Idiopathic osteoarthritis (OA) is a complex, late-onset disease whose causes are still unknown. In spite of tremendous efforts, the search for the genes pre-disposing towards osteoarthritis has so far met with little success. We hypothesize that epigenetic changes play a major role in the pathology of OA. Epigenetics refers to stable, heritable, but potentially reversible modifications of gene expression that do not involve mutations in the DNA sequence, for example DNA methylation or histone modification. Epigenetic changes are gene and cell-type specific, may arise sporadically with increasing age or be provoked by environmental factors. To investigate whether epigenetic changes are significant factors in OA, we examined the DNA methylation status of the promoter regions of three genes that are expressed by OA, but not by normal, articular chondrocytes, namely MMP-3 (stromelysin-1), MMP-9 (gelatinase B) and MMP-13 (collagenase3). We hypothesized that these genes are silenced in normal chondrocytes by methylation of the cytosines of CpG dinucleotides in the respective promoter regions, but that abnormal expression is associated with a de-methylation, leading to eunsilencing f of gene expression. Cartilage was obtained from the femoral heads of 16 OA and 10 femoral neck fracture (#NOF) patients, which served as controls due to the inverse relationship between osteoporosis and OA. The cartilage was milled in a freezer mill with liquid nitrogen, DNA was extracted with a Qiagen kit, digested with methylation sensitive restriction enzymes, followed by PCR amplification. These enzymes will cut at their specific cleavage sites only if the CpGs is not methylated and thus allow us to determine methylation status of specific CpG sites.