Normal function of the patellofemoral joint is maintained by a complex interaction between soft tissues and articular surfaces. No quantitative data have been found on the relative contributions of these structures to patellar stability. Eight knees were studied using a materials testing machine to displace the patella 10 mm laterally and medially and measure the force required. Patellar stability was tested from 0° to 90° knee flexion with the quadriceps tensed to 175 N. Four conditions were examined: intact, vastus medialis obliquus relaxed, flat lateral
The properties of impacted morsellised bone graft (MBG) in revision total knee arthroplasty (TKA) were studied in 12 horses. The left hind metatarsophalangeal joint was replaced by a human TKA. The horses were then randomly divided into graft and control groups. In the graft group, a unicondylar, lateral uncontained defect was created in the third metatarsal bone and reconstructed using autologous MBG before cementing the TKA. In the control group, a cemented TKA was implanted without the bone resection and grafting procedure. After four to eight months, the animals were killed and a biomechanical loading test was performed with a cyclic load equivalent to the horse’s body-weight to study mechanical stability. After removal of the prosthesis, the distal third metatarsal bone was studied radiologically, histologically and by quantitative and micro CT. Biomechanical testing showed that the differences in deformation between the graft and the control
MRI studies of the knee were performed at intervals between full extension and 120° of flexion in six cadavers and also non-weight-bearing and weight-bearing in five volunteers. At each interval sagittal images were obtained through both compartments on which the position of the femoral condyle, identified by the centre of its posterior circular surface which is termed the flexion facet centre (FFC), and the point of closest approximation between the femoral and tibial subchondral plates, the contact point (CP), were identified relative to the posterior tibial cortex. The movements of the CP and FFC were essentially the same in the three groups but in all three the medial differed from the lateral compartment and the movement of the FFC differed from that of the CP. Medially from 30° to 120° the FFC and CP coincided and did not move anteroposteriorly. From 30° to 0° the anteroposterior position of the FFC remained unchanged but the CP moved forwards by about 15 mm. Laterally, the FFC and the CP moved backwards together by about 15 mm from 20° to 120°. From 20° to full extension both the FFC and CP moved forwards, but the latter moved more than the former. The differences between the movements of the FFC and the CP could be explained by the sagittal shapes of the bones, especially anteriorly. The term ‘roll-back’ can be applied to solid bodies, e.g. the
Perilesional changes of chronic focal osteochondral defects were assessed in the knees of 23 sheep. An osteochondral defect was created in the main load-bearing region of the medial
There has been only one limited report dating from 1941 using dissection which has described the tibiofemoral joint between 120° and 160° of flexion despite the relevance of this arc to total knee replacement. We now provide a full description having examined one living and eight cadaver knees using MRI, dissection and previously published cryosections in one knee. In the range of flexion from 120° to 160° the flexion facet centre of the medial femoral condyle moves back 5 mm and rises up on to the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. At 160° the posterior horn is compressed in a synovial recess between the femoral cortex and the tibia. This limits flexion. The lateral femoral condyle also rolls back with the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus moving with the
Foreign-body reaction to polyglycolide (PGA) implants has been described in man. Many animal experiments have verified the mechanical properties of fixation devices made from PGA, but a significant foreign-body reaction has not been described. We studied the effect of PGA rods in 12 sheep with standardized osteochondral fractures of the medial femoral condyle fixed with uncoloured, self-reinforced PGA rods (Biofix). Radiographs were taken at intervals ranging from two weeks to two years, and the sheep were killed at intervals ranging from six to 24 months. All knees were examined histologically. Eleven of the 12 fractures healed radiologically and histologically. Moderate to severe osteolysis was seen at four to six weeks with maximum changes at 12 weeks in ten animals. Six knees showed fistula-like connections between the implant site and the joint space. Three developed synovitis, one with inflammatory changes involving the whole cartilage and one with destruction of the medial
Malpositioning of the trochanteric entry point
during the introduction of an intramedullary nail may cause iatrogenic
fracture or malreduction. Although the optimal point of insertion
in the coronal plane has been well described, positioning in the
sagittal plane is poorly defined. The paired femora from 374 cadavers were placed both in the anatomical
position and in internal rotation to neutralise femoral anteversion.
