Introduction: Osteonecrosis of the femoral head with joint space narrowing in young patients aged less than fifty years old was treated with posterior rotational osteotomy. Changes of the acetabular roof were observed after operation. Early remodeling of the acetabular roof after operation was studied radiographically.
Materials and Methods: Eighteen hips in 15 patients treated by posterior rotational osteotomy were subjects for this study. The age of the patients ranged from 15 to 50 (mean of 36 years). Eleven patients were women, 4 were men. The etiologic factors were steroid administration in 9 patients, alcoholic abuse in 1 patient, trauma in 7 patients, and no apparent factor in 1 patient. Changes of the acetabular roof on antero-posterior radiographs were observed at 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years postoperatively. Atrophic change and uniform shape of the acetabular roof was studied in each period.
Results: At 6 months after operation, atrophic change was noted on all 18 hips. None of uniform shape was found. Atrophic change of 10 hips (56%) was found 1 year postoperatively. Shape of acetabular roof was improved and uniformed in 8 hips. In all 18 hips 2 years after operation, shape of acetabular roof was remodeled and uniformed.
Discussion: From these results, we thought acetabular roof of femoral head involving necrosis with joint narrowing was remodeled at an early period postoperatively.