The April 2023 Spine Roundup360 looks at: Percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy versus microendoscopic discectomy; Spine surgical site infections: a single debridement is not enough; Lenke type 5, anterior, or posterior: systematic review and meta-analysis; Epidural steroid injections and postoperative infection in lumbar decompression or fusion; Noninferiority of posterior cervical foraminotomy versus anterior cervical discectomy; Identifying delays to surgical treatment for metastatic disease; Cervical disc replacement and adjacent segment disease: the NECK trial; Predicting complication in adult spine deformity surgery.
The October 2023 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: Are pathological fractures in patients with osteosarcoma associated with worse survival outcomes?; Spotting the difference: how secondary osteosarcoma manifests in retinoblastoma survivors versus conventional cases; Accuracy of MRI scans in predicting intra-articular joint involvement in high-grade sarcomas around the knee; Endoprosthetic reconstruction for lower extremity soft-tissue sarcomas with bone involvement; Local relapse of soft-tissue sarcoma of the extremities or trunk wall operated on with wide margins without radiation therapy; 3D-printed, custom-made prostheses in patients who had resection of tumours of the hand and foot; Long-term follow-up for low-grade chondrosarcoma; Evaluation of local recurrence and diagnostic discordance in chondrosarcoma patients undergoing preoperative biopsy; Radiological scoring and resection grade for intraosseous chondrosarcoma.
The April 2024 Knee Roundup360 looks at: Challenging the status quo: re-evaluating the impact of obesity on unicompartmental knee arthroplasty outcomes; Timing matters: the link between ACL reconstruction delays and cartilage damage; Custom fit or off the shelf: evaluating patient outcomes in tailored versus standard knee replacements; Revolutionizing knee replacement: a comparative study on robotic-assisted and computer-navigated techniques; Pre-existing knee osteoarthritis and severe joint depression are associated with the need for total knee arthroplasty after tibial plateau fracture in patients aged over 60 years; Modern digital therapies?; A matched study on fracture rates following knee replacement surgeries;
The August 2024 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Antibiotic prophylaxis and infection rates in paediatric supracondylar humerus fractures; Clinical consensus recommendations for the non-surgical treatment of children with Perthes’ disease in the UK; Health-related quality of life in idiopathic toe walkers: a multicentre prospective cross-sectional study; Children with spinal dysraphism: a systematic review of reported outcomes; No delay in age of crawling, standing, or walking with Pavlik harness treatment: a prospective cohort study; No value found with routine early postoperative radiographs after implant removal in paediatric patients; What do we know about the natural history of spastic hip dysplasia and pain in total-involvement cerebral palsy?; Evaluating the efficacy and safety of preoperative gallows traction for hip open reduction in infants
The August 2024 Knee Roundup360 looks at: Calcification’s role in knee osteoarthritis: implications for surgical decision-making; Lower complication rates and shorter lengths of hospital stay with technology-assisted total knee arthroplasty; Revision surgery: the hidden burden on surgeons; Are preoperative weight loss interventions worthwhile?; Total knee arthroplasty with or without prior bariatric surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis; Aspirin triumphs in knee arthroplasty: a decade of evidence; Efficacy of DAIR in unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: a glimpse from Oxford.
The February 2024 Wrist & Hand Roundup360 looks at: Occupational therapy for thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis?; Age and patient-reported benefits from operative management of intra-articular distal radius fractures: a meta-regression analysis; Long-term outcomes of nonsurgical treatment of thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis: a cohort study; Semi-occlusive dressing versus surgery in fingertip injuries: a randomized controlled trial; Re-fracture in partial union of the scaphoid waist?; The WALANT distal radius fracture: a systematic review; Endoscopic carpal tunnel release with or without hand therapy?; Ten-year trends in the level of evidence in hand surgery.
The August 2023 Shoulder & Elbow Roundup360 looks at: Motor control or strengthening exercises for rotator cuff-related shoulder pain? A multi-arm randomized controlled trial; Does the choice of antibiotic prophylaxis influence reoperation rate in primary shoulder arthroplasty?; Common shoulder injuries in sport: grading the evidence; The use of medial support screw was associated with axillary nerve injury after plate fixation of proximal humeral fracture using a minimally invasive deltoid-splitting approach; MRI predicts outcomes of conservative treatment in patients with lateral epicondylitis; Association between surgeon volume and patient outcomes after elective shoulder arthroplasty; Arthroscopic decompression of calcific tendinitis without cuff repair; Functional outcome after nonoperative management of minimally displaced greater tuberosity fractures and predictors of poorer patient experience.
The December 2024 Shoulder & Elbow Roundup360 looks at: Predicting recurrence of instability after a primary traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation; Predictors of surgery and long-term outcomes in nonoperative management of full-thickness rotator cuff tears; Reverse shoulder arthroplasty viable despite acquired acromial compromise, but higher infection risk noted; LP-PRP reduces retear rates in rotator cuff repair but shows no functional outcome advantage; Long-term clinical outcomes of arthroscopic supraspinatus tendon repair using the single anchor tension band technique – minimum five-year follow-up; Arthroscopic stabilization for anterior shoulder dislocation shows low recurrence rates regardless of prior dislocations; ORIF outperforms arthroplasty for complex radial head fractures: mid-term outcomes; Routine use of surgical helmet systems may not reduce infection risk in shoulder arthroplasty.