A marker was placed at the apparent apex of the greater trochanter,
and the lateral and anterior offsets from the axis of the femoral
shaft were measured on anteroposterior and lateral photographs. Greater
trochanteric morphology and trochanteric overhang were graded. The mean anterior offset of the apex of the trochanter relative
to the axis of the femoral shaft was 5.1 mm ( Placement of the entry position at the apex of the greater trochanter
in the anteroposterior view does not reliably centre an intramedullary
nail in the sagittal plane. Based on our findings, the site of insertion
should be about 5 mm posterior to the apex of the trochanter to
allow for its anterior offset. Cite this article:
Trochlear dysplasia is an important anatomical abnormality in symptomatic patellar instability. Our study assessed the mismatch between the bony and cartilaginous morphology in patients with a dysplastic trochlea compared with a control group. MRI scans of 25 knees in 23 patients with trochlear dysplasia and in 11 patients in a randomly selected control group were reviewed retrospectively in order to assess the morphology of the cartilaginous and bony trochlea. Inter- and intra-observer error was assessed. In the dysplastic group there were 15 women and eight men with a mean age of 20.4 years (14 to 30). The mean bony sulcus angle was 167.9° (141° to 203°), whereas the mean cartilaginous sulcus angle was 186.5° (152° to 214°; p <
0.001). In 74 of 75 axial images (98.7%) the cartilaginous contour was different from the osseous contour on subjective assessment, the cartilage exacerbated the abnormality. Our study shows that the morphology of the cartilaginous trochlea differs markedly from that of the underlying bony trochlea in patients with trochlear dysplasia. MRI is necessary in order to demonstrate the pathology and to facilitate surgical planning.
The understanding of rotational alignment of the distal femur is essential in total knee replacement to ensure that there is correct placement of the femoral component. Many reference axes have been described, but there is still disagreement about their value and mutual angular relationship. Our aim was to validate a geometrically-defined reference axis against which the surface-derived axes could be compared in the axial plane. A total of 12 cadaver specimens underwent CT after rigid fixation of optical tracking devices to the femur and the tibia. Three-dimensional reconstructions were made to determine the anatomical surface points and geometrical references. The spatial relationships between the femur and tibia in full extension and in 90° of flexion were examined by an optical infrared tracking system. After co-ordinate transformation of the described anatomical points and geometrical references, the projection of the relevant axes in the axial plane of the femur were mathematically achieved. Inter- and intra-observer variability in the three-dimensional CT reconstructions revealed angular errors ranging from 0.16° to 1.15° for all axes except for the trochlear axis which had an interobserver error of 2°. With the knees in full extension, the femoral transverse axis, connecting the centres of the best matching spheres of the femoral condyles, almost coincided with the tibial transverse axis (mean difference −0.8°,
One of the most controversial issues in total knee replacement is whether or not to resurface the patella. In order to determine the effects of different designs of femoral component on the conformity of the patellofemoral joint, five different knee prostheses were investigated. These were Low Contact Stress, the Miller-Galante II, the NexGen, the Porous-Coated Anatomic, and the Total Condylar prostheses. Three-dimensional models of the prostheses and a native patella were developed and assessed by computer. The conformity of the curvature of the five different prosthetic femoral components to their corresponding patellar implants and to the native patella at different angles of flexion was assessed by measuring the angles of intersection of tangential lines. The Total Condylar prosthesis had the lowest conformity with the native patella (mean 8.58°; 0.14° to 29.9°) and with its own patellar component (mean 11.36°; 0.55° to 39.19°). In the other four prostheses, the conformity was better (mean 2.25°; 0.02° to 10.52°) when articulated with the corresponding patellar component. The Porous-Coated Anatomic femoral component showed better conformity (mean 6.51°; 0.07° to 9.89°) than the Miller-Galante II prosthesis (mean 11.20°; 5.80° to 16.72°) when tested with the native patella. Although the Nexgen prosthesis had less conformity with the native patella at a low angle of flexion, this improved at mid (mean 3.57°; 1.40° to 4.56°) or high angles of flexion (mean 4.54°; 0.91° to 9.39°), respectively. The Low Contact Stress femoral component had the best conformity with the native patella (mean 2.39°; 0.04° to 4.56°). There was no significant difference (p >
0.208) between the conformity when tested with the native patella or its own patellar component at any angle of flexion. The geometry of the anterior flange of a femoral component affects the conformity of the patellofemoral joint when articulating with the native patella. A more anatomical design of femoral component is preferable if the surgeon decides not to resurface the patella at the time of operation.
