We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis
to compare the efficacy of intermittent mechanical
We report 79 cases of bone and joint tuberculosis between 1988 and 2005, eight of which were in the Caucasian population and 71 in the non-white population. The diagnosis was made in the majority (73.4%) by positive bacteriology and/or histology. The mean age at the time of diagnosis was higher in the Caucasian group at 51.5 years (28 to 66) than in the South Asian group at 36.85 years (12 to 93). Only one patient had previous BCG immunisation. The spine was the site most commonly affected (44.3%). Surgical stabilisation and/or decompression was performed in 23% of these cases because of cord
Controversy surrounds the aetiology of obstetric brachial plexus lesions. Most authors consider that it is caused by traction or
The Precice intramedullary limb-lengthening system has demonstrated significant benefits over external fixation lengthening methods, leading to a paradigm shift in limb lengthening. This study compares outcomes following antegrade and retrograde femoral lengthening in both adolescent and adult patients. A retrospective review of prospectively collected data was undertaken of a consecutive series of 107 femoral lengthening operations in 92 patients. In total, 73 antegrade nails and 34 retrograde nails were inserted. Outcome was assessed by the regenerate healing index (HI), hip and knee range of movement (ROM), and the presence of any complications.Aims
Patients and Methods
The purpose of this article is to provide the
reader with a seven-step checklist that could help in minimising
the risk of PJI. The check list includes strategies that can be
implemented pre-operatively such as medical optimisation, and reduction
of the bioburden by effective skin preparation or actions taking
during surgery such as administration of timely and appropriate
antibiotics or blood conservation, and finally implementation of
post-operative protocols such as efforts to minimise wound drainage
and haematoma formation. Cite this article:
Recent recommendations by the National Institute
for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) suggest that all patients undergoing
elective orthopaedic surgery should be assessed for the risk of
venous thromboembolism (VTE). Little is known about the incidence of symptomatic VTE after
elective external fixation. We studied a consecutive series of adult
patients who had undergone elective Ilizarov surgery without routine
pharmacological prophylaxis to establish the incidence of symptomatic
VTE. A review of a prospectively maintained database of consecutive
patients who were treated between October 1998 and February 2011
identified 457 frames in 442 adults whose mean age was 42.6 years
(16.0 to 84.6). There were 425 lower limb and 32 upper limb frames.
The mean duration of treatment was 25.7 weeks (1.6 to 85.3). According to NICE guidelines all the patients had at least one
risk factor for VTE, 246 had two, 172 had three and 31 had four
or more. One patient (0.23%) developed a pulmonary embolus after surgery
and was later found to have an inherited thrombophilia. There were
27 deaths, all unrelated to VTE. The cost of providing VTE prophylaxis according to NICE guidelines
in this group of patients would be £89 493.40 (£195.80 per patient)
even if the cheapest recommended medication was used. The rate of symptomatic VTE after Ilizarov surgery was low despite
using no pharmacological prophylaxis. This study leads us to question
whether NICE guidelines are applicable to these patients. Cite this article:
Injury to the sciatic nerve is one of the more serious complications of acetabular fracture and traumatic dislocation of the hip, both in the short and long term. We have reviewed prospectively patients, treated in our unit, for acetabular fractures who had concomitant injury to the sciatic nerve, with the aim of predicting the functional outcome after these injuries. Of 136 patients who underwent stabilisation of acetabular fractures, there were 27 (19.9%) with neurological injury. At initial presentation, 13 patients had a complete foot-drop, ten had weakness of the foot and four had burning pain and altered sensation over the dorsum of the foot. Serial electromyography (EMG) studies were performed and the degree of functional recovery was monitored using the grading system of the Medical Research Council. In nine patients with a foot-drop, there was evidence of a proximal acetabular (sciatic) and a distal knee (neck of fibula) nerve lesion, the double-crush syndrome. At the final follow-up, clinical examination and EMG studies showed full recovery in five of the ten patients with initial muscle weakness, and complete resolution in all four patients with sensory symptoms (burning pain and hyperaesthesia). There was improvement of functional capacity (motor and sensory) in two patients who presented initially with complete foot-drop. In the remaining 11 with foot-drop at presentation, including all nine with the double-crush lesion, there was no improvement in function at a mean follow-up of 4.3 years.