The October 2024 Wrist & Hand Roundup360 looks at: Circumferential casting versus plaster splinting in preventing redisplacement of distal radial fractures; Comparable outcomes for operative versus nonoperative treatment of scapholunate ligament injuries in distal radius fractures; Perceived pain during the reduction of Colles fracture without anaesthesia; Diagnostic delays and physician training are key to reducing scaphoid fracture nonunion; Necrotizing fasciitis originating in the hand: a systematic review and meta-analysis; Study design influences outcomes in distal radial fracture research; Long-term results of index finger pollicization for congenital thumb anomalies: a systematic review; Enhancing nerve injury diagnosis: the evolving role of imaging and electrodiagnostic tools.
The December 2023 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: Distal femoral arthroplasty: medical risks under the spotlight; Quads repair: tunnels or anchors?; Complex trade-offs in treating severe tibial fractures: limb salvage versus primary amputation; Middle-sized posterior malleolus fractures – to fix?; Bone transport through induced membrane: a randomized controlled trial; Displaced geriatric femoral neck fractures; Risk factors for reoperation to promote union in 1,111 distal femur fractures; New versus old – reliability of the OTA/AO classification for trochanteric hip fractures; Risk factors for fracture-related infection after ankle fracture surgery.
The October 2014 Spine Roundup360 looks at: microdiscectomy is not exactly a hands-down winner; lumbar spinal stenosis unpicked; Wallis implant helpful in lumbosacral decompression; multidisciplinary rehabilitation is good for back pain; and understanding the sciatic stretch test.
The December 2014 Research Roundup360 looks at: demineralised bone matrix not as good as we thought?; trunk control following ACL reconstruction; subclinical thyroid dysfunction: not quite subclinical?; establishing musculoskeletal function in mucopolysaccharidosis; starting out: a first year in consultant practice under the spotlight; stroke and elective surgery; sepsis and clots; hip geometry and arthritis incidence; and theatre discipline and infection.
The October 2014 Shoulder &
Elbow Roundup360 looks at: PRP is not effective in tennis elbow; eccentric physiotherapy effective in subacromial pain; dexamethasone in shoulder surgery; arthroscopic remplissage for engaging Hill-Sach’s lesions; a consistent approach to subacromial impingement; delay in fixation of proximal humeral fractures detrimental to outcomes.
The October 2014 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: how best to reconstruct humeral tumours; not everything is better via the arthroscope; obesity and sarcoma; frozen autograft;
The June 2012 Research Roundup360 looks at: platelet-rich plasma; ageing, bone and mesenchymal stem cells; cytokines and the herniated intervertebral disc; ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and anti-inflammatories; the effect of NSAIDs on bone healing; osteoporosis of the fractured hip; herbal medicine and recovery after acute muscle injury; and ultrasound and the time to fracture union.
The August 2014 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: Anaesthesic modality does not affect outcomes in tumour surgery; infection predictors in orthopaedic oncology; sarcoma depth unimportant in survival; photon/proton radiotherapy surprisingly effective in chondrosarcoma control; total humerus replacement a success!; LDH simple predictor of survival in sarcoma; Denosumab again! and Oops procedures in triplicate.
The February 2014 Knee Roundup360 looks at: whether sham surgery is as good as arthroscopic meniscectomy; distraction in knee osteoarthritis; whether trans-tibial tunnel placement increases the risk of graft failure in ACL surgery; whether joint replacements prevent cardiac events; the size of the pulmonary embolism problem; tranexamic acid and knee replacement haemostasis; matching the demand for knee replacement and follow-up; predicting the length of stay after knee replacement; and popliteal artery injury in TKR.
The October 2013 Knee Roundup360 looks at: Make it easy, release the MCL; Do patients remember clinical information in day surgery?; Osteoarthritis and arthroscopy?; How best to double your bundles; When to operate for infection; Cementless unicompartment knee replacement?; Tibial tubercle-trochlear groove confusion; Tarts, cherries and osteoarthritis
The February 2014 Research Roundup360 looks at: blood supply to the femoral head after dislocation; diabetes and hip replacement; bone remodelling over two decades following hip replacement; sham surgery as good as arthroscopic meniscectomy; distraction in knee osteoarthritis; whether joint replacement prevent cardiac events; tranexamic acid and knee replacement haemostasis; cartilage colonisation in bipolar ankle grafts; CTs and proof of fusion; atorvastatin for muscle re-innervation after sciatic nerve transection; microfracture and short-term pain in cuff repair; promising early results from L-PRF augmented cuff repairs; and fatty degeneration in a rodent model.
The August 2012 Shoulder &
Elbow Roundup360 looks at: platelet-rich fibrin matrix and the torn rotator cuff; ultrasound, trainees, and ducks out of water; the torn rotator cuff and conservative treatment; Bankart repair and subsequent degenerative change; proprioception after shoulder replacement; surgery for a terrible triad, with reasonable short-term results; and the WORC Index.
The August 2012 Hip &
Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: whether cemented hip replacement might be bad for your health; highly cross-linked polyethylene; iHOT-33 - a new hip outcome measure; hamstring injuries; total hip replacement; stemmed metal-on-metal THR; bipolar hemiarthroplasty, neuromuscular disease and dislocation; the high risk of secondary hemiarthroplasty; and whether we have to repair the labrum after all?