Hip arthroscopy is a relatively new procedure and evidence to support its use remains limited. Well-designed prospective clinical trials with long-term outcomes are required, but study design requires an understanding of current practice. Our aim was to determine temporal trends in the uptake of non-arthroplasty hip surgery in England between 2001 and 2011. Using procedure and diagnosis codes, we interrogated the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) Database for all hip procedures performed between 2001 and 2011, excluding those relating to arthroplasty, tumour or infection. Osteotomy procedures were also excluded.Introduction
Subtle deformities of the acetabulum and proximal femur are recognised as biomechanical risk factors for the development of hip osteoarthritis (OA) as well as a cause of hip and groin pain. We undertook this study to examine relationships between a number of morphological measurements of the acetabulum and proximal femur and the hip pain in a 20-year longitudinal study. In 1989 women of 45–64 years of age were recruited. Each had an AP-Pelvis radiograph at Year-2. These radiographs were analysed using a validated programme for measuring morphology. All morphological measurements were read blinded to outcome. At year 3 all participants were asked whether they experienced hip pain (side specific). This was repeated at visits up to and including 20-years. Logistic regression analysis (with robust standard errors and clustering by subject identifier) was performed using hip pain as a binary outcome. The model adjusted for baseline age, BMI and joint space and included only participants who were pain free on initial questioning.Introduction