For phase angle (approximate magnitude 5°), no significant overall effects due to degeneration were found across any loading direction (P>
0.2). ANOVA analyses on maximum/minimum principal strains found no significant effect due to disc grade (P>
0.063). However, a small number of significant effects due to disc grade were found at particular strain gauge locations for the isolated disc in flexion, the intact FSU in extension, and the intact FSU/isolated disc in right lateral bending.
The non-significant small phase angles suggest that the disc behaves more like an elastic solid than a poroelastic material, and that dehydration associated with degeneration does not adversely affect damping. Principal strains were not significantly affected by disc degeneration overall, suggesting that the cortical shell adjacent to the disc-endplate boundary maintains a relatively homeostatic condition, with more dramatic architectural changes probably occurring within the trabecular bone. Applications of this research include providing important validation data for analytical/finite element models of the intact FSU and isolated disc segment, and a better understanding of the magnitudes of cortical strains that need to be maintained in order to avoid damaging vertebral bone stress-shielding effects after treatments for disc degeneration.
While maintaining the preload, FSUs were loaded in axial compression at 0.1 Hz through the NAB to 1 MPa in a saline bath for 5 sinusoidal cycles. Once tested, a radial tear was introduced via scalpel injury into the left postero-lateral region of the annulus and tested after one hour of re-equilibration. A final, more severe injury, in the form of removal of a 5 mm x 2 mm window of annulus at the same location was performed and tested after re-equilibration. Outcome measures were FSU stiffness, peak pressure, average pressure, contact area, and centroid of force location. Data was statistically analysed using repeated measures ANOVA or paired t-tests.
The system was used to determine pressure distributions in isolated vertebral bodies inferior to the disc, during axial compression of normal and injured discs of an ovine functional spinal unit.
The Tekscan system will be used to observe the effect of disc injury on the pressure distribution of the adjacent vertebral body. The relationship between the pressure distribution across the vertebral body and bone architecture will also be studied This study illustrated that this system is a valid tool for qualitatively and quantitatively assessing dynamic pressure distributions.