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Scoliosis seen in the chicken after pinealectomy resembles adolescentidiopathic scoliosis in man. It has been suggested that in both species, deficiency of the pineal hormone, melatonin, is responsible for this phenomenon. In nine patients with adolescentidiopathic scoliosis and in ten age- and gender-matched controls, the circadian levels of serum melatonin and the excretion of urinary 6-hydroxy-melatonin-sulphate, the principal metabolite of melatonin, were determined. There were no statistically significant differences in the secretion of serum melatonin or the excretion of urinary 6-hydroxy-melatonin-sulphate between the patients and the control group. The hypothesis of melatonin deficiency as a causative factor in the aetiology of adolescentidiopathic scoliosis cannot be supported by our data