We need to shift our focus to integrating sex and gender into research proposals, so we can answer some of the most basic unanswered questions in the field of fracture management. Current evidence in guidelines indicate a near-to-linear increase from the 1990s for inclusion of sex and gender. However, these recommendations remain expressed in absolute terms, with little explanatory power, affecting uptake and implementation in clinical practice. This co-branded session, with members of the Orthopaedic Research Society – International section of fracture repair (ORS-ISFR), will provide participants with guiding principles and tools to assist researchers and grant reviewers understand what it means to include sex and gender in meaningful ways: from formulating research questions, recruitment strategies, to conducting sex-stratified analyses. In this presentation, we will consider diverse approaches, methods and, analyses to elevate sex and gender within trauma. A strong emphasis on the ways and means of including marginalized and vulnerable populations in research will be addressed.