Treatment for osteoarthritis (OA) has traditionally
focused on joint replacement for end-stage disease. An increasing number
of surgical and pharmaceutical strategies for disease prevention
have now been proposed. However, these require the ability to identify
OA at a stage when it is potentially reversible, and detect small
changes in cartilage structure and function to enable treatment
efficacy to be evaluated within an acceptable timeframe. This has
not been possible using conventional imaging techniques but recent
advances in musculoskeletal imaging have been significant. In this
review we discuss the role of different imaging modalities in the
diagnosis of the earliest changes of OA. The increasing number of
MRI sequences that are able to non-invasively detect biochemical
changes in cartilage that precede structural damage may offer a
great advance in the diagnosis and treatment of this debilitating
condition. Cite this article:
This study was undertaken to evaluate the safety and efficacy of retrievable inferior vena cava filters in high-risk orthopaedic patients. A total of 58 patients had a retrievable inferior vena cava filter placed as an adjunct to chemical and mechanical prophylaxis, most commonly for a history of previous deep-vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, polytrauma, or expected prolonged immobilisation. In total 56 patients (96.6%) had an uncomplicated post-operative course. Two patients (3.4%) died in the peri-operative period for unrelated reasons. Of the 56 surviving patients, 50 (89%) were available for follow-up. A total of 32 filters (64%) were removed without complication at a mean of 37.8 days (4 to 238) after placement. There were four filters (8%) which were retained because of thrombosis at the filter site, and four (8%) were retained because of incorporation of the filter into the wall of the inferior vena cava. In ten cases (20%) the retrievable filter was left in place to continue as primary prophylaxis. No patient had post-removal thromboembolic complications. A retrievable inferior vena cava filter, as an adjunct to chemical and mechanical prophylaxis, was a safe and effective means of reducing the acute risk of pulmonary embolism in this high-risk group of patients. Although most filters were removed without complications, thereby avoiding the long-term complications that have plagued permanent indwelling filters, a relatively high percentage of filters had to be left
Ten patients, who were unsuitable for limb lengthening over an intramedullary nail, underwent lengthening with a submuscular locking plate. Their mean age at operation was 18.5 years (11 to 40). After fixing a locking plate submuscularly on the proximal segment, an external fixator was applied to lengthen the bone after corticotomy. Lengthening was at 1 mm/day and on reaching the target length, three or four screws were placed in the plate in the distal segment and the external fixator was removed. All patients achieved the pre-operative target length at a mean of 4.0 cm (3.2 to 5.5). The mean duration of external fixation was 61.6 days (45 to 113) and the mean external fixation index was 15.1 days/cm (13.2 to 20.5), which was less than one-third of the mean healing index (48 days/cm (41.3 to 55). There were only minor complications. Lengthening with a submuscular locking plate can successfully permit early removal of the fixator with fewer complications and is a useful alternative in children or when nailing is difficult.
Lengthening of the humerus is now an established
technique. We compared the complications of humeral lengthening
with those of femoral lengthening and investigated whether or not
the callus formation in the humerus proceeds at a higher rate than
that in the femur. A total of 24 humeral and 24 femoral lengthenings
were performed on 12 patients with achondroplasia. We measured the
pixel value ratio (PVR) of the lengthened area on radiographs and
each radiograph was analysed for the shape, type and density of
the callus. The quality of life (QOL) of the patients after humeral
lengthening was compared with that prior to surgery. The complication
rate per segment of humerus and femur was 0.87% and 1.37%, respectively.
In the humerus the PVR was significantly higher than that of the
femur. Lower limbs were associated with an increased incidence of
concave, lateral and central callus shapes. Humeral lengthening
had a lower complication rate than lower-limb lengthening, and QOL
increased significantly after humeral lengthening. Callus formation
in the humerus during the distraction period proceeded at a significantly
higher rate than that in the femur. These findings indicate that humeral lengthening has an important
role in the management of patients with achondroplasia.