We evaluated two reconstruction techniques for a simulated posterolateral corner injury on ten pairs of cadaver knees. Specimens were mounted at 30° and 90° of knee flexion to record external rotation and varus movement. Instability was created by transversely sectioning the lateral collateral ligament at its midpoint and the popliteus tendon was released at the lateral femoral condyle. The left knee was randomly assigned for reconstruction using either a combined or fibula-based treatment with the right knee receiving the other. After sectioning, laxity increased in all the specimens. Each technique restored external rotatory and varus stability at both flexion angles to levels similar to the intact condition. For the fibula-based reconstruction method, varus laxity at 30° of knee flexion did not differ from the intact state, but was significantly less than after the combined method. Both the fibula-based and combined posterolateral reconstruction techniques are equally effective in restoring stability following the simulated injury.
We implanted titanium and carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) femoral prostheses of the same dimensions into five prosthetic femora. An abductor jig was attached and a 1 kN load applied. This was repeated with five control femora. Digital image correlation was used to give a detailed two-dimensional strain map of the medial cortex of the proximal femur. Both implants caused stress shielding around the calcar. Distally, the titanium implant showed stress shielding, whereas the CFRP prosthesis did not produce a strain pattern which was statistically different from the controls. There was a reduction in strain beyond the tip of both the implants. This investigation indicates that use of the CFRP stem should avoid stress shielding in total hip replacement.
We compared the quality of debridement of chondral lesions performed by four arthroscopic (SH, shaver; CU, curette; SHCU, shaver and curette; BP, bipolar electrodes) and one open technique (OPEN, scalpel and curette) which are used prior to autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). The The most vertical walls with the least adjacent damage to cartilage were obtained with the OPEN technique. The CU and SHCU methods gave inferior, but still acceptable results whereas the SH technique alone resulted in a crater-like defect and the BP method undermined the cartilage wall. The subchondral bone was severely violated in all the equine samples which might have been peculiar to this model. The predominant depth of the debridement in the adult human samples was at the level of the calcified cartilage. Some minor penetrations of the subchondral end-plate were induced regardless of the instrumentation used. Our study suggests that not all routine arthroscopic instruments are suitable for the preparation of a defect for ACI. We have shown that the preferred debridement technique is either open or arthroscopically-assisted manual curettage. The use of juvenile equine stifles was not appropriate for the study of the cartilage-subchondral bone interface.
Hydroxyapatite-coated standard anatomical and customised femoral stems are designed to transmit load to the metaphyseal part of the proximal femur in order to avoid stress shielding and to reduce resorption of bone. In a randomised in vitro study, we compared the changes in the pattern of cortical strain after the insertion of hydroxyapatite-coated standard anatomical and customised stems in 12 pairs of human cadaver femora. A hip simulator reproduced the physiological loads on the proximal femur in single-leg stance and stair-climbing. The cortical strains were measured before and after the insertion of the stems. Significantly higher strain shielding was seen in Gruen zones 7, 6, 5, 3 and 2 after the insertion of the anatomical stem compared with the customised stem. For the anatomical stem, the hoop strains on the femur also indicated that the load was transferred to the cortical bone at the lower metaphyseal or upper diaphyseal part of the proximal femur. The customised stem induced a strain pattern more similar to that of the intact femur than the standard, anatomical stem.
The purpose of this anatomical study was to explore the morphological variations of the semitendinosus and gracilis tendons in length and cross-section and the statistical relationship between length, cross-section, and body height. We studied the legs of 93 humans in 136 cadavers. In 43 specimens (46.2%) it was possible to harvest the tendons from both legs. We found considerable differences in the length and cross-section of the semitendinosus and the gracilis tendons with a significant correlation between the two. A correlation between the length of the femur, reflecting height, and the length of the tendons was only observed in specimens harvested from women. The reason for this gender difference was unclear. Additionally, there was a correlation between the cross-sectional area of the tendons and the length of the femur. Surgeons should be aware of the possibility of encountering insufficient length of tendon when undertaking reconstructive surgery as a result of anatomical variations between patients.
