Eight of the 13 frozen menisci were classified as grade III (61.54%) and 5 as grade II. In the control group 6 were classified as grade I (46.15%) and 7 as grade II (53.85%). Frozen menisci averaged 4.85 points and the control menisci 2.46 (p<
* Posterior portal: anterior branch of the axillary nerve and posterior circumflex artery 3.4 cm (range: 1.4 – 5); cutaneous branch of the axillary nerve 6.3 cm (range: 3.8 – 8.3), suprascapular nerve 2.8 cm (range: 2.1–3.3). * Anterosuperior portal: main branch of the musculocutaneous nerve 6.5 cm (range: 3.8 – 11). * Lateral subacromial portal: axillary nerve and posterior circumflex artery 3.7 cm (range: 2– 5.5). * Anteroinferior subaxillary portal 4 cm (range: 3.1 –6). * Supraspinatus portal: suprascapular nerve 3.2 cm (range: 2.4 – 4).