The pathogenesis of flat foot and its operative correction for severe cases are reviewed. The importance of the medial plantar fascia in maintaining the structural integrity of the foot is emphasised. Reinforcement of an incompetent plantar fascia by separating the inner half of the calcaneal tendon and attaching it to the neck of the first metatarsal has given results in three patients that were satisfactory at two, six and seven years later.
Two cases are reported in which
1. The results of treatment of 115 patients with Pott's paraplegia during a six and a half year period are reviewed. 2. The indications for operative interventionâin particular antero-lateral decompressionâ according to the duration, grade and type of paraplegia, are discussed. 3. No attempt has been made to justify the treatment of individual patients in the series, some of whom would undoubtedly have benefited from earlier operation; but lessons are pointed and conclusions drawn from the results, good and bad.