The April 2024 Foot & Ankle Roundup360 looks at: Safety of arthroscopy combined with radial extracorporeal shockwave therapy for osteochondritis of the talus; Bipolar allograft transplantation of the ankle; Identifying risk factors for osteonecrosis after talar fracture; Balancing act: immediate versus delayed weightbearing in ankle fracture recovery; Levelling the field: proximal supination osteotomy’s efficacy in severe and super-severe hallux valgus; Restoring balance: how adjusting the tibiotalar joint line influences movement after ankle surgery.
The February 2024 Foot & Ankle Roundup360 looks at: Survival of revision ankle arthroplasty; Tibiotalocalcaneal nail for the management of open ankle fractures in the elderly patient; Accuracy of a patient-specific total ankle arthroplasty instrumentation; Fusion after failed primary ankle arthroplasty: can it work?; Treatment options for osteochondral lesions of the talus; Managing hair tourniquet syndrome of toe: a rare emergency; Ultrasound-guided collagenase therapy for recurrent plantar fibromatosis: a promising line of therapy?.
The October 2023 Sports Roundup360 looks at: Extensor mechanism disruption in the treatment of dislocated and multiligament knee injuries; Treatment of knee osteoarthritis with injection of stem cells; Corticosteroid injection plus exercise or exercise alone as adjuvants for patients with plantar fasciitis?; Generalized joint hypermobility and a second ACL injury?; The VISA-A ((sedentary) questionnaire for Achilles tendinopathy?.
The December 2015 Research Roundup360 looks at: Biomarkers in periprosthetic joint infection; HbA1c and complications in arthroplasty; Getting to the bottom of biofilms; Effective antibiosis for biofilms; Stem cells and avascular necrosis; Predicting LOS in total joint arthroplasty; Long-term antibiotics reduce recurrence in periprosthetic infection
The December 2013 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: Re-operation for intertrochanteric hip fractures; Are twin incisions better than one round the acetabulum?; Salvage osteotomy for calcaneal fractures; Posterior dislocation; Should MRSA be covered in open fractures?; Characterising the saline load test; Has it healed: hip fractures under the spotlight; and stem cells present in atrophic non-union.
This article provides an overview of the role of genomics in sarcomas and describes how new methods of analysis and comparative screening have provided the potential to progress understanding and treatment of sarcoma. This article reviews genomic techniques, the evolution of the use of genomics in cancer, the current state of genomic analysis, and also provides an overview of the medical, social and economic implications of recent genomic advances.