The October 2024 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: Composite reconstruction: is it the answer for pelvic resections?; Can the cartilaginous thickness determine the risk of malignancy in pelvic cartilaginous tumours, and how accurate is the preoperative biopsy of these tumours?; Incidence and survival outcomes of patients with high-grade appendicular bone sarcoma and isolated regional lymph node metastasis; Improved metastatic-free survival after systematic re-excision following complete macroscopic unplanned excision of limb or trunk soft-tissue sarcoma; UK guidelines for the management of soft-tissue sarcomas; Current management of desmoid tumours: a review.
The August 2015 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: Glasgow prognostic score in soft-tissue sarcoma; Denosumab in giant cell tumour; Timing, complications and radiotherapy; Pigmented villonodular synovitis and arthroscopy; PATHFx: estimating survival in pathological cancer; Prosthetic lengthening of short stumps; Chondrosarcoma and pathological fracture