The ageing population and an increase in both
the incidence and prevalence of cancer pose a healthcare challenge, some
of which is borne by the orthopaedic community in the form of osteoporotic
fractures and metastatic bone disease. In recent years there has
been an increasing understanding of the pathways involved in bone
metabolism relevant to osteoporosis and metastases in bone. Newer
therapies may aid the management of these problems. One group of
drugs, the antibody mediated anti-resorptive therapies (AMARTs)
use antibodies to block bone resorption pathways. This review seeks
to present a synopsis of the guidelines, pharmacology and potential pathophysiology
of AMARTs and other new anti-resorptive drugs. We evaluate the literature relating to AMARTs and new anti-resorptives
with special attention on those approved for use in clinical practice. Denosumab, a monoclonal antibody against Receptor Activator for
Nuclear Factor Kappa-B Ligand. It is the first AMART approved by
the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence and the
US Food and Drug Administration. Other novel anti-resorptives awaiting
approval for clinical use include Odanacatib. Denosumab is indicated for the treatment of osteoporosis and
prevention of the complications of bone metastases. Recent evidence
suggests, however, that denosumab may have an adverse event profile
similar to bisphosphonates, including atypical femoral fractures.
It is, therefore, essential that orthopaedic surgeons are conversant
with these medications and their safe usage. Take home message: Denosumab has important orthopaedic indications
and has been shown to significantly reduce patient morbidity in
osteoporosis and metastatic bone disease. Cite this article:
Osteoporosis is common and the health and financial
cost of fragility fractures is considerable. The burden of cardiovascular
disease has been reduced dramatically by identifying and targeting
those most at risk. A similar approach is potentially possible in
the context of fragility fractures. The World Health Organization
created and endorsed the use of FRAX, a fracture risk assessment
tool, which uses selected risk factors to calculate a quantitative,
patient-specific, ten-year risk of sustaining a fragility fracture.
Treatment can thus be based on this as well as on measured bone
mineral density. It may also be used to determine at-risk individuals,
who should undergo bone densitometry. FRAX has been incorporated
into the national osteoporosis guidelines of countries in the Americas,
Europe, the Far East and Australasia. The United Kingdom National
Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence also advocates its
use in their guidance on the assessment of the risk of fragility
fracture, and it may become an important tool to combat the health
challenges posed by fragility fractures.
Antiplatelet agents are widely prescribed for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular events. A common clinical problem facing orthopaedic and trauma surgeons is how to manage patients receiving these agents who require surgery, either electively or following trauma. The dilemma is to balance the risk of increased blood loss if the antiplatelet agents are continued peri-operatively against the risk of coronary artery/stent thrombosis and/or other vascular event if the drugs are stopped. The traditional approach of stopping these medications up to two weeks before surgery appears to pose significant danger to patients and may require review. This paper covers the important aspects regarding the two most commonly prescribed antiplatelet agents, aspirin and clopidogrel.
Heterotopic ossification following joint replacement in the lower limb occurs in 3% to 90% of cases. Higher grades of heterotopic ossification can result in significant limitation of function and can negate the benefits of joint replacement. The understanding of the pathophysiology of this condition has improved in recent years. It would appear to be related to a combination of systemic and local factors, including over-expression of bone morphogenetic protein-4. There is currently little evidence to support the routine use of prophylaxis for heterotopic ossification in arthroplasty patients, but prophylaxis is recommended by some for high-risk patients. Radiotherapy given as one dose of 7 Gy to 8 Gy, either pre-operatively (<
four hours before) or post-operatively (within 72 hours of surgery), appears to be more effective than indometacin therapy (75 mg daily for six weeks). In cases of prophylaxis against recurrent heterotopic ossification following excision, recent work has suggested that a combination of radiotherapy and indometacin is effective. Advances in our understanding of this condition may permit the development of newer, safer treatment modalities.