Several local antibiotic-eluting drug delivery systems have been developed to treat bacterial bone infections. However, available systems have significant shortcomings, including suboptimal drug-release profiles with a burst followed by subtherapeutic release, which may lead to treatment failure and selection for drug resistance. Here, we present a novel injectable, biocompatible, These studies aimed to determine the therapeutic potential of CarboCell formulations for treatment of implant-associated osteomyelitis by mono- and dual antimicrobial therapy. The solubility and stability of several antibiotics were determined in various CarboCell formulations, and Aim
To conduct a systematic review of non-rodent animal models (rabbit, pig, dog, goat and sheep) of bone infection. In the future, anti-infective technologies aiming to fight bone infections are depending on evaluation in reliable animal models. Therefore, it is highly relevant to evaluate the scientific quality of existing bone infection models. PubMed and Web of Science were searched systematically. To be included in the systematic review, publications had to deal with bacterial inoculation of non-rodent animals in order to model bone infections in humans. Data was extracted on study design Aim
To investigate the local intra-operative concentration of gentamicin needed to prevent biofilm formation in a porcine model of implant-associated osteomyelitis. In total 24 pigs were allocated to six groups. Group A (n=6) was inoculated with saline. Groups B (n=6), C (n=3), D (n=3), E (n=3) and F (n=4) were inoculated with 10 μL saline containing 104 CFU of Aim
Despite the expanding research focusing on bacterial biofilm formation, specific histochemical biofilm stains have not been developed for light microscopy. Therefore, pathologists are often not aware of the presence of biofilm formation when examining slides for diagnosing bacterial infections, including orthopaedic infections. The aim of the present study was to develop a combined histochemical and immunohistochemical biofilm stain for simultaneous visualization of Infected bone tissue was collected from two different porcine models of osteomyelitis inoculated with the biofilm forming Aim