The Best Practice Tariff (BpT) for primary THR / TKR was established in 2014 and rewards good clinical practice with a £550 uplift on the £5000 basic reimbursement. For an ‘average unit’ performing 220 primary THR and 260 eligible knee surgeries (NJR data) this equates to £265,000 per year or over £1million since its inception. The aim of this study was to investigate why Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS Trust was not receiving this reimbursement. BpT is dependent on four factors (NHS England, PROMS): (i) the provider not having an average health gain significantly below the national average, (ii) a minimum National Joint Registry compliance rate of 85%, (iii) an NJR unknown consent rate below 15%, and (iv) a PROMs participation rate of 50%.Introduction
Materials & Methods