A pedobarograph is a device that records pressures exerted by the foot on contact with the ground. Clinically most publications using pedobarography investigated diabetic foot pressures for prevention of ulcers, and assessing gait and sway. Only limited work was done on the effects of foot surgery on foot pressures. Any comparison between papers is hampered by the absence of available defined normal ranges of foot pressures. The objective of the research project is to describe the foot pressures for 250 volunteers and to identify any trends and relationships of age, sex, body mass index (BMI), shoe & foot size and ethnic origin to foot pressures. The study is to provide a baseline upon which further comparative clinical research can be built.Background
Aims of Study
Out of the grand total of 662, 3 were form Bangor hospital, 10 were from Barnsley, 20 were from Basset-law, 2 were from Cardiff, 1 was from Claremont, 38 were from Derby, 18 were from Doncaster, 138 were from Leicester, 1 was from Glan Glwyd, 17 were from Grantham, 121 were from KMH, 2 were from Lincoln, 23 were from Llandough Hospital, 131 were from NGH, 86 were from Nottingham City, 2 were from Parkhill Hospital, 1 was from Pilgrim Hospital, 2 were from Prince Phillip Hospital, 4 were from QMC, 28 were from Royal Gwent, 2 were from Rotherham, 1 was from Thornbury Hospital, 4 were from WWG, 3 were from WWQ. The rest of the revisions were anonymous to place. 344 cases were males, 304 were females and the rest were anonymous. The average age for males was 74 years and the average age for females was 75 years. 330 operations were carried out on right knees, while 302 were on the left side. The rest were anonymous. 491 revisions were carried out by Consultants, 19 were carried out by a Staff Grade, 37 were carried out by Registrars, 28 were carried out by others and the rest were anonymous. To be noted is that in 414 revisions the surgeons had no assistant. 253 knees were cemented, 10 were marked as uncemented and the rest were anonymous. Bone Grafts were used in 71 patients and augments were used in 107.