Genetic factors and impairment of central nervous system (CNS) are known factors in aetiology of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. MRI pathology of CNS (brain asymmetry, syringomyelia) was found. Perinatal pathology could cause damage of CNS.
In the AIS group, the mean onset of right thoracic curve was 12,2 years, apex vertebrae were T7 – T11 (T8 in 8 cases, T8–9 in 5, T9 in 12 cases), mean Cobb angle measured 49,0 degrees (SD 14,500), thoracic kyphosis T3-T12 19,9 (SD 12,167), lumbar lordosis T12-S1 –53,1 (SD 8,338). A questionnaire was created to identify parental age, diseases, mother diseases and remedies during pregnancy, pregnancy duration, child resuscitation, childbirth pathology, incubator, jaundice duration, diseases during the first year of life, beginning of sitting and standing, right or left handing. Results have been processed by software Statistica 7.1. StatSoft, Inc. (2005). For evaluation of potential difference between AIS and N groups two-sample t-test for continuous parameters was used. Two-sample t-test and Fisher test were testing the hypothesis that the values of parameters make no difference between two groups (on the 0,05 significant level).
- Occurrence of familiar scoliosis in AIS group – nine out of 39, 0 in N group. - Child diseases during the first year of life in N group –18 out of 28 in N, 10 out of 39 AIS. - Early sitting in AIS group (6,5 months), 7,6 in N. - More males in N group (15 out of 28), 8 out of 39 in AIS.
The aetiology of idiopathic scoliosis, despite of long-lasting efforts to disclose it, remains unknown. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the spine development after pinealectomy or cortical sensory motor area damage in the growing rats.
These statistically significant differences were found: higher surgery weight in PIN, longer surgery time in PIN and SMCA, lower lordosis in PIN and higher in CRDU, differences of all groups in kyphosis and in an end weight.
These damages could cause a disorder of balance between smaller inhibitory and greater facilitating area of CNS, controlling the muscular tone and resulting in the development of lordosis and scoliosis due to muscle imbalance.