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Purpose: The correlation of surgical wounds for total hip and knee replacements with the presentation or recurrence of skin disorders.
Materials-method: In 9 patients, 5 men and 4 women, operated for total knee replacement and 1 patient, a female, operated for total hip replacement, skin disorders appeared around their surgical wounds. The female patient with the THR sustained a herpes zoster in the operated buttock 8 months after surgery. 1 patient with leuke had an exaltation of symptoms the wounds of both operated knees. 6 patients, 2 men and 4 women, had increased growth of hair on both sides of the wound some months after the TKR, in contrast with the rest of their skin. 1 patient with psoriasis had increased local symptoms after a TKR compared with the non-operated side. Finally, 1 patient, 25 days after a TKR, sustained an exanthema around his wound.
Conclusion: Total joint replacement may rarely be the cause for the presentation or recurrence of skin disorders around the surgical wounds.