To evaluate efficacy of blood conservation strategies on transfusion requirements in adult scoliosis surgery and establish a protocol for cross matching. Retrospective review of 50 consecutive adult scoliosis patients treated using anterior only(14,28%), posterior only(19,38%) or combined(17,34%) approaches. All patients were anaesthetised by the same anaesthetist implementing a standard protocol using cell salvage, controlled hypotension and antifibrinolytics. Mean age was 24.6 years. BMI was 21.9. On an average 9.5(6-15) levels were fused, with an average duration of surgery of 284.6(130-550) minutes. Antifibrinolytics were used in 31(62%) of the patients which included Aprotinin in 21(42%) and Tranexamic acid in 10(20%). Patients on antifibrinolytics had a significantly (p<0.05) lower blood loss (530ml) as compared to other patients (672ml). Mean volume of the cell saved blood re-transfused was 693.8 ml and mean postoperative HB level dropped to 10.7 g/dl(7.7-15) from a mean preoperative of 13.3 g/dl(10-17). 7(42%) with combined approaches and 3(15.8%) with posterior only approach required blood transfusion, 4/50(8%) of which required intra while 6/50(12%) required intra and postoperative transfusion. None of the patients having anterior surgery alone required blood transfusion.Purpose
Methods and Results
Reported incidence of DVT after spinal surgery ranges from 0-15% and PE 0.5-2.7%. Theoretically, manipulation of the vessels and venous stasis caused by retraction during anterior lumbar inter-body fusion may increase the propensity for thrombosis. The reported incidence of DVT and PE following major abdominal and pelvic surgery are high (up to 23%) and all these patients routinely receive chemical prophylaxis. Should patients undergoing ALIF surgery receive chemical prophylaxis routinely?Introduction