Freiberg's Infraction; osteonecrosis of the metatarsal head, is the fourth most common intra-articular osteonecrosis in the body. Surgical intervention is usually reserved for late stage of the disease process (III-V) or failure of conservative management. We evaluated the outcomes of patients treated with primary Interpositional Arthroplasty technique using periosteum and fat for adequate surfacing and as a spacer for Freiberg's Disease. Twenty-three cases (21 patients) were performed from February 2009 – March 2016 (18 women, 5 men). Mean age at surgery was 51.1 years (range 19 – 70.5 years) with 91% affecting the second metatarsal. Twenty-one cases were primary and two cases were revision. Five cases were stage III, 10 were in stage IV and 8 were stage V. All patients underwent Interpositional Arthroplasty using periosteum and fat graft from affected metatarsal inserted as joint spacer and secured with sutures. Patients were followed up by postal questionnaires using two validated questionnaires; MOXFQ and AOFAS. Mean follow-up was 3.7 years (0.6 – 7.6 years). Paired two-tailed student t tests were used to assess clinical significance. The left and right foot was affected in 12 and 11 cases respectively. There were no postoperative infections, non-unions or transfer metatarsalgia. Surgery allowed 8 patients to wear normal footwear, 9 wearing fashion shoes, 5 wearing dress shoes and 5 patients returned to sporting activities. Mean pre-operative and post-operative VAS pain scores were 6.7 (range 4–10) and 3.2 (range 0–0) (p< 0.05). Mean peri-operative AOFAS scores were 43.8 (range 14–14) and 71.3 (range 10–10) (p< 0.05). Mean peri-operative MOXFQ scores were 62.9 (range 23–23) and 31.8 (range 0–0) (p< 0.05). We recommend our novel Interpositional Arthroplasty using periosteum and fat spacer for late stage Freiberg's disease as it can result in significant improvement in pain, prevents donor site morbidity and produces significant functional improvement and patient satisfaction.
Despite the suggestion by Virchow in 1856 that thrombosis was the result of venous stasis, endothelial dysfunction and hypercoagulability there are some fundamental questions which remain to be answered. The published studies fail to provide specific details such as cast type and anatomical location of the thrombosis, but instead focus on the incidence of VTE and which chemical thromboprophylaxis is most effective. Previous studies of VTE in trauma patients have involved small numbers of patients and have not look at the risk medium to long term risk. Most importantly they have not looked at the site of the VTE. This makes interpretation of the link between cast and VTE even more complex. We analysed 1479 consecutive trauma cast applications and the incidence of symptomatic VTE in the six months following the injury. The diagonosis, cast type and site of the VTE was recorded.Background
The muscles of the leg collectively comprise the calf pump, however the action of each muscle group on calf pump function is not known. Patients with foot or ankle injury or surgery are often advised to perform foot and ankle movements to help prevent deep venous thrombosis. Our aim was to determine which foot and ankle movements were most effective in stimulating the calf pump. Method: Nine healthy participants were enrolled in this research and ethics approved prospective study. Participants with a previous history of peripheral vascular disease, varicose veins, deep venous thrombosis or previous foot and ankle surgery were excluded. Each participant followed a standardized protocol of foot and ankle movements, starting with foot in neutral position and the baseline and movement peak systolic velocity within the popliteal vein was measured during each movement. The movements tested were toe dorsiflexion, toe plantar flexion, ankle dorsiflexion, ankle plantar flexion. The mean patient age was 34 years (range 28–58), the majority were female (n = 6). All movements resulted in statistically significant changes in peak systolic velocity (p = <0.05). In order of decreasing peak velocity the exercises which had greatest effect on calf pump function were: Ankle dorsiflexion (101cm/s), Ankle plantarflexion (84cm/s), Toe dorsiflexion (63cm/s), Toe plantarflexion (59cm/s). We have shown that all four exercises significantly increased calf pump function. The greatest effect was seen with ankle movements.Introduction
The incidence of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in patients with lower limb cast immobilization occurs in up to 20% of patients. This may result from altered calf pump function causing venous stasis. Our aim was to determine the effects of below knee cast on calf pump function. Nine healthy participants were enrolled in this research and ethics approved prospective study. Four foot and ankle movements (toe dorsiflexion, toe plantar flexion, ankle dorsiflexion, ankle plantar flexion) and weight bearing were performed pre and post application of a below knee cast. Baseline and peak systolic velocity within the popliteal vein was measured during each movement. Participants with peripheral vascular disease, varicose veins, deep venous thrombosis or previous foot and ankle surgery were excluded.Introduction