Carbonate-substituted hydroxyapatite (CHA) is more osteoconductive and more resorbable than hydroxyapatite (HA), but the underlying mode of its action is unclear. We hypothesised that increased resorption of the ceramic by osteoclasts might subsequently upregulate osteoblasts by a coupling mechanism, and sought to test this in a large animal model. Defects were created in both the lateral femoral condyles of 12 adult sheep. Six were implanted with CHA granules bilaterally, and six with HA. Six of the animals in each group received the bisphosphonate zoledronate (0.05 mg/kg), which inhibits the function of osteoclasts, intra-operatively. After six weeks bony ingrowth was greater in the CHA implants than in HA, but not in the animals given zoledronate. Functional osteoclasts are necessary for the enhanced osteoconduction seen in CHA compared with HA.
The treatment of bony defects of the tibia at the time of revision total knee replacement is controversial. The place of compacted morsellised bone graft is becoming established, particularly in contained defects. It has previously been shown that the initial stability of impaction-grafted trays in the contained defects is equivalent to that of an uncemented primary knee replacement. However, there is little biomechanical evidence on which to base a decision in the treatment of uncontained defects. We undertook a laboratory-based biomechanical study comparing three methods of graft containment in segmental medial tibial defects and compared them with the use of a modular metal augment to bypass the defect. Using resin models of the proximal tibia with medial defects representing either 46% or 65% of the medial cortical rim, repair of the defect was accomplished using mesh, cement or a novel bag technique, after which impaction bone grafting was used to fill the contained defects and a tibial component was cemented in place. As a control, a cemented tibial component with modular metal augments was used in identical defects. All specimens were submitted to cyclical mechanical loading, during which cyclical and permanent tray displacement were determined. The results showed satisfactory stability with all the techniques except the bone bag method. Using metal augments gave the highest initial stability, but obviously lacked any potential for bone restoration.
Anatomical descriptions of the lateral retinaculum have been published, but the attachments, name or even existence of its tissue bands and layers are ill-defined. We have examined 35 specimens of the knee. The deep fascia is the most superficial layer and the joint capsule is the deepest. The intermediate layer is the most substantial and consists of derivatives of the iliotibial band and the quadriceps aponeurosis. The longitudinal fibres of the iliotibial band merge with those of the quadriceps aponeurosis adjacent to the patella. These longitudinal fibres are reinforced by superficial arciform fibres and on the deep aspect by transverse fibres of the iliotibial band. The latter are dense and provide attachment of the iliotibial band to the patella and the tendon of vastus lateralis obliquus. Our study identifies two important new findings which are a constant connection of the deep fascia to the quadriceps tendon superior and lateral to the patella, and, a connection of the deeper transverse fibres to the tendon of vastus lateralis obliquus.
Little is known about the increase in length of tendons in postnatal life or of their response to limb lengthening procedures. A study was carried out in ten young and nine adult rabbits in which the tibia was lengthened by 20% at two rates 0.8 mm/day and 1.6 mm/day. The tendon of the flexor digitorum longus (FDL) muscle showed a significant increase in length in response to lengthening of the tibia. The young rabbits exhibited a significantly higher increase in length in the FDL tendon compared with the adults. There was no difference in the amount of lengthening of the FDL tendon at the different rates. Of the increase in length which occurred, 77% was in the proximal half of the tendon. This investigation demonstrated that tendons have the ability to lengthen during limb distraction. This occurred to a greater extent in the young who showed a higher proliferative response, suggesting that there may be less need for formal tendon lengthening in young children.
Despite worldwide clinical use of bio-absorbable devices for internal fixation in orthopaedic surgery, the degradation behaviour and tissue replacement of these implants are not fully understood. In a long-term experimental study, we have determined the patterns of tissue restoration 36 and 54 months after implantation of polyglycolic acid and poly-laevo-lactic acid screws in the distal femur of the rabbit. After 36 months in the polyglycolic acid group the specimens showed no remaining polymer and loose connective tissue occupied 80% of the screw track. Tissue restoration remained poor at 54 months, the amounts of trabecular bone and haematopoietic elements being significantly lower than those in the intact control group. The amount of trabecular bone within the screw track at 54 months in the polyglycolic acid group was less than in the empty drill holes (p = 0.04). In the poly-laevo-lactic acid group, polymeric material was present in abundance after 54 months, occupying 60% of the cross-section of the core area of the screw track. When using absorbable internal fixation implants we should recognise that the degradation of the devices will probably not be accompanied by the restoration of normal trabecular bone.