Some studies report greater repositioning error in LBP patients compared to healthy subjects with other studies showing no differences. This conflicting evidence may be due to different methodologies. A new tool, the Flexchair¯Back Balance Trainer measures consistency of lumbo-pelvic movement during visual tracking tasks which challenge the lumbo-pelvic region. This study aimed to establish the within day (WD) and between day (BD) reliability of a lumbo-pelvic tracking task using the Flexchair in healthy subjects, 22 subjects gave informed consent (10 females, 12 males (age 38.40(±9.29) Height 171.35cms (±8.07) weight 76.21kg (±18.55) Subjects completed six different tracking tasks on the Flexchair, 3 times in the first day with 2 hour of intervals between each test and once on a second and third visit with 2 days in between. Tests 1-6 are of increasing difficulty.Background