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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_1 | Pages 72 - 72
2 Jan 2024
Loiselle A
Full Access

During aging, tendons demonstrate substantial disruptions in homeostasis, leading to impairments in structure-function. Impaired tendon function contributes to substantial declines quality of life during aging. Aged tendons are more likely to undergo spontaneous rupture, and the healing response following injury is impaired in aged tendons. Thus, there is a need to develop strategies to maintain tendon homeostasis and healing capacity through the lifespan. Tendon cell density sharply declines by ∼12 months of age in mice, and this low cell density is retained in geriatric tendons. Our data suggests that this decline in cellularity initiates a degenerative cascade due to insufficient production of the extracellular matrix (ECM) components needed to maintain tendon homeostasis. Thus, preventing this decline in tendon cellularity has great potential for maintaining tendon health. Single cell RNA sequencing analysis identifies two changes in the aged tendon cell environment. First, aged tendons primarily lose tenocytes that are associated with ECM biosynthesis functions. Second, the tenocytes that remain in aged tendons have disruptions in proteostasis and an increased pro-inflammatory phenotype, with these changes collectively termed ‘programmatic skewing'. To determine which of these changes drives homeostatic disruption, we developed a model of tenocyte depletion in young animals. This model decreases tendon cellularity to that of an aged tendon, including decreased biosynthetic tenocyte function, while age-related programmatic skewing is absent. Loss of biosynthetic tenocyte function in young tendons was sufficient to induce homeostatic disruption comparable to natural aging, including deficits in ECM organization, composition, and material quality, suggesting loss biosynthetic tenocytes as an initiator of tendon degeneration. In contrast, our data suggest that programmatic skewing underpins impaired healing in aged tendons. Indeed, despite similar declines in the tenocyte environment, middle-aged and young-depleted tendons mount a physiological healing response characterized by robust ECM synthesis and remodeling, while aged tendons heal with insufficient ECM.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_7 | Pages 131 - 131
4 Apr 2023
Korcari A Nichols A Loiselle A
Full Access

Depletion of Scleraxis-lineage (ScxLin) cells in adult tendon recapitulates age-related decrements in cell density, ECM organization and composition. However, depletion of ScxLin cells improves tendon healing, relative to age-matched wildtype mice, while aging impairs healing. Therefore, we examined whether ScxLin depletion and aging result in comparable shifts in the tendon cell environment and defined the intrinsic programmatic shifts that occur with natural aging, to define the key regulators of age-related healing deficits.

ScxLin cells were depleted in 3M-old Scx-Cre+; Rosa-DTRF/+ mice via diphtheria toxin injections into the hindpaw. Rosa-DTRF/+ mice were used as wildtype (WT) controls. Tendons were harvested from 6M-old ScxLin depleted and WT mice, and 21-month-old (21M) C57Bl/6 mice (aged). FDL tendons (n=6) were harvested for single-cell RNAseq, pooled, collagenase digested, and sorted for single cell capture. Data was processed using Cell Ranger and then aligned to the annotated mouse genome (mm10). Filtering, unsupervised cell clustering, and differential gene expression (DEG) analysis were performed using Seurat.

Following integration and sub-clustering of the tenocyte populations, five distinct subpopulations were observed. In both ScxLin depletion and aging, ‘ECM synthesizers’ and ‘ECM organizers’ populations were lost, consistent with disruptions in tissue homeostasis and altered ECM composition. However, in ScxLin depleted mice retention of a ‘specialized ECM remodeler’ population was observed, while aging tendon cells demonstrated inflammatory skewing with retention of a ‘pro-inflammatory tenocyte population’. In addition, enrichment of genes associated with protein misfolding clearance were observed in aged tenocytes. Finally, a similar inflammatory skewing was observed in aged tendon-resident macrophages, with this skewing not observed in ScxLin depleted tendons.

These data suggest that loss of ‘ECM synthesizer’ populations underpins disruptions in tendon homeostasis. However, retention of ‘specialized remodelers’ promotes enhanced healing (ScxLin depletion), while inflammatory skewing may drive the impaired healing response in aged tendons.