The preoperative criteria for our study were degenerative Osteoarthritis of the 1st MP joint, HV angle>
40° or IM I-II angle>
20°. The postoperative and radiologic control was continued for 11–18 months(M. 18m) 38 patients were very satisfied with the results,2 sat-isfied, 1 patient was claimed for reduced ROM of the 1st PIP joint. The mean rehabilitation time was 2,9 months(1,5–6M). Pre- and postoperative compare had shown a change at AOFAS score from 48 (19–80) to 87 (35–100),change of the HVA from 35,2° (29°–48°) to 16°(4°–33°) and change of the IM I-II angle from 14,7°(11°–19°) to 8,4°(6°–12°). The DMAA didn’t show any particular change. The major shortening of the 1st Metatarsal was 3mm. A t 1 patient we find early osteoarthitic changes, but we have seen no pseudarthrosis or Metatarsal Head Necrosis. At 10 patients we measured the 1st MP joint ROM<
75° and at 1 patient <