Over a 13-year period we studied all patients who underwent major hip and knee surgery and were diagnosed with objectively confirmed symptomatic venous thromboembolism, either deep venous thrombosis or non-fatal pulmonary embolism, within six months after surgery. Low-molecular-weight heparin had been given while the patients were in hospital. There were 5607 patients. The cumulative incidence of symptomatic venous thromboembolism was 2.7% (150 of 5607), of which 1.1% had developed pulmonary embolism, 1.5% had deep venous thrombosis and 0.6% had both. Patients presented with deep venous thrombosis at a median of 24 days and pulmonary embolism at 17 days after surgery for hip fracture. After total hip replacement, deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism occurred at a median of 21 and 34 days respectively. After total knee replacement, the median time to the presentation of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism was 20 and 12 days respectively. The cumulative risk of venous thromboembolism lasted for up to three months after hip surgery and for one month after total knee replacement. Venous thromboembolism was diagnosed after discharge from hospital in 70% of patients who developed this complication. Despite hospital-based thromboprophylaxis, most cases of clinical venous thromboembolism occur after discharge and at different times according to the operation performed.
A total of 38 patients with leprosy and localised nerve damage (11 median at the wrist and 37 posterior tibial at the ankle) were treated by 48 freeze-thawed skeletal muscle autografts ranging between 2.5 cm and 14 cm in length. Sensory recovery was noted in 34 patients (89%) and was maintained during a mean period of follow-up of 12.6 years (4 to 14). After grafting the median nerve all patients remained free of ulcers and blisters, ten demonstrated perception of texture and eight recognised weighted pins. In the posterior tibial nerve group, 24 of 30 repairs (80%) resulted in improved healing of the ulcers and 26 (87%) demonstrated discrimination of texture. Quality of life and hand and foot questionnaires showed improvement; the activities of daily living scores improved in six of seven after operations on the hand, and in 14 of 22 after procedures on the foot. Another benefit was subjective improvement in the opposite limb, probably because of the protective effect of better function in the operated side. This study demonstrates that nerve/muscle interposition grafting in leprosy results in consistent sensory recovery and high levels of patient satisfaction. Ten of 11 patients with hand operations and 22 of 25 with procedures to the foot showed sensory recovery in at least one modality.
Over a two-year period, 265 Norwegian orthopaedic surgeons working at 71 institutions performed 63 484 operations under a tourniquet. Their replies to a questionnaire revealed that they mostly followed modern guidelines in their use of the tourniquet. Most felt that the tourniquet could be left on for two hours, and that it could be re-applied after 15 minutes. A total of 26 complications (one in 2442 operations) that might have been due to the tourniquet were reported, of which 15 were neurological. Three were in the upper limb (one in 6155 operations) and 12 in the lower limb (one in 3752 operations). Two were permanent (one in 31742 operations), but the remainder resolved within six months. One permanent and one transient complication occurred after tourniquet times of three hours. The incidence of tourniquet complications is still at least as high as that estimated in the 1970s.
The risk of venous thromboembolism in patients following arthroplasty may be reduced by continuing chemical thromboprophylaxis for up to 35 days post-operatively. This prospective cohort study investigated the compliance of 40 consecutive consenting patients undergoing lower limb arthroplasty with self-administration of a recommended subcutaneous chemotherapeutic agent for six weeks after surgery. Compliance was assessed by examination of the patient for signs of injection, number of syringes used, and a self-report diary at the end of the six-week period. A total of 40 patients, 15 men and 25 women, were recruited. One woman was excluded because immediate post-operative complications prevented her participation. Self-administration was considered feasible in 87% of patients (95% confidence interval (CI) 76 to 98) at the time of discharge. Among this group of 34 patients, 29 (85%) were compliant (95% CI 73 to 97). Patients can learn to self-administer subcutaneous injections of thromboprophylaxis, and compliance with extended prophylaxis to six weeks is good.