Cartilage lesions often undergo irreversible progression due to low self-repair capability of this tissue. Tissue engineered approaches based in extrusion bioprinting of constructs loaded with stem cell spheroids may offer valuable alternatives for the treatment of cartilage lesions. Human mesenchymal stromal cell (hMSC) spheroids can be chondrogenically differentiated faster and more efficiently than single cells. This approach allows obtaining larger tissues in a rapid, controlled and reproducible way. However, it is challenging to control tissue architecture, construct stability, and cell viability during maturation. In this study we aimed at the development of a reproducible bioprinting process followed by post-bioprinting chondrogenic differentiation procedure using large quantities of hMSC spheroids encapsulated in a xanthan gum-alginate hydrogel. Multi-layered constructs were bioprinted, ionically crosslinked, and chondrogenically differentiated for 28 days. The expression of glycosaminoglycan, collagen II and IV were observed. After 56 days in culture, the bioprinted constructs were still stable and show satisfactory cell metabolic activity with profuse extracellular matrix production. These results showed a promising procedure to obtain 3D cartilage-like constructs that could be potential use as stable chondral tissue implants for future therapies.