient of corn oil was oleic acid. This simple technique may be applied as a new animal model for the investigation of the mechanisms involved in the fat embolism syndrome.
Various chemicals are commonly used as adjuvant treatment to surgery for giant-cell tumour (GCT) of bone. The comparative effect of these solutions on the cells of GCT is not known. In this study we evaluated the cytotoxic effect of sterile water, 95% ethanol, 5% phenol, 3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and 50% zinc chloride (ZnCI2) on GCT monolayer tumour cultures which were established from six patients. The DNA content, the metabolic activity and the viability of the cultured samples of tumour cells were assessed at various times up to 120 hours after their exposure to these solutions. Equal cytotoxicity to the GCT monolayer culture was observed for 95% ethanol, 5% phenol, 3% H2O2 and 50% ZnCI2. The treated samples showed significant reductions in DNA content and metabolic activity 24 hours after treatment and this was sustained for up to 120 hours. The samples treated with sterile water showed an initial decline in DNA content and viability 24 hours after treatment, but the surviving cells were viable and had proliferated. No multinucleated cell formation was seen in these cultures. These results suggest that the use of chemical adjuvants other than water could help improve local control in the treatment of GCT of bone.
The stress response to trauma is the summation of the physiological response to the injury (the ‘first hit’) and by the response to any on-going physiological disturbance or subsequent trauma surgery (the ‘second hit’). Our animal model was developed in order to allow the study of each of these components of the stress response to major trauma. High-energy, comminuted fracture of the long bones and severe soft-tissue injuries in this model resulted in a significant tropotropic (depressor) cardiovascular response, transcardiac embolism of medullary contents and activation of the coagulation system. Subsequent stabilisation of the fractures using intramedullary nails did not significantly exacerbate any of these responses.