Bone regeneration is a complicate biological process of the skeletal system leading to restoration of the limb function. This process becomes more challenging in a case of critical size defect ( A previous study in our lab tested the usage of encapsulating The objective of this study was to investigate a new polymer formulation in order to produce the best environmental support for adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of MSC. In this study we found out that with the usage of Polyvinylacetate
Hydrogen-bonds between MSC and the partial negative charge on the carboxyl group as well as on the oxygens of the plasticizer that is intertwined within the membrane monomers. Electrostatic bonds between the positive charge (+1) on the transformed group monomers and the negative charge of MSC’s protein membrane. In summary, we have only started to reveal the remarkable potential of using MSC, and there are still many obstacles to overcome. However, applying the findings from this study, namely inserting a membrane coated with MSC into a CSD may become a true biological treatment option.